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Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts


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they best not fuck this up, as the original banjo kazooie imo was better then mario 64... the 360 needs a good platformer, as its rivals both have them and it wud branch out its audience!!! rare have made disappointment after disappointment for a long, long time - i think its time they bucked there ideas up...


Have you plyaed Kameo or Viva?


Too alot of people PDZ sucked, everything else by Rare on the 360 has been awsome.

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I hope its great...and out this year if possible!


banjo is the first game i ever played, and have loved it since, the sequal was even better, though i left it in my N64 for about a year without playing it, came back and the came was completed lol


btw kameo was average at best, it got boring as hell, even at the start. PDZ i can't comment on because i've never liked shooters...but i really want to play viva, it looks awesome. Anyone know where i can get it cheap?

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Guest Stefkov
Never liked the original, so probably won't get this.


Have you plyaed Kameo or Viva?


Too alot of people PDZ sucked, everything else by Rare on the 360 has been awsome.

This is true. Viva Pinata is fun and so was Kameo.

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  • 7 months later...

Rare insider answers Banjo Questions


Thanks for all the questions so far, I was pleasantly surprised to see how many there are!


I'm going to answer 6 questions now and another 6 before 2008 (hopefully) to give people a last chance to ask new questions.


I've tried to pick a variety of questions to answer. There were some that I would have liked to answer but in doing so I would have revealed too much. But having said that I hope the answers I have given will provide you with some new information.



Will the next Banjo-Kazooie game take place after the events of Banjo-Tooie?

YES - But a lot has changed since 2000. What have Banjo and Grunty been doing for all these years?


Is there any multiplayer component planned?

YES - Not like Banjo-Tooie's though. No FPS sections, either. I think there are enough FPS games out there!


Is this new Jiggy system gonna stray too far away from the old one?

YES and NO - The 'not 100' Jiggies are still used to progress through the game, but the way they are obtained and used is different. Also expect changes to the Notes and Jinjos (oops, I think I may have answered a couple more questions there!)


A lot has changed since the original Banjo-Kazooie came out, which was almost ten years ago. Games today, in my opinion anyway, seem to stray a lot from core, simple gameplay elements and focus too much on other things. One thing I loved about the original game is that you guys got the story out of the way pretty much first thing. Witch is ugly, Witch needs to remove ugly, Witch steals cute little Bear-girl, game starts. After that, it was pretty much 100% game until you got to the end and knocked the old hag off her own tower. It was simple, and it set the player up with what they needed, a reason, to play through the game.


Not that story isn't important, but when 40% of a game these days is spent watching rather than playing, it makes me wonder where the "game" part of "video game" went


Basically, the original game relied on much of its own charm. The lushness of the worlds, the characters, and the rich array of abilities and puzzles. So... my question is: Does this remain?

YES - Don't worry, we may be introducing something different to the Banjo universe but this remains a Banjo game.


You said the gameplay had evolved some time ago and it would not be like it was before. Have we seen this new style of gameplay in another game?

NO (Well, I don't think so. Let's just say you certainly won't have seen it in a Banjo game!)



Will there be any old levels remade in the game?

YES - But probably not how you expect!



Will Grunty bring back her loveable rhyming again in this game?

Her silly comments will be a pain, yes the witch will rhyme again.

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A little too much talk of change for comfort in my opinion. Obviously, it may well be better, but for now I'm a little worried.


Rare insider answers Banjo QuestionsBONUS QUESTION

Will Grunty bring back her loveable rhyming again in this game?

Her silly comments will be a pain, yes the witch will rhyme again.


Game of the other-than-Smash-Bros-forever confirmed.

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I reckon BK and BT will come to XBLA in order to give people another chance to play them again or even if they missed them and to get people gradually hyped up for the new game but in a different way?


I'd much rather people got hyped by being able to play the originals and maybe see a few screens of the new game rather than loads of gameplay footage which may or may not spoil lots of it before it's released.

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I reckon BK and BT will come to XBLA in order to give people another chance to play them again or even if they missed them and to get people gradually hyped up for the new game but in a different way?


I'd much rather people got hyped by being able to play the originals and maybe see a few screens of the new game rather than loads of gameplay footage which may or may not spoil lots of it before it's released.


Wasn't Nintendo the publisher though? I can't help but feel it would be tricky to get them out on one or the other. 'tis a shame.

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I think the only chance is them coming out on both at some point. I'm sure microsoft would allow it seeing as it would basically be advertising the third game, and therefore making people have to buy a 360 to play it. Plus microsoft and nintendo are a little more friendly with each other than sony is.

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Rare own the license and rights to the game, but the games are on the Nintendo 64 format which is owned by Nintendo, hence Microsoft can't put them on XBLA without an agreement.


So basically, unless an agreement is made, the games can't be put on the VC cause Microsoft own the rights to them, and they can't be put on the XBLA because Nintendo own the format. The one thing Rare could do is remake the games for the console, but I doubt they'd do that.

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Well Im a dedicated Bk fan. I was actually the person who asked gregg if old levels will be remade on the rwp thread.


Ive been waiting nearly 8 years for this game!!


Also it was announced in a recent edition of rarewares scribes that the traditional BK voices will stay the same, which is partly what makes the franchise so funny

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hopefully this game will have stop n swop in it. Or at least they explain why it was incomplete in the origional bk


You mean apart from the fact that it could damage systems?


Anyway - Stop N Swap is perfect for this generation.


If they released BK and BT on XBLA they could reintegrate it.

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Wht was stop n swop?


Items you could collect in Banjo Kazooie would have unlocked some stuff in Banjo Tooie. This would have required you to load Banjo Kazooie, get to the right menu, pull it out and stick in Banjo Tooie.


Towards the end of development, Rare decided that the risk of damage to the system was too high to include the function in the games. So the items were "hidden" - you needed very long codes to "unlock" the ability to get them.


One of the items - an ice key - was still visible in the final game, behind an unmelt/breakable wall of ice.


Now that game saves are saved on consoles, this kind of system should be very easy to implement.

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