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An intellectual post


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I've been sitting around off and on trying to think of a good intellectual post to pop on general.


You see, I CAN be an uber good intellect when I want, and I have a decent range of things I can discuss intelligently, but I just couldn't think of anything to post in Off-topic.


You see, politics is usually a good topic to get a hot debate going... but we have a forum for that.


I don't know much about flash and programming.... also have a forum for that.


I could blab on about some news from my website... but there's a place for that.


I would maybe discuss art and literature, but half the users here can barely type, and we know that would go downhill fast.


Then it hit me. Everyone poops.


So, let's discuss poop. More specifically, let's discuss the mechanics of it and how we humans can use our vast inttelect to improve this process.


Firstly, there is the actual act. Americans must lower their drawers and sit on a toilet.


The sitting position keeps the poop away from your clothes and positions you so any splashing will only hit your skin and can be easily wiped off.


This is ideal for not having to put your drawers all the way to ankle level, but it doesn't give the ass crack maximum spreadage. This results in minor smearing on the way out, and god forbid you have ass hair: cling-ons.


In Japan they have different toilets. These marvels do not have a seat, you simply squat over them much in the way you squat behind a bush when camping. The bowl is shaped for minimal splashing, but you do need to pull your pants down to the floor just to be safe.


This extra time spent pulling the pands down is easily made up by the speed at wich you can wipe your optimally spread crack. While this method is ultimately cleaner and faster, it does require a degree of endurance, especially if you want to read the paper while you poop.


It is general knowledge that japan is far far below america on the pollution offenders list. Is it possible that our method of pooping is contributing to this? On average an american uses 4x as much TP to clean thier crack, than any japanese person would use.


Is it possible that improving how we poop could save the rain forrest?


Please, discuss this most important topic and maybe one day we can make our world a better place.

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Surely the poo falling through the air in the Japanese toilets would create heat due to air resistance, breaking down oxygen into O radicals, which would then react to produce ozone, poisoning us all and causing global warming?


Nah, I think their toilets have built-in air conditioning, so your ass stays cold no matter what you do.

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That wouldn't be Cleaveland steaming chest-poop by any chance would it?

It most definitely would be :D


All I'm askin' you to do

Is drop trou

And squeeze out

A Cleveland Steamer on my chest.



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This topic is somewhere between genius and insanity. I like it :)


I agree it matters how much you open the so-called "crack" but also what you eat is a big factor.

If it's like this then you'll need a roll to clean it while normally you need a few papers. Also the amount is very important because the bigger the "output" the more will leave it's mark around the ass-crack.


So my suggestion to save the rainforest is. Feed Americans with Japanese food and give them only Japanese portions. :D

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Surely the poo falling through the air in the Japanese toilets would create heat due to air resistance, breaking down oxygen into O radicals, which would then react to produce ozone, poisoning us all and causing global warming?


Also, heat does not break Oxygen down into O radicals, it's light energy that does that.


Any oxygen-breakup due to heat would just cause it to react with something else straight away.

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Also, heat does not break Oxygen down into O radicals, it's light energy that does that.


Any oxygen-breakup due to heat would just cause it to react with something else straight away.

I think you'll find it can in some cases... why else do electric engines smell of ozone? I don't know the exact mechanism for the reaction... but surely infra-red could increase oxygen molecules by a particular quantised level causing homolytic fission just as much as ultra-violet can in the stratosphere...

Anyway, the O radicals would react with other oxygen, forming ozone.


Edit: Presumably you're aware that I was joking in my earlier post.


Edit 2: With a bit of googling, I have discovered that oxygen radicals are produced by the electrical discharge, which then react via a mechanism to form ozone.

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