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I can't see what the guy is actually doing. Is he wanking or what?


I won a math debate.


I wona mathdebate.


I wanna mastebate.


I want to masturbate.







It's actually quite funny: When I recently switched to my current profile picture, some random girl on Facebook remarked in a talk about relationships and the like that I look like I "enjoy single life too much to be able to commit myself to only one girl". :heh: It's so hilarious that my profile picture makes me appear as the "cool" guy who gets all the girls - the direct opposite of who I actually am. I love social experiments. :heh:

I actually bit my knuckle whilst watching this. It's pretty much the definition of awkward watching:



Play him off, keyboard cat.



I went through all the trouble of actually making that keyboard cat video you suggested. The result is FUCKING HILARIOUS.


i did already. i even posted a link that does it for you automaticaly, its not quiet as nice as your though :)

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