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Got it this morning > What a piece of shit. The handling is so awful, and it's not as if it's the fault of the wii-mote either. You tilt it a tiny bit and the car turns sideways! Then once you get into the actual racing after the stupid, pointless tutorial, you smash into a tree every five bloody seconds. I'm very dissapointed that I wasted thirty quid on a game where they can't even get the physics right.


EA can do a better job than this. I'm not even sure if I want to play it again, and I've only played it about 20 minutes.

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Got it this morning > What a piece of shit. The handling is so awful, and it's not as if it's the fault of the wii-mote either. You tilt it a tiny bit and the car turns sideways! Then once you get into the actual racing after the stupid, pointless tutorial, you smash into a tree every five bloody seconds. I'm very dissapointed that I wasted thirty quid on a game where they can't even get the physics right.


EA can do a better job than this. I'm not even sure if I want to play it again, and I've only played it about 20 minutes.

Give it a chance! 20 minutes is no way enough time to get the controls down. Plus there are loads of different trucks to unlock, the ones you get later handle better than any of the initial 3.


Wish they had all the game modes in VS (Race,Crush,Gates,Air)
Yeah man, Crush really needed to be in VS. I love that mode so much, gives me a major adrenaline rush! :grin: Not experienced in playing a racing game since F-Zero GX.
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Got it this morning > What a piece of shit. The handling is so awful, and it's not as if it's the fault of the wii-mote either. You tilt it a tiny bit and the car turns sideways! Then once you get into the actual racing after the stupid, pointless tutorial, you smash into a tree every five bloody seconds. I'm very dissapointed that I wasted thirty quid on a game where they can't even get the physics right.


EA can do a better job than this. I'm not even sure if I want to play it again, and I've only played it about 20 minutes.


From everything I've heard, this game was never going for realistic physics at all.

Any hardcore players finished it yet? Got everything you can and done everything to be done?

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The handling in this game is incredible. I was blasting around the track, getting lots of stars within 20 seconds, seriously, the controls are that easy. You don't even need to turn much at all, and it's very sensitive.


So far I've done the gold/silver cups, It's great that you don't have to win to pass a course (although winning is the best option..it's still possible to get enough stars to come last, tho).


The gameplay itself is great, the tricks make the race more exiting, the terrain morphers add a lot, too, smashing opponents is satisfying, and doesn't detract from the gameplay as it doesn't change your camera angle (unlike another racing game). The tracks are great, too, and feel like you really are off-road. When I saw trailers, I was a bit worried when I saw the arrow wall, but playing the game, the tracks feel massive. It's hard to explain, but the tracks feel very free-roaming, while still making you go in the right direction, and the arrow walls don't usually appear to quite a while off the track.


You crash quite often, but most of the time, due to the boost you get, you don't actually seem to lose much ground, the AI is great too - they make mistakes, but not obvious mistakes (it looks like they are genuine mistakes, rather than mistakes forced onto them by the AI code).


And the graphics. Lovely, simply gorgeous. Especially when you get big ai, water effects are beautiful, as is the lighting. All this, while everything goes past at high speeds. Sure, some stuff do look a bit low-detailed if you crash into them dead on (and your truck stops), but that rarely happens (usually your truck spins, which looks ace). Controlling in the air is surprisingly easy to do, too.


There seems to be plenty of content in the game, too, and I can see myself spending a LOT of time on this in the future (as the game I play for 20 minutes while I decide on what game to play that night, or a quick blast as a break in studying), so I'll get my money's worth out of it.


The menu music is fine, but I've yet to hear the in-game music, thanks to the SD Card function, racing to your own music is ace, and the sound effects are well done, too.


Multiplayer I've yet to try...It isn't really an important feature to me, and 2-player is probably all I'll ever need.


Overall, a fantastic game, a lot of fun. One of the best games on the Wii so far, and possibly one of the best racers ever. I love it.

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Give it a chance! 20 minutes is no way enough time to get the controls down. Plus there are loads of different trucks to unlock, the ones you get later handle better than any of the initial 3.
From everything I've heard, this game was never going for realistic physics at all.


Played some more. They're seriously awful controls. It's just no fun at all.

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How can you call them amazing? It's virtually impossible to stay on the track.


It depends what you class as the "track". The small slither of road, or the vast amount of land to each side. In this game, you're encouraged to do the latter (Super Tree Runs FTW!)

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It probably gets higher "marks" form me than other people because its the type of racing game I love.


I've never been much of a fan of "serious" racing games, such as Gran Turismo, but I've always loved such ones as Sega Rally 2, Crazy Taxi and Burnout. Arcade style racers have been more my cup of tea. Excite Truck should be pretty alrightey then?

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