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Watched the last episode of Aso No Yoichi, aside from being a below average show that was a horrible last episode, it was just stupid and anti-climatic.


Also this show had the weirdest running joke, a side character kept getting smaller and smaller with every episode and in the last episode he turns into a girl.

No reason or explanation given, he just shrinks and turns into a girl.

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boy this easters gonna be jam packed with anime fun

anime's on my list


FMA Brotherhood (Obviously)

Dragonball Kai ( Obviously)

Sengoku Basara (seen the trailer looks quite good)

Pandora hearts

Phantom, Requiem for the phantom

Asura cryin

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Decided yesterday. An acquaintance has told me where to watch it, probably will soon.


Whoops! Completely missed your other post. Where to watch it? Won't you just torrent it?


Wow! that is some serious depth for something that is essentially ecchi in the sky! :p


Any more stuff like that? :)


Don't worry, I didn't forget about you.

So, were you fighting the germans in WW2?






I wonder who finds all of these.

Edited by Blue_Ninja0
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awww Toradora has ended, infact alot of the anime i'm watching is going to end.


Bring on the spring season!

Indeed. I actually watched Toradora the past 2 nights. I'm emotionally damaged for some reason. I couldn't pinpoint the reason but I was just sad before going to sleep. I need to pace myself with anime of this type... also I need to read up on what I watched to make better sense of it.

Next to watch will be one of the other ones I should have watched whilst it aired, Asu no Yoichi has finished now..

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New Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Details:


Fullmetal Alchemist - Brotherhood is a brand new animated series based on the popular manga of the same title. It is a reboot of the previous animated series, aiming to follow the original manga's storyline more closely. As the manga is expected to end within a year, the anime series aims to conclude as close to the end of the manga's serialization run as possible. While it will be more of a manga adaptation than the previous series, it should be noted that there will still be original material exclusive to the anime to keep events fresh for at least the first part of the series. For example, the anime original character Isaac is created and designed by the manga author herself, based on a specific request from the anime director.






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Right, so let me get this straight in my head. The first part will be the same as the anime i've already seen, but at some point it will diverge off to follow the manga more closely, which itself has still yet to finish. Am I right?

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I also think it's going to be different to what you've already seen before the point where it previously broke off to an anime-only storyline. From the sounds of things, they will mix up the first part of the story with new events and characters just to make sure they're not simply showing the same thing again.

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That's not new news, that's totally old :heh:


Also Shorty pretty much covered what's happening. The introduction is anime only so no Lior etc that happened in the first series, then the anime only stuff will lead into manga material.




And not to mention Maase's posts always include swearing to make him look 'cool'.

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Was it perhaps silly of me to get the old FMA anime on DVD despite this new one coming out?


Whoops! Completely missed your other post. Where to watch it? Won't you just torrent it?


I'm doing the latter. Although the aforementioned acquaintance has only given me a link to the first 13 episodes. I'll ask them later if they know where I can get the remainder. :awesome:

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Guest Maase
Maase you don't even say what anime you're talking about anymore, you just come on here to shout about something once a week that nobody else is paying attention to.


Is there any other Anime I talk about in this thread?

I don't need anymore to say the name of the Anime, it would be time wasting


That's not new news, that's totally old :heh:


Also Shorty pretty much covered what's happening. The introduction is anime only so no Lior etc that happened in the first series, then the anime only stuff will lead into manga material.




And not to mention Maase's posts always include swearing to make him look 'cool'.


Fuck yeah, I'm awesome :D


Seriously, though, I'm used to swearing in English, due to the fact that my brother does it and I visit 4Chan a lot.


Its part of my net vocabulary, I can't live without it



Edit: Just noticed:


Maase you don't even say what anime you're talking about anymore, you just come on here to shout about something once a week that nobody else is paying attention to.


Not my fault N-Europe has bad taste, brother...




Speaking of which: I started reading Naruto, pretty cool Manga, I'm about to end the tournament for them to turn Geijin or whatever (FUCKING TRANSLATORS, YOU WEEABOO EVERY SINGLE THING, FIRST ONE PIECE WITH "NAKAMA", NOW NARUTO WITH TAIJUTSU, NINJUTSU, and stuff like that, GODAMNIT)


Pretty good, a lot more strategic than One Piece when it comes to battles, which I find very awesome ^^


One Piece is a lot better till now, but at least I can guarantee that Naruto wasn't a 1/4 as bad as I tought it would be

Edited by Maase
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Indeed. I actually watched Toradora the past 2 nights. I'm emotionally damaged for some reason. I couldn't pinpoint the reason but I was just sad before going to sleep. I need to pace myself with anime of this type... also I need to read up on what I watched to make better sense of it.


I was depressed too, though it was a very good ending IMO, but it always gets to me. It was very pretty.

If by pace yourself you're saying that you should have watched it while it aired, I have to disagree. I marathoned up to episode 19 but then I caught up and had to wait for the release from 19 onwards and I got to say: I was much more immersed in the story while watching them in one go than having to wait 1 week for the next episode.

Not only was the wait painful for just 30 minutes of video per week, but I also almost forgot what happened in the previous episode and didn't feel so attached as I did before.


Anyway, what did you not understand? Just so you know, there's a high possibility of an OVA because there's still some material in the last novel book, and according to how popular this series has got in Japan, they say it's inevitable.

There were some differences too, specially in the end.

According to the novels it is presumed they

had sex when they were staying in his grandparents house, whilst in the anime we just see the pan up fade to black cliche thing. But I'm not surprised as this was airing on public TV, but on the OVA on the other hand...






This to your whole post.


Regarding the translations, why don't you ask the translators for your money back?

And I'll take literal translations over liberal americanized ones any day. Literal ones are not that hard to understand at all. And no, I'm not talking about things as "Just as keikaku."

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Guest Maase

It completely changes the demographic of the fansubs from:


-Guys who like anime.


-Guys who need to know AND REMEMBER every possible term in the world to watch one episode of the world.


It turns a normal thing in a fucking weeaboo thing. Now I need to understand the concept of Oneesama, Oni-chan, etc, etc.

The worse is that they explain once, and then never explain again what it means, making me completely "WUT"?.

Holy shit, I'm not that weeaboo, I just want to watch a fucking Anime.




"Sister, am I cute?"




"Oneechan, am I kawaii?"


One seems for normal guys, other seems for basement dwellers with glasses eating pizza.


A.K.A.: Weeaboos



Speaking of Weeaboo's, I found a comic that makes me laugh every single time regarding this subject:



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Some things just work better left as they are, reading "hand to hand combat, ninja techniques and illusion techniques" would be a lot more annoying than "taijutsu, ninjutsu and genjutsu". Also, what if they said "Karate"? would you be annoyed then? Because that would be an untranslated Japanese word too....


But I do agree for certain things like 'kawaii', there's just no need. Although, I've never seen that. Also it's good to learn....

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Guest Maase

I don't really see a problem with calling them that, to be honest.

I don't get why they need to put "Ninjutsu" (and put a note saying "Ninja technique") and then never put a note again explaining what it is.


Kakashi: He was affected by Genjutsu.

Sakura: OH NO



Me: Wtf are they talking about, that was one of those 3 techniques right?



And then I need to go back to the chapter where the note is.


Add this with the MizuKage, Hokage, etc, etc...


Its completely confusing.


And I'm in no way criticizing Naruto only, if I weren't a big One Piece retard, I wouldn't understand half of what's going on, with "Shichibukai, Younkou (and then the funny part, letting some group names be as they are, instead of translating it as they do to EVERYONE ELSE), etc, etc....













Can you honestly imagine them subbing attacks so you'd see "Rubber Rubber Pistol"? It sounds ridiculous, in part because the character is screaming something else. Some things are good to translate; some aren't.


Well, at least those attacks are always translated, which is a plus. (Altough they let the original sentences with stupid, flashy, colorful "GOMU GOMU NO" that stretch each time Luffy says it, which makes me laugh and facepalm so hard I actually like the same Anime as this guys)




Edit: Oh, and the reason why it sounds "Ridiculous" its because we're used to Gomu Gomu No.

If from the beginning, they used RUBBER RUBBER PISTOL, and then changed it to GOMU GOMU NO, everyone would be saying "WTF is Gomu Gomu No? Change it to Rubber PIstol"

Edited by Maase
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Maase, thanks for your contribution, but this is not 4chan, and that picture you posted (which is older than the Sun, and which was made precisely by the same people who enjoy the shows depicted in the picture by the way), was once funny, up to when I saw your post and you completely ruined it.


And I said no, I was not talking about translators who use Onee-chan and kawaii, because that's just retarded. I was talking about those that don't translate things that cannot be translated instead of making translations out of nowhere.


Alright guys, this isn't 4chan, I swear if anyone ever posts "MOAR" here they're getting banned from this thread.


Shorty, you once posted this. I pray to god for you to please strengthen the rules of 4chan-like behavior prohibition in this thread and N-E in general because I... I don't even know where to start but I believe you can read as well as I do what's going on in this thread.

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Well, at least those attacks are always translated, which is a plus.

Um, no they're not. Hence why it says gomu gomu and not rubber rubber, as well as Naruto's shadow clone technique. If you mean additional explanation at the top of the screen then you are contradicting yourself, as that is often present when they sub silly things too.


Edit: Oh, and the reason why it sounds "Ridiculous" its because we're used to Gomu Gomu No.

If from the beginning, they used RUBBER RUBBER PISTOL, and then changed it to GOMU GOMU NO, everyone would be saying "WTF is Gomu Gomu No? Change it to Rubber PIstol"

No it isn't. For as long as I have known, kids in playgrounds have run around shouting out techniques that cartoon characters use as they simulate with hand actions what they're doing. It's basic copying. Since the attacks are usually adrenaline-fueled people try to closely mimic the character's chant as they perform the action, in a heat-of-the-moment kind of way. It's the same with anime...people hear the chant and so associate it with the move.


Please stop thinking that there is something wrong with people who are not purists. Acting superior makes you look like a toolbag. The fact nearly all the anime you watch could be comprehended by a 9 year old does not help your situation.

Edited by Sheikah
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I was depressed too, though it was a very good ending IMO, but it always gets to me. It was very pretty.

If by pace yourself you're saying that you should have watched it while it aired, I have to disagree. I marathoned up to episode 19 but then I caught up and had to wait for the release from 19 onwards and I got to say: I was much more immersed in the story while watching them in one go than having to wait 1 week for the next episode.

Not only was the wait painful for just 30 minutes of video per week, but I also almost forgot what happened in the previous episode and didn't feel so attached as I did before.


Anyway, what did you not understand? Just so you know, there's a high possibility of an OVA because there's still some material in the last novel book, and according to how popular this series has got in Japan, they say it's inevitable.

There were some differences too, specially in the end.

According to the novels it is presumed they

had sex when they were staying in his grandparents house, whilst in the anime we just see the pan up fade to black cliche thing. But I'm not surprised as this was airing on public TV, but on the OVA on the other hand...

By paced I mean more like spread it over time, after it aired, just not 25 episodes in 2 days. It just pummels the mind with a load of stuff going on.

Over the past few nights, and reading a post on randomanimeblogger, I've come to understand the ending a little better and can realise it's a good ending. At first the last 2 episodes seemed to rush by, especially the last episode with it suddenly being graduation, but that happens in anime, they like to skip everything to finish a story. It's because the ending felt rushed I didn't think it was a good ending even though it clearly was, which you can clearly see in the last seconds when they meet again. Perhaps I felt extremely sad for Minorin, I think her development in the show was the most noticeable for me. Everyone else changed but I felt really, really sad for Minorin when watching her go from such a happy happy girl to that face when she calls Ryuuji a liar. Awesome face but I felt that was not her and that's what it was meant to do because the characters changed. Also at times I couldn't understand the role Ami was playing with all the provoking of Minorin. It haunts my mind !! The problem with me is that these kind of anime affect me so, but I don't have the mind to truly understand deeper meanings. I read threads on animesuki forums where people make comparisons in character, evaluate and sift through the actions of a character and whatnot and it annoys me I can't do this.

I'm taking my mind off it with Utawarerumono now. Seems quite good.

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