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Everything posted by djamb3

  1. E3 couldn't be so far yet...
  2. It looks a good game for me... Yeah the visuals are not that good but is that the purpose of the console?I had more fun today playing virtua cop 2 than playing mohaa or UT 2004... If the games is great to play I'd like to try it.
  3. Ds had mario 64.... But I really want to play a new mario. (I have to buy a lite...I HAVE!)
  4. So today is the Sony one.Can any subcriber from gamespot give the link of the stream so we could try connections for tomorrow?
  5. It's tomorrow....
  6. At least until the end of tuesday it is the best option (the mods-only). I'm sure there won't be any great news after the conference so... But you have to make sure you can creat new threads at the time the secrets or games are shown (I can't imagine if they show at least 10 games in a row...). And even if you can't block guests just don't let them signing in that period.But I'd prefer if they couldn't acess the forum to help keep the forums healthy.
  7. Nintendo in TIME's cover...great arcticle btw. Now this will hit a lot of non gamers
  8. This is making me remember when the FHC was announced.So many threads about it...That "mods-only" thread is a great idea but I hate what masaki said.Reading one thread then main page and there's more 20...you simply can't read everything...
  9. They will surely show a video showing someone playing mario...
  10. SEga.... if only one game was Shenmue.... One lauch title from capcom? I supose it's not resi5, what could it be? That is a great new since I'm loving the capcom games lately.
  11. Hi BigTac, good to see you again. Any news besides that of mario 128?
  12. And I believe it will revotionate gaming one more time.Can't wait to see it.Will be my first title to wii
  13. Nothing beats revo-europe... gamespot is like the ign ones.Shit and shit.I hate those threads "OMFG WHAT A MEGATON!!!"
  14. The sony one should be interesting for good laughs :p But we'll see if they really imitated the wiimote and if graphics in-game are like those trailers (specially the killzone one).
  15. Coming.... Check the pics http://www.jeux-france.com/news15630_e3-2006-premieres-photos.html
  16. PRICELESS http://revolution.ign.com/articles/705/705415p1.html
  17. For me the most intriguing is how can still exist a big secret to be known?Since we already saw wii scans and it looked regular...well not about the graphics I think, so what could be? I believe that no one knows yet (even the developers, or they really know how to keep a secret) Well almost here
  18. I'll buy it as soon as I have the money for it.So maybe only next year but I'll try asking one for christmas...
  19. what a dream.... I'm wondering why there's no wii's stands like those ds's ones (don't remeber the word for that where you go and try the console)
  20. What are the possibilities to nintendo let other countries register in their sites? I mean here we can't register for a wi-fi profile, for the nintendo.com foruns, use the stars catalogue... It's a shame...if only we had nintendo of portugal...
  21. Why are we creating theories for something we could know in .... 3days? Well I thing there will be a free (or 2 if they are from nes) VC game with each game to wii. Simple as that and with special games they offer special downloads like zelda (offer you all the collection).
  22. I love GT and I even love more Mario Kart.I would buy both but when I finish both, I will just play mario kart cause it's the most funny.But it would be great if a racing simulator was ready in day1.
  23. geez....are you sure? at 5h30 PM ???
  24. Sadness is one for me.As well the mario and the ssb.Give me lots of info of these and I'll be more than happy.
  25. The first kirbys and the GB ones were excelent.I didn't like the n64 one but this could be good.
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