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Gainax's Gurren Lagann Vs Japanese Otakus & 2ch


Gainax has been gathering quite a bit of online controversy over the past days. It first started when it attracted almost 900 comments on its official blog over ep 4 of Gurren Lagann when fans did not receive director Osamu Kobayashi’s style very well.


Then fans soon found comments made earlier in the month by one of the Gainax staff on mixi that she does not want to deal with disgusting otaku viewers anymore and wishes them dead. The Gurren Lagann producer then replies to the same post and agrees and says that 2ch is like an anus. This of course angered many of the fans and the comments on the official blog only become uglier. However this is only the start, and considering 2ch’s long history of controversies, I am only hoping Gainax comes out unscathed…


Cool pics there Dante,looking forward to that.Quality wise it looks good.


Same here but bit worried about the last two pics.

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Guest Stefkov

Why is it episodes 101, 102 and 103 didn't feel like it should be the main story? Specially 101 with them trying to see what Kakashi looks like...

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Well that explains it then. I thought the fillers started at 130


Those are just a small filler arc, don't know (or remember) why they put them in at that time. I guess the approaching to the manga scared the directors.

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Why is it episodes 101, 102 and 103 didn't feel like it should be the main story? Specially 101 with them trying to see what Kakashi looks like...
101 isn't technically filler since it's a story that was half told in Kishi's databook - but the arc with Morino Idate is filler. Tbh I think it's a fairly decent filler compared most that come after 135....
Hey, is .hack//SIGN really any good?
It's really not.
Some fuckers called pirate world made a very shitty sub and released it as kuro hana.
Why not just get it straight from the subber's own site? It appears there first after all.


I liked DN28 :) It's not at the same quality as the Light/L tension but it's still very clever and still has me interested.

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DN28 isn't filler ^ neither was 27....



This internet connection is really kicking my ass for anime >.< Someone's raping it on P2P somewhere, getting average of 3-20kbps and can barely browse the internet. DN28 took all of yesterday, Bleach 123 looks to be taking all of today, Naruto will probably take all of tomorrow *sigh*


*Shikamaru voice* Mendokuse naaa -_-

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DN28 isn't filler ^ neither was 27.... Bleach 123 looks to be taking all of today,


Eh, I was just looking on mini.. err, my source and I saw death note so I was like oh cool it's out and since it was labelled just like a kuro hana release i assumed it was legit. I was dissapointed.


I downloaded Bleach 123 in less than 20 minutes. :)

Oh man, really looking forward to 124.

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