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Everything posted by djamb3

  1. Nintendo needed to call it something but I was thinking about that too and well there are adventure of link and link's awakening, so the name link in the other games is to make the things simple. But I'm always wondering that too...
  2. Sprout comics are back =D hope this is not an april fool's day joke.
  3. I hate podcasts.... EDIT: funny stuff though.
  4. Do you still have the video? come on we want to see it. PS: ninja das caldas sempre pensei que era por ser em caldas da rainha...
  5. These specs are the ign april fool's day surprise.....or not....
  6. Hey guys why has the interview disapeared? I hope it's because they're putting the next part...
  7. This is getting crazy..... why is E3 still so far away??
  8. He was never proved wrong, and if he annoy you just don't came here say that. It it that hard? And Big Tac do you know if there's still anything important we will see confirmed before E3 or no more new stuff?
  9. Does this could mean that we may play segacd, saturn or dreamcast?? oh that would be huge....
  10. since all details will be revealed, the most of it will be about the rev. No doubts about it. (maybe a few things about zelda and lite)
  11. One question. By the time the gamecube was presented, did the codename dolphin last so many time as the revo name?
  12. Sega should be the bomb, like the zelda for ds, but I was expecting a little more.....
  13. Just saw this at nintendojo.com: (have you read this before?? if so sorry)
  14. I think the question of this thread should be: GOOD Pokemon Rev??? Come on, even red/blue in a 3d first person view would be excelent. That is the game I'm waiting for since the first day I saw Pokemon in a GB. Not just 3d battles with a crap rpg mode (stealing Pokemon??? please.....)
  15. I knew it :D . . . . . . . ......lol....
  16. In fact is thurdsday.... (or am I wrong? I think not)
  17. I think I'm the only guy who don't want to see more spoilers.... just a release date please !
  18. All the speculation kills one guy.... come gdc come
  19. They will. Mostly all 1st party games from GC will appear on Rev for sure=)
  20. There's a lot of hype surrounding GDC. Maybe we can see a few surprises...(I really hope so:laughing: )
  21. I hate analysts....
  22. I'm trying.....I'm trying.....I can't BENFICAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D what a game
  23. Well I hope this is true, however more spoilers.....Please zelda come fast
  24. ToS is the best multiplayer RPG, but you're right. I prefer a good Rpg to play on my own.
  25. My first was MM and in fact is the only Zelda I didn't see the end =) But the masterpiece is OOT. However the others are excelente too. LA, both oracles, Minish... Ooooh I love zelda.
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