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One last secret - and its BIG!


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I dont know if its a secret or what, but for sure Nintendo have not disclosed full information on:


*Wii/DS Connectivity - Is there supposed to be a channel for this?

*Nintendo Wifi Connection/WiiConnect24 - They are apparently 'In talks' with Xfire, Wii Numbers, Online Gaming, Friend Lists and communication features, Additional content, etc....


Info on these topics would be greatly appreciated.

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Guest Stefkov
penis enlargement via wii-mote!


use both the nunchuk and the wiimote to get extended results!!



I like the idea of Star points, ties in with maio, like gamerpoints.

Would be cool if the Wii points we'rent Wii points but were Rupees. Even though like Israel or somewhere uses them real rupees, it would be cool.


Maybe we can buy new things for our games using in game points we'e earnt when playing a game.

Instead of like Microsoft we havet o buy points to buy more stuff.

Instead when we play a game we are rewarded for it with some form of points for each game, and with those we can buy other things for that game through Wiiconnect24.

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Guest Stefkov

sweet, now breakfast in bed every morning.


Maybe its an upgrade to the wiimotes. They have worked closely with the maker sof Star Wars and now we can have a laser bean out of the top of the wiimotes, able to cut through standard materials.

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I notice how this topic started out somewhat serious, but went into somewhat disgustingly random.

That's all, really. Just wanted to point it out in case no one else noticed.


EDIT: Don't wanna spoil anyone's fun or anything, I just enjoy serious speculation. :heh:

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