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Is this country (the UK) breeding idiots?

Guest Jordan

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Guest Ford Prefect
Nope, it would reflect the heirarchy here, in other words, I'd be (one of the people) in charge! Bwaha!



if this was a real island with real people, i think your ass would be thrown to the sharks pretty damn fast......

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Hmmm, people getting into University with lower grades: Imo, is that such a bad thing? Should University ONLY be for rich people or people with rich families?


Very interesting! You've instantly, perhaps unintentionally and subconsciously, but quite definitively, put smart people and rich people together in one sentence as though they were the same group. Now that's psychology ;)


I am not from a rich family, I did not go to an excellent school. I live in the middle of nowhere and spent most of school being bullied by the popular kids, who were idiots.


But, I worked hard for my grades to get into University. Very hard. Should it only be for rich people? No. But you should still have to earn your place by working for it. Money is not a factor in that sense, if you get the grades you need, you're given loans and bursaries based on household income, money isn't an issue until you get a job to pay it back.



Back on the original topic, I agree wholeheartedly with Jordan. I cannot stand the binge drinking, Big Brother watching, STD spreading, violent moronic generation that has become Britain's youthful majority. It's a pity.


Edit: I've tried about three times to watch Big Brother this season. Do you know what put me off? The word "Fuck". Every. Five. Seconds.

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Very interesting! You've instantly, perhaps unintentionally and subconsciously, but quite definitively, put smart people and rich people together in one sentence as though they were the same group. Now that's psychology ;)



Ahh, you're right! I didn't mean to do that. Oooo, bluddy psychology. :p


*leaves thread in shame*

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What does an A* at GCSE History prove? That this person is good at History tests.






History is the be all and end all of life it is the sole superb factor of showing how great you are! I love history.


Sierously though on the lower grade people going into university and lack of intellegence. People are intellegent in different ways. Im not saying that to be PC as I hate that shit. Its just true. I might be good at history but my brain can't deal with the details and dynamics of brick laying and everyone who says David Beckham is dumb is misguided. He may not be the best at convential education but is brain can spot stuff on a football field that the rest of us can only imagine. (Don't flame me if you ahte Beckham just replace his name with your favourite footballer/rugby player/mud wrestler) Some people can hold conversations really well while others work better as indivduals and observe.


For the Big Brother thing even though I watch it I agree with Jordan its pure celbrity sold out garbage that thrives on sex and voilence the two base enjoyments of humans. It has definatly lost its potential for true insight. But the people behind it aren't stupid.


I think that stupity is celebrated now. Because with the decline of Enlightenment values then a postmodern assualt on class structures and modernist liberal values equality and a blamesless culture now replaces heirachies and truths accepted by most of society. The rise of celbraties to replace aristocracy and the desire of people to enter this new elite does make us more of a stupid culture no doubt. As celbraties are dethroned and cheapended and many will do anything to cling on to their position. In the end they don't have wisdom or lasting impacts in our very fast culture.


if this was a real island with real people, i think your ass would be thrown to the sharks pretty damn fast......



Bitch please.


Indeed, lay of Ashley he likes AD we need more people like him!

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In all honesty, most countries now are breeding idiots.

If your raised in the right way, you wont be an idiot, but its just the way that we are raised so lazilly now it takes effect.


Discipline back in the old days was do chores, if your bad, more chores. Now, theres hardly any chores being done, and if your bad, you've got to face the grim task of loading the fucking dishwasher. Not that im complaining, im just showing why idiots are becoming more common.


Personally, i blame technology and society. There is no end to all the moronic behaviour. You can find comfort by watching TV, yay, who needs school? Sorry kids, we didnt get shopping this week becuase we voted 100 times to get Nikki booted from big brother.


Idiots are coming in the thousands, its already common to see them.

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Theres a lot of presumption here that behaviour breeds behaviour, that nature wins out over nurture. People seem to be suggesting that stupidity is genetic, that these stupid people live within their own kind.


There are stories of people becoming different from their parents (either become stupider, or not following in their steps). To presume everyone's behaviour is a reflection of those that bought them up is a naive one, as even siblings can be different, even identical twins.

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I find this actually quite amusing, reading the lad who posted how people bully him because he doesn't watch Big Brother.


I myself have experienced the other side of the coin.

I know and have talked to quite a few people who place a social stigmatism on the people who do watch it, often mocking them and calling them retards for choosing to talk about the show and such, saying it is purely for morons with no lifes etc etc. I myself have experienced such irratating taunts a couple of times at school talking about it with my friends and I hate it, being mocked for your opinion and what you enjoy. The same thing, on a much much larger scale happens with musical tastes.


Many people mock me when I say I like J-Pop, which many of you may think is unjust mocking material but then think, if I had said that I absolutely love Girl's Aloud then I bet my bottom dollar that I would've been ridiculed for my taste in music, instead of people just accepting it. I mean, an example of this type of behavior being the way a person, I think it was Fields, posted in the j-pop thread "Nah, J-pop is shit.". Instead of accepting a persons musical tastes, a condemnation of them is the easier, chosen option.

People just need to accept others tastes, such as liking Love Island or Big Brother, without ridiculing them for it. That just breeds contempt, and somebody once said, "contempt breeds more contempt".


It really is the other coin of this elitest coin in which the self proclaimed intellectual folks collate and arrongantly laugh and sneer at those who are stupid and such.

I think this is what breeds these feelings of animosity in that one extremist group mocks another, so they feel insecure and vulnerable so they respond by doing the same thing, getting into a group and mocking the other group back.


There is an example of this type of behavior above:

"It annoys me, that people who are intelligent get mocked. People calling them "swots" and the like." The attack


"We'll see who's laughing when they're all working in chip shops and supermarkets because they didn't want to be one." The counterattack.


What needs to happen is that, I apoligise if I sound like a "poof" or something here, but people just need to try to understand each other, instead of taking the easy option and just attacking them back.


But, meh, to conclude on the BB point, it is not true that only teh idiots of the country watch it. Many people do as it is genuinely amusing television.

A example is that my Pa watches it and he's like a doctory professor of Maths.

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There is an example of this type of behavior above:

"It annoys me, that people who are intelligent get mocked. People calling them "swots" and the like." The attack


"We'll see who's laughing when they're all working in chip shops and supermarkets because they didn't want to be one." The counterattack.


What needs to happen is that, I apoligise if I sound like a "poof" or something here, but people just need to try to understand each other, instead of taking the easy option and just attacking them back.


Hey, it happens to me, and there's nothing else i can do, rather than ignore it,or laugh at them.

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So here's the plan: we round up anyone who studies Travel and Tourism, or Sports Science, or reads Hello, or OK, or watches Big Brother, or telly, or is working class, or does not read the Best of Literature, or, really, we generally Don't Like, or is Christopher Eccleston, or the kid from the Frosties advert, or, while we're at it, is religious, overtly homosexual or different.


Then we kill them, and society is better.

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I assume we've gotten bored of insulting the Americans and moved onto our Motherland [Why couldn't we just start on the French like everyone else? they're used to it.]


I'm not a big fan of exams, what do they prove? Someone can memorize a load of shizzle and can write it down with some procrastinating bollocks. You are not getting exams in real life so I don't see how it prepares you for the world of sexy employment afterwards. Coursework perhaps, as you have proposals and all that.

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I was talking to a friend once:

Me: So if you isolate part of the mRNA of the plasmid that contains a gene for the resistance of a specific antibiotic...

Him: Yes, and you could convert that back to DNA using reverse transcriptase...

Some other guy: Could you cross a human and a shark? Then you could have the awesome power of a shark combined with the intelligence of a human!!11!!

Us: ...


Anyway, biologically, intelligence returns to the norm, so two clever people are likely to have slightly less intelligent progeny, and two stupid people are likely to have slightly more intelligent progeny.


And if we had a RE island, then I hope that everyone would enjoy being almost entirely gay... :wink:

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Guest Jordan
I imagine it will be their hands, from slapping away every single male member.


Their hands... yes... err...

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ask for useless wastes of space and scum back in blighty.

don't get me started on the scum you find on the average council estate or ex colliery town. or worse the twats you find in the pubs in those towns that sit there every day talking about how "them bastards shut our pit!"


GROW UP IT WAS 20 YEARS AGO+ get off your fat useless fucking arses. move the knackered rusted up ford scorpio/granada and sofa out of your front garden, cut the grass and go so something fucking useful with your lives. not to mention beating the shit out of your waste of space chav/smackhead kids...........

That's a pretty damn stupid opinion. A lot of towns which depended on industry like mining (or steelworking, to give the example of my own home town) were left adrift when the Government closed them down. We're not just talking about one factory having a lot of workers from one town, we're talking about the entire town revolving around it. If you close down the town's major work centre and don't provide any help to keep the place going, of course people are going to be pissed off. They can't just "get another job" when all the jobs were built around the town's major work centre.

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