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To stop all the topics flying around about all the reviews and scores that are starting to come out, please post them in here as to not clutter the boards up.


Thanks to DavidRedge for these 2:


IGN have awarded WiiSports a respectable 7.5




Mark at IGN awarded Trauma Centre a solid 8.0.



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Giving Zelda a bad review, will just lead to a site getting either shunned or a crap load of hits to see the review.


Gamespot, IGN and the major magazines are my wants to see.

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Another encouraging score. So far, it has an average of 97.1 from 4 reviews, if it keeps getting these sorts of scores, it could possibly surpass Metroid Prime and even unbelievably, Soul Calibur, what a dream it'd be if this game could sit directly below OOT on Gamerankings.com and other related sites.

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Another encouraging score. So far, it has an average of 97.1 from 4 reviews, if it keeps getting these sorts of scores, it could possibly surpass Metroid Prime and even unbelievably, Soul Calibur, what a dream it'd be if this game could sit directly below OOT on Gamerankings.com and other related sites.


That would be nice. But we know by now how awesome the game is - all that remains is resisting spoilers with the waiting game.

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It would be brillant if TP was second in the gamerankings, but then again I wouldn't care less if it was no.100 in the rankings.


We already know this game is going to be fantastic, I don't understand some peoples concerns that it will fail horribly if it gets less then 9.5 or something below their expectations, because in the end everyone's taste is different.


For instance I believe TP is a beautiful game, while other people seem to dis-agree, comparing it to the likes of GOW or Motorstorm ::shrug:



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It would be brillant if TP was second in the gamerankings, but then again I wouldn't care less if it was no.100 in the rankings.


We already know this game is going to be fantastic, I don't understand some peoples concerns that it will fail horribly if it gets less then 9.5 or something below their expectations, because in the end everyone's taste is different.


For instance I believe TP is a beautiful game, while other people seem to dis-agree, comparing it to the likes of GOW or Motorstorm ::shrug:



To be honest I do agree with you, OOT for me was incredible not because it got amazing scores but because it was simply wonderful, well crafted, well written the list goes on, as I played it I felt a real connection with the story and the characters, for me it doesn't matter what TP looks like compared to HD (the graphics look more than enough to draw me in), or even the controls, as long as they don't impede, if they are hard to get the hang of thats fine by me, every game needs a learning curve.


but then on the flipside it would be swell to have TP up top on gamerankings as it would show those sony/microsoft fanboys a thing or 2 aswell as showing the wii can handle "hardcore" complex games and come out on top.

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I don't think it was bullet time, I think it was a case of the game couldn't handle 4 knights and a bunch of imp things swinging at you when you did your attacks. It was barely noticeable.


I know there was intentional pace changes when you do your master attack but I'm not talking about that.


. There are a couple of minor graphical issues here – occasional slowdown when there's lots going on, and some objects have bizarrely low poly counts – but when you take into account the excellent animation, unbelievable draw distances and total lack of loading times, it's clear that the visuals are a major achievement.
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ROFL 10/40.


People would riot. I'd expect a typo like that from the fanboys at ONM.


I'm suprised Wind Waker got 40/40.. I thought the slow down during intense battles was quite intolerable even for the nimble system. I'd knock off a point for that alone.


Apparently it's not a problem in this game though.


that was an effect that i absolutely loved.they use it all the time in japanese cartoons

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Yeah, Wii Sports scored what I expected. I think it will be something I play on launch day, then it will just be used when my mates are around my house (could be fun with drink!). Doubt I will really play it that much by myself.

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