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Everything posted by djamb3

  1. Do not forget about strategy games which now have a great chance to work perfectl in a console. But if we see the best fps from pc in rev it will be great. Nowaday there's also a lot of games for pc that really suck. But there will always exist who want new and original things.
  2. Is anyone working with the turok license? It would be nice to see that again.
  3. Nights is magical. you simply "fly" trough dreams getting things (balls? I dont remenber) with a time limit so you can fight the boss. Simple but beatiful
  4. They are fully functional. The cable was to plug them in the first dev kits (whose harware were still the one from a GC). And the cable is also to not use batteries (like the ones IGN tryed at tgs).
  5. The worst part of it will be how to avoid piracy. Nintendo wouldn't like it. no no :p
  6. Do you still believe there is another secret? I mean... What could it be? We will explode for sure. . . . . Megaton
  7. For me the biggest mistery is how the wand knows where the tv so you can point accuracelly.I mean we have to calibrate that first do you think?
  8. It'll take a few years until we see that working perfectally
  9. Day of reckoning 3
  10. This is impossible. No one can do this. 4 times??? no.... just take a look: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1177437902170449843&pl=true He is a god....
  11. Thinking about it, we cannot use the force with the same hand wich has the saber right.... How will it be done?
  12. Geez... Could you please shut up?? All of you! jesus.... of course awe don't have real facts, and that's a one of the best things about all this. Speculate is great, but you guys are overreacting. And don't turn an opinion into a fact. This is valid for all of you.
  13. How long will be the conference? 1hour and half??
  14. errr those pics are the ones from gameinformer but in a diferent resolution. I don't believe this means worse graphics...
  15. Not a surprise but always good to listen:laughing:
  16. An AAA game....interesting, but could it be nintendo's HALO? I frankly doubt about it...
  17. Humm that looks familiar but I'm not remebering what it is... BTW good work. How many pages will the story have? Bigger than the cristhmas one I hope
  18. blue wave has NO charm. it's not catchy and it's ugly. They said we will love the name and it won't be rev so I believe RS is not the name for it.
  19. loooooooooooooooooooool =D=D=D=D XDXD great ones
  20. I never tried DS wifi but is it really that bad?
  21. But splitscreen was always like that.What's the problem? It's the same you do in geist , mp2 or timeplitters.
  22. next thursday is 13... whatever why is this taking so long? I need more info fast...
  23. I wanna go....
  24. 20th april will be THE day. Unfortunately is during the week but I'll stay wake up for a loooong time.
  25. The benchmark of AI for this game is the one from F.E.A.R. I just tryed this game and it was really amazing so if they managed to react to our sword escaping and so I believe this game will be a trully masterpiece eheheheh =D=D=D=D
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