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Everything posted by djamb3

  1. Thanks goku21. Now I'm really hyped for this game. Its level of interection is amazing, and all that story about respect is so great. Come on nintendo launch that beatiful baby
  2. There's no link, cause it's in the maganzine...
  3. When will the next ONM and N Power come out? I'm preety sure this will continue in there. PS: I'm gonna log off now, try not to write much more pages lol
  4. kids play gta and fifa.... but I also think this was the begining of a great plan from Nintendo, that will have its end at e3 with a lot more people watching from what is normally expected.
  5. Is prime confirmed to 2006? The game I'm looking forward more is absolutely mario because will be the game nintendo will use to show rev capabilities.
  6. The game is turning excelent. A must buy unless there's even better games coming...
  7. ahahaha hilarious sprout =D =D great work
  8. not sure that anyone has posted this but it was at joystiq.com Update: A few of you have sent us word that Game Informer is touting its latest issue online. According to the page (again, we unfortunately do not have a copy of the magazine just yet), the game is from Ubisoft Paris, who are known for Prince of Persia, Ghost Recon, Far Cry Instincts, and Splinter Cell. The page implies that these are actual screenshots, and confirms that more information will be found via Game Informer's online page as of April 20th.
  9. Unfortunatelly I can't find it in Portugal, but it should be close the end of april I think...
  10. I'm wondering if nintendowill say anything oficial soon. Maybe the next Nintendo power brings news.
  11. Have you noticed that ign did not posted nothing? they prefered to show pics drinking beers....
  12. so 17 pages for 3 pics, I imagine how will be at e3....I hope tomorow another game is shown and all the days a few pics until the e3 day
  13. Can't believe it. A beatiful FPS with swordfigth included... OH thank you UBISOFT.
  14. Oooooooooooooooooooooone question! In the cover pic what is that thing. A sword or a simple knife? Whateva I'll loooooooove it!!!
  15. I can't wait more....what a day.
  16. The barely-discernible caption reads "Notice how the angle of the in-game gun reflects the angle at which you hold the controller." Now what would happen if turned the FHC a lot?? would we loose life? or the arm would broke? :grin:
  17. Does this means everyone can start talking about rev or ubisoft is in trouble???
  18. Anyone has found the rest of the article scanned? I'd really love to read everything.
  19. I'm fainting.....wooo my hearth....
  20. The diference is that the new mario will be the flagship title for rev and has the mission to show all the great capabilities of the rev. And I'm sure it will be as expectacular as mario64 was when made its appearance. Rayman is a good plataformer and I really liked the last one but it will be just a regular plataformer.
  21. Errrrr. well certainly it's not TP but there is already a sequel to WW, or are forgeting Phantom Hourglass? But I believe TP will not be the begining of a new timeline, but the new zelda for REV will be.
  22. in matt-ign well I'm a bit tired of Tony Hawk games but what do you guys think?
  23. I hope that is not true, I mean do I have to buy to versions of the same game, confirmed so many times as a GC game, to take fully advantage of it? I hope not. I really think that they should already put the game in the shelves and starting one fully optimized for the Rev.
  24. I believe you That is good to listen but frankly I am nothing worried with this type of news. By the time of E3 maybe, but not now. The most of all this is just speculation and almost an entire year with this is a bit crazy...
  25. :bouncy: :bouncy: Now you make me laugh. Great comic one more time =D
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