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IGN has separately learned from multiple development sources that Nintendo will not release Wii Wi-Fi Connection libraries to third parties until early 2007, which means that no third party launch title will have an online mode. :blank:



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Why is this the case?


Why can other competing companies have a fully fledged online system from day 1 and Nintendo can't?


Someone explain the logic/reasoning behind this...


DAMN YOU NINTENDO, You're already nicely set up for failure this generation as well. :horse:

Guest Jordan

1, Its very very probable that the PS3 isn't gunna be online from day one.

2, The XBOX360 was online from day one... because XBL was there for 2 years.


I was shocked at this at first. But, as Jordan says, the PS3 probably won't go online straight from day one either.


Anyway, the release list has not been finalised yet. There's still time that this could change.


You know, I thought about it, and I think it's gonna be fine anyway. Really, how many third party games are online for DS? I'm too lazy to check but I think it's a rather small number. Not to mention, 3rd parties rushing weak online into games won't help the online service. It's not the quantity, but the quality that counts in games. That's on top of the DS not being online untill a long time after launch. It'll be fine.



I hope.:horse:


Or maybe Nintendo has some things about their online service that they really don't want other people to know. I know this may be a silly idea, but if they really have some things they don't want people to copy then they might risk something like this. Opera will be built into machines. They said they want things to just work out of the box.


We really don't know if there will be no online at all for the first six months, or if only first and second party titles will be online enabled. Besides, how are they going to have downloadable games on the Virtual Console if the Wii isn't online at launch? It may just be Nintendo being secretive again. Matt did say in his hands-on with Tony Hawk that they weren't even allowed to see the actual console. Pretty weird, huh?


Probably want to finalise everything first. I mean maybe they've decided to go in a different direction to ds after all, or maybe they haven't quite finished the wifi libraries. But that also probably means no third party wii online game until mid 2007. Unless they add that feature to a game closer to release.


InvaderElmo : I believe the Wii will be online from day one, for browsing, updates and VC, but I think they're saying that the SDK doesn't have the libraries to access it from the games until 2007.


It sucks but makes sense. I mean, they need to get the things right for 3rd parties to use the infrastructures and early 2007 is like 2/3 months from launch. I also means it isn't just like the DS online.

I suppose Nintendo decided that other things were more important getting done, than a fully operational online service. I agree that its sucky and stupid.


3rd parties. This doesn't apply to Nintendo. I don't see what's the big deal if I remember well XBOX was like this too, so was DS, this is fairly normal. It's not a huge problem that I won't be able to play 3rd party online games for a few months. COD would be cool, but that's life. If the graphics suck as they do now, how much would they suck with them spending time on online? Hardly an excuse, but it's not the end of the world.

EDIT: lol @ solitanze

I was shocked at this at first. But, as Jordan says, the PS3 probably won't go online straight from day one either.


Anyway, the release list has not been finalised yet. There's still time that this could change.


yeh, ur probably right, and even if ps3 IS online straight away i bet it's severly limited. makes sense that ninty will want to keep all this top secret for now, then launch a large selection of their own online games to show 3rd parties just how successful they can be.


It sucks but makes sense. I mean, they need to get the things right for 3rd parties to use the infrastructures and early 2007 is like 2/3 months from launch. I also means it isn't just like the DS online.


precisely, let's look at the good news in all of this :) this must be a fresh WFC network! :D there may not be 3rd party online game, but the reasons you've all come up with have got me super-hyped about the Wii's online service.


(on another note, nice to see this thread is seeing this as a good thing, reasoning about it, instead of instantly flaming nintendo and dooming the Wii lol. not that certain other threads are coughcough!)

another dumb move by big N, when will they ever learn?


did you even READ the posts on here or just reply straight away? :nono: i think the posts above give ample reasoning behind all this, and if anything point to a much better online service than we originally thought!


never mind the point that this is the same as when ANY new online service has appeared on consoles. i'm getting sick of people instantly flaming nintendo these days before they've even properly thought things thru!!


Perhaps just having the Virtual Console set up at launch would somewhat compensate for a "temporary" lack of online titles with having the ability to buy add ons to games [e.g. Red Steel with additional guns, swords, multiplayer stages and other features that enhance the replay value of the game]. An easy way for developers to generate additional revenue through novelty means and perhaps even encourage them to develop online games for Wii when the system is finalised.


Just great. On the one hand we've got too expensive consoles with controllers I can't use for FPS games, and on the other we've got a cheap console with a controller that's hopefully better for FPS games but has FPS games that are once again being scaled down with even less features. I'm so sick of this. It's like I can't win.

Just great. On the one hand we've got too expensive consoles with controllers I can't use for FPS games, and on the other we've got a cheap console with a controller that's hopefully better for FPS games but has FPS games that are once again being scaled down with even less features. I'm so sick of this. It's like I can't win.


why don't people READ what other's have suggested instead of huffing and just posting first?!


xbox live took MUCH longer on xbox to get going, even first party title-wise! the DS didn't have many 3rd party online support... nintendo will release plenty of onlline games at launch foor Wii and they'll be ready to go! 3rd parties will be able to do so as of january or soon thereafter!!


this is nintendo making sure they do a PROPER online service for us!!!! why can't people be happy with that?! and it's launching at the launch of the console with their first party games!!! (or at the very latest a coupla months in! big deal!!) and the VC! AND any other online service has taken MUCH longer after launch to get ready! so in actual fact nintendo are doing it BETTER than the competition ever has (so i can tell so far!)!!!


questworld, in much quicker a time scale than other consoles before it (and i wager quicker than ps3, coz i bet it won't be ready to go online for a while) you'll be playing online FPS games on a brand new nintendo online service with the wii controllers. have patience my friend, patience...


Remembering the Xbox Live didn't start until a year after the Xbox came out.


This is a big blow though, hopefully the Nintendo online games will work well.


"why don't people READ what other's have suggested instead of huffing and just posting first?!"


err..im sure he did... The biggest problem with the wii is that we are getting the controller, but really cr*p obsolete graphics and a 2nd rate kid friendly wifi connection in exchange...friend codes? ugh. I'd rather have the 'full' version of COD3 on the PS3 or 360.

"why don't people READ what other's have suggested instead of huffing and just posting first?!"


err..im sure he did... The biggest problem with the wii is that we are getting the controller, but really cr*p obsolete graphics and a 2nd rate kid friendly wifi connection in exchange...friend codes? ugh. I'd rather have the 'full' version of COD3 on the PS3 or 360.


This is a dissapointment. But you do realise that there is more chance of the Online Service being quite good now. There may be no Friend Code problem because Nintendo are taking their time to develop it, properly we hope. Just wait and see. It may not be there for launch but it will be there soon after.

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