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European Wii Preorders


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Hopefully they'll just do a Twilight Princess bundle, cause i've ordered my other games using the HMV 15% discount code
Yeah same, I just want Zelda from GAME at launch, so I think I'll pre-order it from them tomorrow (and then can get it in a bundle if there is one or if it works out cheaper).


I've used the 15% HMV code aswell.


Hopefully there will be a GAME bundle with Zelda and an extra Wii-mote and Nunchuck or something similar; I've got quite alot of points on my GAME card that I didn't know about and they told me about the other day!

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Well I went all out with the HMV offer and pre-ordered an extra controller and nunchuck, as well as the classic controller (since it worked out to be about £11 or something) so that means I'll have three at launch, maybe I'll splash out on a fourth if they do a controller bundle!


Just means even more dunken multiplayer fun on the 15/16th!

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I went into HMV today asking if I'll be getting a Wii at launch. They said they couldn't tell me but they'd only had about 100 pre orders and they reckon they should get that amount in at least so WOO for me.


Although, does only 100 preorders = no possibility of a midnight launch? This is the main HMV in Manchester city center.

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Guest Stefkov
I went into HMV today asking if I'll be getting a Wii at launch. They said they couldn't tell me but they'd only had about 100 pre orders and they reckon they should get that amount in at least so WOO for me.


Although, does only 100 preorders = no possibility of a midnight launch? This is the main HMV in Manchester city center.


thats a good question. How many pre-orders do they have to take before they can do a midnight launch.

When I go and pick up that pack which we GAME preorderers got info about, I'm gonn ask about a midnight launch. Plus preorder some games, if i get double points then great, less tospend on later in the year.

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All i know is that they havent told anyone if there gonna get one on launch yet.. but if you pre-orderd awhile ago you should be ok.


Yeah I got in there pretty early so I'm hopeful and I've got a Game pre-order as back-up but I do find it annoying as it seems the online retailers are fairly reluctant to give firm details (prob trying to keep trade) and I would like at least a bit of warning either way so I know whether to head down to the Midnight Launch at Game! I guess we'll hear something soon enough - even if it isn't until they issue a dispatch/tracking number!!:rolleyes:

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Has anyone pre-ordered from PCWorld online? or used them before? Has anyone got any info on their stock allocations etc?

I ordered mine from PCWorld online. I noticed that my local PCWorld store has adverts up for pre-ordering so I went in there this lunchtime to see if I could change my order from on-line to in store. They weren't able to do that, I'd have to order in store and cancel my online order. BUT the guy checked with their stock department and came back saying that they weren't taking any more in store pre orders for the Wii.


He also said that if all the on-line preorders were taken you wouldn't be able to order one. Not sure if this is bulls*** or not but if true, should mean that I'll definitely get one.


Just one concern. Checking my order on-line I see that the delivery date says "Usually 5 - 7 working days after the release date". I hope that's not true!


My local Virgin (store :laughing: )have just the other day put up a sign for pre-orders, so I might pop in there on the way home to see if they can gaurantee me one.

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Haha, even though I assume most people wont order from the Wooloworths I went to I was speaking to this kid who ordered on a saturday and they told him he was number 1 in the queue. Funny that though, seeing me and my friend had ordered 2 the day before lol!

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Right here is a reply from Dabs, just spoke to an agent:


Please wait while we find an agent to assist you... In the meantime, have you reviewed our help section as most questions can be answered instantly? http://www.dabs.com/help

All agents are currently busy. Please stand by.

You are currently at position number 4 in the queue.

An agent will be with you in a moment. Thank you for your patience.

You are currently at position number 1 in the queue.

The next available Agent will be with you in a moment.

You are currently at position number 1 in the queue.

You have been connected to Philip .


Dabs : Good afternoon, how may we help you?

Adam: hiya

Adam: what are your preorders like for the wii, do you have any stock left to be allocated to customers?

Dabs : Can I have the quicklinx of the item please?

Adam: 4B62WS

Adam: just want to know if u can definitly deliver one for launch

Dabs : We expect stock of this item on 08/12/06 (subject to change)

Adam: so you dont get it till the day it is actually released? how many days will it take to get shipped out to me? do you know if all your preorders will be filled? if you have filled up your allocated stock levels?

Dabs : I am afraid I cannot comment on deliveries already placed. The delivery of your order will depend on the delivery option you source

Adam: i havnt placed the order yet, am thinking of if i know you still have stock to be allocated

Dabs : All delivery options available to you are detailed at the checkout stage of ordering. If the option is not shown then I am afraid it is not available to you.

Dabs : Stock will be allocated to pre-existing orders before being advertised as in stock on the website

Adam: right ok thanks for your help

Dabs : We are glad to be of assistance. Goodbye.

Thank you for using this service. You may now close this window.

Your session has ended. You may now close this window.


right so there you have it, not all that helpful he didn't seem to want to commit to anything so maybe i wasn't pushy enough, he didnt seem to be able to tell me if i could preorder and get one. I took out the agents name cos didnt want to incriminate them!




have gone through to check out and you can't get next day delivery only 1-3 working days hmm....




Well here is what they wrote in an email, just dunno what they are actually like at preordering anyone used them before?


> hiya


> I was thinking of preordering a Wii from you guys do lot still have stock

> waiting to be allocated to people who preorder?





Based on our stock allocation from Nintendo, we are currently in a

position to guarantee launch day stock for orders placed now. We will

also have a further delivery coming before Christmas.





Steve - Play 3000

View our complete product range at http://www.play3k.com - with FREE UK delivery!

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