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Everything posted by djamb3

  1. And you can't forget Benfica played with the most important players injured (Simao, Karagounis, Miccoli, Manuel Fernandes, Moreira.....) And frankly I'd also liked to have Arsenal.I just don't want Juventus or Barcelona....
  2. GANHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMOS BENFICA!!!! BENFICA!!!!! I'm just crying...I love you Benfica!!!!!
  3. I just want to play with Sheik again:) But ridley from metroid or viewtful joe would be good new characters.
  4. Maybe we should send this page to nintendo so they can have some good ideias instead of cooking games....
  5. Humm....I'd like to see a game where we are a fireman using the controller to throw water into the flames and the nunkchunk to move.... Yeah this would be great!
  6. I use them just when I past the games such as paper mario to find all the stuff.
  7. Limp Bizkit greatest hitz, SOAD mezmerize (hipnotize its not that good), Donavon Frekeinreiter (not sure it was this year but I love it), Blind Zero (great portuguese band)
  8. Well it's about to start another round in Champions league.What are you expecting from Benfica-M. U. ?? I hope benfica can win that game but with so many players injured I'm a bit worried...Simão, Micolli, Karagounis....But they have been playing a little better in the last games so I'm confident in a good game:)
  9. 'breaking out of the confines of normal T.V' This statement is refering to play videogames without using a TV as we use it nowadays, that's what they are always talking about. However I still consider yours description a lot more realistic but still improbable.... Well if what they want to put the community speculate a litle more, they win once more....
  10. I liked Nintendo Black.It sounds cool.
  11. Does anyone have the full speech?I can't find it anywhere....
  12. When it's that speech????Please anwser me.....someone.....:'(
  13. super mario bros3, mario kart 64, majora's mask, wwf no mercy, perfect dark, conker...
  14. In Portugal there isn't more than 4/5 stores with decent shelves of GC games....
  15. 1. Super mario bros.3 2. TLOZ OOT 3. Super Smash Bros. melee 4. Super mario 64 5. Metroid Prime
  16. Humm... anyone knows when will be the keynote this friday? I never though they could make a controller like this so if they promise anything new this friday I'm the the first to believe that.And E3 is still far far away but sounds promising however it seems a bit late to shows a playable console since Xbox was it already this year. But do you know when wiil be the keynote? A decent hour I expect....(the wait in tgs almost killed me:D)
  17. Nintendo Profit Drops 51 Percent This morning, Nintendo reported that its first-half operating profit dropped 51 percent, citing sluggish Gamecube sales, price cut in Nintendo DS, and hefty development costs for the Nintendo Revolution. Shares of Nintendo have risen 13.2 percent for the first six months of the business year, but have underperformed the Nikkei average which has rose 16.3 percent. On a similar note, Nintendo also changed its forecasts for sales of various consoles and handhelds. The company has forecasted fewer Nintendo DS and Gamecube units to be sold, but has increased its forecast for Game Boy Advance units due to the newly released Game Boy Micro system. in nintendojo
  18. A good game.Just see the reviews about it and if it's good i'll probably buy it but with a great preference of Nintendo games.But I also buy a worse game if it's a type of game I really like.
  19. There's no gba games coming? weird....
  20. I love Simpsons.They're the best for me.
  21. Well here's the confirmation that aren't spanish or french guys around here.I never saw anyone and that's strange once there's more than 1000 members registed....
  22. Timesplitters is pretty good and XIII too.I also bought rayman 3 and I liked it a lot.
  23. Sorry for that, but you could pick other countries.I just forgot belgium .
  24. What are the nationalities logged in revo-europe?? Start voting... Oh and BTW I'm from Portugal. EDIT: Title fixed.
  25. But will NGC finish too? I hope not....
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