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The first jRPG on Xbox 360!


Reviewers have generally been giving it average-good reviews, criticizing that it is too generic etc. but then most moan about that when it comes to jRPGs, and I usually like them. Oh, and there is the most cliched gay character ever in the history of video games :grin: [http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=12497&type=wmv&pl=game, beware it's rather scary]


It's out on the 8th September in Europe, and I have it preordered along with Dead Rising. The IGN and Gamespot reviews aren't up yet, but i'm unlikely to let reviews stop me from getting an RPG judging from some i've seen in the past (e.g. Cubed3 gave like 56% for Baten Kaitos, and I really liked it).




Lots of videos:


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I've got it on order. Also getting it with Dead Rising too. :)


Since I love my RPGs I just want to have a crack at the Xbox 360s first Japanese one. I know the guy from Otogi is in as a secret character. :D


i swear i wish i had your income!!!


stupid student ness!!! grrrr


i want this game even if its shit just cos its a pretty JRPG for the 360 :D


and i hear the combats alright too :D

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As much as I want this game I doubt i will be getting it anytime soon as it comes out on the same day as Madden, Dead Rising, Star Wars Lego 2 all of which I have pre-ordered. Maybe after I finish them I will pick it up.


EDIT: IGN review is up now...http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/729/729488p1.html

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Jesus H Christ that guy is gay.


On a lighter note, the character models are much better than I expected! I have yet to watch a video showing the battles although I'm not liking the idea of the grid system, sounds to slow and mathematical.

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Jesus H Christ that guy is gay.


On a lighter note, the character models are much better than I expected! I have yet to watch a video showing the battles although I'm not liking the idea of the grid system, sounds to slow and mathematical.


is he really? or are using it in a derogatory way?


dont ask me why i think it looks good but hey, i think i'll get it for christmas :D

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Im getting this and Dead Rising next week too :) Ive only read one review and it was pretty poor, but I figure its worth a bash anyway - I havent had anything to play on my 360 for ages. The screens Ive seen look stunning, even if the characters do look a bit bland.


Dead Rising though - Im really looking forward to that. Must-kill-zombie-using-only-CDs!


Penny Stocks

Edited by Johelian
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I'm thinking about getting this and cancelling Test Drive (could be a mistake, that, lol).




Do you go to different places and is it like a big adventure? I enjoyed 'Jade Empire' if thats any help, is it a bit like that?


I don't normally like turn-based games though! :hmm:

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I'm thinking about getting this and cancelling Test Drive (could be a mistake, that, lol).




Do you go to different places and is it like a big adventure? I enjoyed 'Jade Empire' if thats any help, is it a bit like that?


I don't normally like turn-based games though! :hmm:


this will be nothing like jade empire-mass effect will be like jade empire thought-this is like dragon quest of final fantasy JRPGs.


test drive unlimited seems a bit cack anyway IMO

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Do you go to different places and is it like a big adventure? I enjoyed 'Jade Empire' if thats any help, is it a bit like that?


I don't normally like turn-based games though! :hmm:

We have a jRPG noob

aww isn't he cute *strokes him*

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Gamespot's review:


Being a big fan of jRPGs I know i'm going to like it from what I hear. It may not be original and such, but heck its the first next gen jRPG and the flaws only seem to be minor.




i mean the XBOX never got a JRPG that i know of . . . least not in the UK. so it could be a first for a M$ platform (PC excluded).


hey ho, i'm not sure wether to trade in BFME2 and RR6 or Tomb Raider for this or Dead Rising. grrrrrr indecisions!!!!

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Guest Stefkov

ooooh those screens look amazing!

I'll get thei for christmas, maybe earlier. getting Dead Rising on the 8th, so ill only have enough moeny for that if im save up for the wii later.

never played a jrpg before so id like to start off on it.

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ooooh those screens look amazing!

I'll get thei for christmas, maybe earlier. getting Dead Rising on the 8th, so ill only have enough moeny for that if im save up for the wii later.

never played a jrpg before so id like to start off on it.


you've never played Final Fantasy?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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Just read the review in this months OXM and the main guy is Gay, that should please Takeo!


They say graphically its hit and miss as some areas look stunning while others are meh. They gave it 7/10 but Im wondering whether this game would get scored alot lower if they were alot more JRPGs on the 360 system.

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Just read the review in this months OXM and the main guy is Gay, that should please Takeo!


WOOOOO-as if it wasnt expected after years of ambiguous characters in JRPGs.

still the game seems solid enough, however JRPGs live and die on their storyline and battle system. so once i've read the reviews aka when i get my bstarding wirless router working, i'll post again.


Dude, those sucked hardcore compared to the original adventures. If you have a GBA/DS, i strongly suggest you buy IV.




those games you mentioned Stefkov AREN'T JRPGs :( i feel sorry for you missing out on so many awesome (and a few dull) games. you need to get one soon.

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I tell you what I hate about just about all JRPGs, I hate the fact the the main guy character is just about always a teenage punk. Why the hell cant they change it for us old folks!


i agree, i'm sick of the main character being some punk kid who does wrong, meets a girl he falls in love with, then becomes a good boy forever. FF X really annoyed me storywise tbh.


why cant we have older main characters, or just different ones? i mean its probably got a lot to do with japanese developers trying to reach out to and entertain the huge number of girls that play JRPGs.


but still its really starting to grate.

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