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BREAKING - NGamer has reviews of Wii games


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There were supposed to be a load of control issues, and with it being only a couple of weeks from launch, I thought they wouldn't have managed to address the issues, and from the previews, I definately wouldn't have thought it would have gotten 90%.


yeah i have to agree, altho the latest movie preview on gamespot seems to be more positive and when you watch him play, he doesn't seem to find it unwieldy like some players have in the past.

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You just know that Red Steel will be one of those games that has it's score 'revised' in a few months as 'better' games come out. Mags do that a lot with review scores (is N-Gamer the new version N64 mag?) if so I seem to re-call a lot of review revisions in that mag (which is fair enough I suppose given the passing of time) but you just know that the game was prob never worth that score in the first place!!!


With NGC Magazine it happened, as far as I know, just three times, for Super Smash Bros. Melee, Luigi's Mansion and Wave Race - and those reviews were only because they became Player's Choice... And the scores went down a little bit. Although at the time, they did admit that they gave in to the launch hype and scored to high. As in 'Resident Evil 4 is better than Super Smash Bros. Melee, but Melee scores 97% - how can we honestly score Resident Evil 4 if it's not better than Ocarina of Time, wich scored 98%?' - Troubles in heaven...

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But then, you could argue that standards have been set. If we went back in time and took a review of Street Fighter 2 and compared it with the score of Super Smash Bros. Melee, does that give an indication of which score is more correct?


To be honest, i am and never will be a fan of reviews. At the end of the day, they're just someone else's view of that game, not yours. I will much rather read the pros and cons section of the review rather than the score, as there just seems to be more justification there.

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If so, I wasn't all that far off with Monkey Ball, if you recall, I originally predicted a score of 7.9/10 because to me not all the changes of the new game look favourable despite the game most certainly being fun [i.E. Target rehash, less stages than whats normally in the series, imagine playing the hardest stages in the final, final boss only to lose, start again, VERY ANNOYING annoyance of sensetivity of control, vomit material sound etc]. Hopefully I continue to be wrong for Red Steel as thats a good start if legit, 9/10 as I am a big fan of FPSs.

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Wait, did you get this off a subscription, or is it in the shops already??


It came today for subscribers.


I still don't know what to make out of all of this. The review isn't very informative regarding the how the controls feel and the overall flaws of the game. It also only mentioned the multiplayer for about 2 sentences. I'm gonna have to wait for other reviews to see whether this is worth picking up, if not I'll just be happy with Zelda.

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Would they actually have played the game? It's still more than a month till the European launch, and American magazines do not have their Wii's very long yet, so how would an European one pull it of? Doesn't matter, I'll be receving NGamer somewhere next week, but I don't really trust the fact that they've played and reviewed Wii games already... But in the end: the standars are set now, if a games better than Red Steel it will be hard to score it apropriatly...

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Quote of the year?


Hes got my vote [also was the one responsible for posting that old Gaystation 2 pic which I think almost set a record for the most quoted picture].


Anyway, back on topic, I think 9/10 is an excellent score for Red Steel considering the criticism the games been copping left right and centre about every single aspect of the game, I just want to see some more scores from other gaming publications to see if it consistently scores this well, but regardless of how it fares, the mark will be boosted considerably because you can see the developer has gone to a lot of effort to make this a polished game, and its getting a purchase from me because of it. I wouldn't care if the game only got 6.8/10, i'd still buy it, looks like a lot of fun.


In regards to Monkey Ball, a little lower than I expected but you know what the possible reasons for the score are, no need for me to repeat them.

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Basically if you want something that you can take as gospel.. wait for the Famitsu scores.


4 people, 4 areas.. each giving a rating out of 10.


I have only disagreed with them once.. when they gave Nintendorgs 40/40.


Super Monkey Ball deserves an extra 2 points for graphics and innovation.. just because the game perfectly suited the controller before it was released doesn't mean it's not innovative.. they could have added in nunchuck controls in single player.


Graphics.. oh well they haven't improved much so lets give it a seven, they were already refined.

I have to agree with everything you said their...especially as I like the new graphical style.


I don't get why you lot are getting so happy about the fact that a Nintendo magazine highly rated a launch title for the Wii....its expected. Its a Nintendo mag ffs.

Not all writers for magazines are rabbid fanboys y'know.

If you're gonna say something like that you should take a look at ones for other consoles (one's pretty bad (I think it was an 'unofficial' Playstation one), I can't remember which one though.



I'm a bit surprised at the Pokémon score. I think I'll wait for a Famitsu score though (and I'll still get the game, seeing as Pokémon's on of my top fave game franchises). I have a feeling that the game's gonna end up being flat and stuff though, especially with even more ghey Teams being added. Team Rocket all the way bitches.

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There were supposed to be a load of control issues, and with it being only a couple of weeks from launch, I thought they wouldn't have managed to address the issues, and from the previews, I definately wouldn't have thought it would have gotten 90%.


As always the Bard speaks the truth! This is a surprisingly high score, I was expecting 80% give or take 5%, this is probably an example of a Nintendo mag giving a high score to game that they've been granted an 'exclusive' with. We all know they do it.


My tip for the day is wait until both IGN and GAMESPOT have reviewed these games.

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Well thats one possability, the other being that like most release titles for a new console they get stupidly high scores just for the sake of being new and then somewhere along the line the score will get downgraded using some lame relaunching of the mag as an excuse.


Haha, yeah like 95% for SSBM which later was 91% and now something even lower than that....


I'm getting Red Steel anyway and had pre ordered it before this score so screw it. If it gets good reviews then good, but at the end of the day Dead Rising has amazing reviews and I'm not really into it as of yet.

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