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Endless Ocean


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Just recieved my copy from Gameplay and have checked the invoice to see that they have charged me £29.99 for the game rather than the updated price of £17.99. Im kicking off via the live chat! Seriously, whats up with the online retailers at the moment? They just cant do anything right for me!

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Just recieved my copy from Gameplay and have checked the invoice to see that they have charged me £29.99 for the game rather than the updated price of £17.99. Im kicking off via the live chat! Seriously, whats up with the online retailers at the moment? They just cant do anything right for me!


Sorry to hear that dude! Gameplay have seriously lost the plot lately.



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Sorry to hear that dude! Gameplay have seriously lost the plot lately.




Tell me about it. The guy said he will pass the message on to some at gameplay and my refund will show up in my account in 3-10 days. It had better!


Owen, I will add your Wii code when I fire my Wii up to play this.

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Tell me about it. The guy said he will pass the message on to some at gameplay and my refund will show up in my account in 3-10 days. It had better!


Owen, I will add your Wii code when I fire my Wii up to play this.


OK mate! : peace:

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Surprisingly, I got my copy from Gameplay this morning! I've played it for a short while, but not long enough to form an opinion yet.


Just recieved my copy from Gameplay and have checked the invoice to see that they have charged me £29.99 for the game rather than the updated price of £17.99.

What price was it when you pre-ordered?

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Surprisingly, I got my copy from Gameplay this morning! I've played it for a short while, but not long enough to form an opinion yet.



What price was it when you pre-ordered?


£29.99 but they are supposed to drop your preorder price if the retail price drops.


Been on this a little bit this morning and the jaggies on the characters are a disgrace. Its alright when you are under water but when you arrive back on your boat it looks like a 1st generation PS2 game.

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£29.99 but they are supposed to drop your preorder price if the reatil price drops.

From Gameplay's terms & Conditions...


"The price you will pay for the goods is the price in the email confirmation.".


I keep an eye on the things I've pre-ordered, then if the price is lowered I'll cancel and re-order.

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£29.99 but they are supposed to drop your preorder price if the retail price drops.


Been on this a little bit this morning and the jaggies on the characters are a disgrace. Its alright when you are under water but when you arrive back on your boat it looks like a 1st generation PS2 game.


Yeah the jaggies are pretty bad then...but overall i'm loving it so far!

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So is it as good as people thought it would be? I didn't get it...might pop into Asda on Sunday and perhaps pick up if the mood takes me....


So far, it's actually better then i thought it was going to be!


In my opinion anyway!

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So is it as relaxing as I read somewhere on the net?


God yes, it's extremely relaxing and slow-paced, but it's wonderful.


Graphically lovely as well, except for when your on your boat.


Worth £20, definately.


Hero-Of-Time, i sent you my friend code for this game! :)


EDIT: Oh and Redshell!

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You can permanently change it though right?


yeah, it was just a quick play last night.


Bit annoying that you have to go back onto the boat to change songs, and it only plays one at a time and not as a playlist (although Excitetruck is the same. Its rubbish).


Anyone else who played it; when you go to dive is it just me or can you only selected that blasted Hayley Westerna song?

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yeah, it was just a quick play last night.


Bit annoying that you have to go back onto the boat to change songs, and it only plays one at a time and not as a playlist (although Excitetruck is the same. Its rubbish).


Anyone else who played it; when you go to dive is it just me or can you only selected that blasted Hayley Westerna song?


Yeah! :D


Although i've got up to a certain part and heard a new song, i now reckon i'm able to choose that song from the loading screen. I have two songs to choose from at the mo though!


EDIT: Yeah i'll swim with ya Tales!

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Played it for a few hours now, it’s certainly living up to my expectations.

the jaggies on the characters are a disgrace. Its alright when you are under water but when you arrive back on your boat it looks like a 1st generation PS2 game.
Yeah there’s a huge difference in quality between the on deck and underwater sections, the animation of the characters is hilariously bad at times, really robotic movement and they appear to skate across the boat. :heh: (being on the boat kind of reminds me a bit of Another Code, mainly due to the point and click nature of the controls, but it has a similar vibe too). Underwater the visuals are much better though, and at times have an almost photorealistic quality to them! It generates a very convincing atmosphere, put it that way.


Anyway, for those that want to know how the game works, basically you receive objectives (e-mails in the game) that you’re then free to carryout whenever you want. So far they’ve consisted of things like guiding various people on tours in search of a specific type of fish, and taking photos. You gradually get to explore different areas of the ocean and receive new gear to customize your diver. At the end of the day, it all comes down to just exploring and discovering as many different types of sea life as you can, it’s seriously chilled out. :smile:


The photography element has been a really nice surprise for me, there’s actually quite a bit of depth involved and you can use advanced controls that allow you to manually choose the focal point of a shot (otherwise it’s just locked to the centre) and adjust the aperture to vary the depth of field. You then have to return to the boat to check the images which you can store in an album (up to 40), I’ve had loads of fun just experimenting with this aspect of the game as it can be quite tricky to take good photos due to the way most the fish constantly move around.


Control wise this game couldn’t be any easier, you simply point where you want to move and then hold down the B button to swim (you can also press the – button once to enable auto swim). There are a few extra features too, like flicking the remote to make your diver spin to turn around quicker, and an option to use advanced controls, which removes the angle limitation, meaning you have complete freedom of movement and can swim upside-down ect… I’ve stuck with the advanced setting since discovering it.


My main gripe at the moment is that you can only choose a single Mp3 track while on the boat, it can’t be changed once you’re underwater and will just loop over and over. So to change track you need to return to the boat, would’ve be nice if you could create a play list or something. :hmm: But yeah, that’s a pretty minor complaint, and I’m finding that most of the time I prefer to play it with no music anyway.


I’m really enjoying it though, and would definitely recommend it (if any of the above sounds like your cup of tea that is). It’s a great game for non-gamers too, literally anyone could play this. I reckon/hope it’ll do quite well.


Will try to check out the online later, here’s my code:



: peace:

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That was an excellent read Red Shell thanks! :D It sounds just how i expected except with more depth to it than i previously thought!


I may buy this game as it looks fun and is £20 which i have to spare. (i think) :)


I agree, well-done Redshell great read! I would have done the same, but i'm shattered. :heh:;)

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In regards to only being able to play a single mp3 at a time I may go with some classical music which will last over 10 minutes. This could be the way to go rather than having pop songs lasting around 2 minutes.


Indeed, classical music will probably suit the atmosphere.


The camera element sounds fab. I love taking pictures in games (Pilotwings64 was loved by me for this reason alone!) WOW....I may just add the Pilotwings64 birdman music onto my SD card...Seems too good to resist!

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In regards to only being able to play a single mp3 at a time I may go with some classical music which will last over 10 minutes. This could be the way to go rather than having pop songs lasting around 2 minutes.


Indeed, classical music will probably suit the atmosphere.


The camera element sounds fab. I love taking pictures in games (Pilotwings64 was loved by me for this reason alone!) WOW....I may just add the Pilotwings64 birdman music onto my SD card...Seems too good to resist!


I'll just use Audacity to 'tape' songs together, export it as an mp3 and add to SD. Problem solved.

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