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Gamespot gave zelda a 8.8


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I really dont care what review scores games get, as I said, I'll make up my own mind.


But to put it into perspective, IGN gave Zelda a 9.5, even though if you average the 5 marks they gave in the categories Presentation, Graphics, Sound, Gameplay and Lasting Appeal it only got an 8.7.


(they do say however they dont average their scores, but hey hummm)

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Why average some stuff into the main score when its not that important. Graphics for example or Sound, I know a good amount of people who rarely play games utilising their soundtrack so thats much less important than say Gameplay


Besides, the reviewer blatently has had too many pies...typical Microsoft fanboy :p

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I've obviously not played Zelda, but i think it deserves higher. I can tell by the movies and reveiws it's a classic. They may average the scores, but it seems silly when Graphics and sound count towards the big score so much. I still can't wait, and it hasn't affected my intrest in the game whatsoever.

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I've obviously not played Zelda, but i think it deserves higher. I can tell by the movies and reveiws it's a classic.

:horse: :horse: :horse:

They may average the scores, but it seems silly when Graphics and sound count towards the big score so much. I still can't wait, and it hasn't affected my intrest in the game whatsoever.


The final score is never an average

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I read the review last night when I got home from the local pub. As I skimmed down to the final score and it said 8.8, I laughed and thought it was a joke. Obviously it wasn't.


I buy my games based mainly on reviews (which I assume most of you do). This proves that gamespot is the last place you'd want to base your game purchases from.

The gamespot review is the ONLY one that hasn't given Twilight Princess a close to perfect if not perfect score. :nono:


Yes, I care about reviews and gamerankings.com and I think everybody with some love for games should, yo yo.

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Yes, I care about reviews and gamerankings.com and I think everybody with some love for games should, yo yo.


Conversely GameRankings has nothing to do with IGN's top 100 games ever (which is not without flaws) but was entirely rated by IGN users.


Twilight Princess will no doubt score better because of the army of Zelda fans who enjoyed it and want to see GameSpot proved wrong.

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I just hate how when sites do this, some people go


"Wow, bout time someone says the truth"


When 20 people are saying the games awesome and one is saying it has a fair few flaws...what is more likely true


I said this a few days ago... "Uh oh... it seems Gamespot will be the first to try and draw tonnes of hits by giving it a lower score than everyone else!"





And i was right!

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This reminds me of the incident of November 200....6 when Joystiq decided they'd knock the game for the labour of having to press the A button to read a sign. "WTF is wrong with Miyamoto? Pressing a button? To hell with that! Deduct review points..." Has that guy ever played a videogame in his life? Every goddamn video game in existence requires you to press a button at some point you dimwit.

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