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The Official Wii Price Thread.


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I Cant understand why people are worrying about the Price of the Wii and think that Nintendo are screwed, i just want to make some points to you all.


The Wii Price


Its fine, Its £20 less than a Xbox360 Core and lets look what you get.






-Wired Pad

-Silver Live


Nintendo Wii:


-Console (with inbuilt memory)




-Wii sports game


-Sensor Bar

-Fully online out the box (Wii Connect 24)

Just to add to the first post the wii has built in wi-fi where as you would have to buy the 360 wireless adapter if you wanted wireless on the 360

Good point that. The wireless adapter for the 360 is an excessive £60!


Now if we added up from the Core what we would need to bring it up to the Wii's bundle it would be:


HDD: £60

Wireless pad: £30

Gold Live £30 for 1 year

Game: £40

Live Headset: £15


All that brings it up to £175 on top of the Cores price.


Now compare, just cuase the Wii hasent got Crazy real graphics doesnt mean they can charge a ton less than the 360, they have expensive and new forms of technology in diffrent forms (The Controller).


Also look at what you get, people never seem to metion the stand or the sensor bar which when they sell them seperatly will be something like £10 for the stand and £20-30 for the sensor bar, also on top of that the Wii has Memory built in, in which cuase thats £20 for a Xbox360 MU you could start to add in.


The price for what your getting is fine, just look, think and compare, remember as well, we all know the Xbox360s prices, Nintendo have just annouced theres, Gameplay and good shops like that will sell what Nintendo said but a tad cheaper as well.


This is my opinion of the price, lets just keep most of the price talk in this thread as it seems to be cluttering up alot of other threads.






USA - November 17th - $249.99

  • Wii-Remote - $40
  • Nunchuka - $20
  • Games - $49.99

Japan - December 2nd - 25,000 yen

  • Wii-Remote - 3,800 yen
  • Nunchuka - 1,800 yen
  • Games - 6,800 yen

PAL - December 8th - £179.99 / 249 Euros

  • Wii-Remote - £29 / €39
  • Nunchuka - £14 / €19
  • Games - £34-£39 / 49-50 Euros

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of course id love it if Miyamoto himself hand-delivered me a free Wii but since thats not gonna happen, im totally comfortable paying the price theyre asking. The fact that they crammed so much efficient functionality into something that small is worth the asking price to me.


I think the only negative is the forced purchase of Wii Sports. Its not a problem for me since i wanted it anyway. I think it would have been more logical and business savvy to include a second wii-moat in its place


Think about it, if people get 2 wii-motes theyre automatically gonna get others to play it and spread the word

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I think the price is fair enough. You get everything you need to get started. Basically you can purchase a Wii, get home, hook up everything and you're off to go. Sure Wii Sports works better in multiplayer but at least you can HAVE to spend more money to play, unlike many other consoles out there.


That said, I was slightly disappointed it would cost 249 euro, because they've always said it wouldn't cost more than 250 euro, people were expecting a price of 200 - 229. I'd rather they've had said it would be 249 in the first place, so i wouldnt be expecting a more mass-market price.

I guess Nintendo could have either chosen to release the console + controller for 200 and have people buy a separate game or make a bundle where no extra purchase is needed for 249. So yeah, I'm fine with it.


The prices for the controllers are actually pricier when you think about it. The remote is 40, but i see the nunchuk + remote as the complete set, so that makes it 60 euro for a new controller... Ouch, that's a new game already. I believe they're gonna pack in Wii Play with the separate controller. I really hope they do, cause getting more mini-games means i can spread the fun and feels less expensive.

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I Cant understand why people are worrying about the Price of the Wii and think that Nintendo are screwed, i just want to make some points to you all.


The Wii Price


Its fine, Its £20 less than a Xbox360 Core and lets look what you get.






-Wired Pad

-Silver Live


Nintendo Wii:


-Console (with inbuilt memory)




-Wii sports game


-Sensor Bar

-Fully online out the box (Wii Connect 24)


Now if we added up from the Core what we would need to bring it up to the Wii's bundle it would be:


HDD: £60

Wireless pad: £30

Gold Live £30 for 1 year

Game: £40

Live Headset: £15


All that brings it up to £175 on top of the Cores price.


Now compare, just cuase the Wii hasent got Crazy real graphics doesnt mean they can charge a ton less than the 360, they have expensive and new forms of technology in diffrent forms (The Controller).


Also look at what you get, people never seem to metion the stand or the sensor bar which when they sell them seperatly will be something like £10 for the stand and £20-30 for the sensor bar, also on top of that the Wii has Memory built in, in which cuase thats £20 for a Xbox360 MU you could start to add in.


The price for what your getting is fine, just look, think and compare, remember as well, we all know the Xbox360s prices, Nintendo have just annouced theres, Gameplay and good shops like that will sell what Nintendo said but a tad cheaper as well.


This is my opinion of the price, lets just keep most of the price talk in this thread as it seems to be cluttering up alot of other threads.






USA - November 17th - $249.99

  • Wii-Remote - $40
  • Nunchuka - $20
  • Games - $49.99

Japan - December 2nd - 25,000 yen

  • Wii-Remote - 3,800 yen
  • Nunchuka - 1,800 yen
  • Games - 6,800 yen

PAL - December 8th - £179.99 / 249 Euros

  • Wii-Remote - £29 / €39
  • Nunchuka - £14 / €19
  • Games - £34-£39 / 49-50 Euros

dont be silly the fact that the 360 is about 3 times the power of the wii proves the price is wrong

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Im over the price and all, but still, the controller has pissed me off. They wont bundle it with the nunchuck when retailed, so therefore we have to buy them seperately which means a percentage of what we pay is for the different packaging.


Also, its left me thinking, if the Wii was supposed to be the cheapest WITH the DVD functionality, how much was it gonna cost? The same as an XBOX 360 core?


Still, you got to remember that we have to think from a customers point of view which knows no were near as much as we do about video games. Their just gonna think "Oh, for 20 quid more my son could get one of those console's his mates go on about having really good graphics". Its the high-definition branding, people want it.


But I think we're all talking too early, we gotta see what Nintendo has planned. The marketing, the DS connectivity, the feature 'hard-core gamers' will enjoy and possibly if it does a GC and theres a price drop before launch. Im expecting one if PS3 sells well in the US and Asia.

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360 will suddenly kick ass wait till u see!


You may be wrong. Parents are going to go xmas shopping, and go for the cheapest option so theres more to spend on other xmas needs. Wii would have an advantage at £180 with a game, but it may not have an advantage if the child (which is most probably a spoilt brat), demands and xbox 360 so he can fit in with his friends and be slightly popular for having 'AMAZING GRAPHICS INIT'.

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The price is ok, but it was expected to be less. Also, Nintendo is making profit on the console itself, meaning it isn't as cheap as it could be. So there's room for complaining there.


Second, the Wiimote + nunchuck set (60 euros!) and the VC games ($5 for a NES game!) are overpriced. Even the internet browser has to be paid for.


Obviously Nintendo are thinking way too much about short term profit and not really about long term market share.

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dont be silly the fact that the 360 is about 3 times the power of the wii proves the price is wrong


Did you read what i wrote you tool, just cuase the 360 is more powerfull doesnt mean the Wii is a simple shit machine, The controler will cost quite a bit to make thats where there putting there technology, not in the graphics but in the hardware.

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Did you read what i wrote you tool, just cuase the 360 is more powerfull doesnt mean the Wii is a simple shit machine, The controler will cost quite a bit to make thats where there putting there technology, not in the graphics but in the hardware.


yes i did u ass!

if u think it is justified having a console for the mass market where u have over priced controllers,over priced vc games(but im not surprised there) over priced controllers, and u have to actually pay for the browser

then fine by me.i dont give a shit if wii sports is included or not and

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