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Heheh your right. Hmm its directly opposite the comedy thertre and the odeaon next to the comedy threarte. Damn cant remmeber its name it serves really simple like english food but is great quit often packed. I took a date there once was a classic and not expensive bonus!

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So yeah, London.


I got into out nation's glorius capital at 10.30am after a gruelling 5am wakeup and a 4 hour coach journey. I was pretty tired - but you're only 18 once! So I stopped complaining about my fatigue and went to Victoria to find the underground. I must have looked like the biggest tourist ever. Standing there with my backpack trying to find the signs and stuff to direct me to the Tube. Anyway. Got me one of those all day tickets - which I'd heartily recommend as its great just to hop on any Tube and get off a couple of stops later. Also, the trains are pretty fast, so I never waited more than 2 minutes for one.


I got off at South Kensington, a nice place, and wandered around until I saw some big buildings. Huzzah! I has spotted the Natural History Museum. I spent an hour or so in there, the dinosuar exhibition rocks. I could still name them after years of not looking at them :D. Then I went to the V&A, but left after 2 minutes after it looked to be a big pile of arty-farty shit. Then I found the science museum and trapsed around there for a while. It was great - I love looking at all the old bits of engineering and innovations. Yeah..


Time was pressing on, so i boarded the Tube for Piccadilly Circus. Got off and realsied its a lot smaller than it seems. I was also pretty disappointed that the sex cinemas from American Werewolf in London don't exist anymore :( Anyway, I got me a McDonalds and sat by the fountain eating it listening to a religious nut go on about Jesus. Ahh, this is the London we all love. Walked into Soho for a bit of a laugh, and walked by out.


Next stop: Trafalgar Square. Got the Tube from Piccadilly to Charing Cross and then walked the rest to Trafalgar Square and saw Lord Nelson standing atop is scaffolding covered pillar. Bit of a shame. I also marvelled at the tourists feeding the pidgeons and pissed them off by scaring them all away (very 6 year old child). There isnt a whole lot to do, so i phoned by dad and surpised him saying that I was in London and he told me that Westminister was down the road, so I thought it would be better than getting the Tube. More scenery, less holes.


I walked down Pall Mall and somehow ended up at Horseguards after a slight detour. I walked about there a bit and then decided to find Busckingham Palace. However, Big Ben caught my eye more and I walked towards that.


Westminister is pretty impressive, saw the Abbey but didn't go in it. And then I walked along the Thames and just looked at the buildings around - London Eye, Parliament and Big Ben (yes, I know that's the bell). Then I walked over the bridge for some reason and walked towards Waterloo station.


Next stop: Greenwich. Now, I remeber the last time I went to London with my Dad he took my up this big hill at Greenwich and I remember it being a really great view, and then we had to leave as lightning was about - and being on top of a large hill (The Royal Observatory) wasn't the best of places to be... Armed with my vague memory I boarded the DLR (Docklands Light Railway) and set off towards Greenwich. Saw Canary Wharf while I was there - woo! A huge office building!.. and then got off at the Cutty Sark. Pretty nice ship, fairly interesting. Walked towards Greenwich and walked up that hill that was in my mind. Such a great view of the city. Shame the weather was a bit couldy - but still, you could see -everything-. retty awesome.


Getting the DLR back from Greenwich was a bit tiresome. By this time my feet were aching (it was about 4pm) and there were no seats :( Heading towards Bank then got the Tube towards Tower Hill. The Tower of London is pretty impressive. The building is in great condition considering its near to 1000 years old and the history behind it all is fantastic. However, paying £15 to Her Maj to visit one of her castles? No thanks. Plus, I would have only had half an hour before the place shut for the day. Another time. I tried finding the London Dungeon but failed :( Re-boarded the Tube and headed for Embankment.


Now, at this point I got a little lost. I thought that I could get off at Embankment and walk it towards Buckingham Palace. But being a total n00b to London, I failed. I ended up walking throuhg Soho and onto Oxford Street. Walked through Leicester Square too which had the Superman Premiere, with fuckloads of annoying whiny American schookids. After a while I gave up looking for the Palace and dedcided to end my evening at Covent Gardens.


ITs a pretty nice place, I saw two acts - an Irish magician who made some hilarious jokes and was pretty decent on the magic front too. (Guy, it was relaxing.) Then I saw some guy juggle a machete, a ball and a chainsaw whilst wearing a leather thong. Kudos to the man. Who wouldn't get me trying that.


The night was getting on, and the prices of beer were robbery. So started walking back towards the coach station. Boarding some tube (I forget which) and got off at Victoria. Apparently there was a Subway about, but I didn't find it :( Went to Sainsbury's instead and bought beer and crisps, found a chip. Ate like a King, and spent like one too (£2 for chips, you robbing ****). Waitied for 10 minutes for my coach to be told that consumption of alcohol onboard would lead to expulsion off the coach :(


3 hours later I'm back in Gloucester. Tired as fuck, but totally worth it.


EDIT: Good luck to those who stay awakw whilst reading my post too!

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That's totally awesome, you did loads all in one day! Now that IS time management for you, nice little story too. I'm only sorry that I didn't read this post before as I wanted to say it is worth wondering out of Liecster square slighty to a shop called forbidden planet where they sell loads of great comic/game/japanese type models and toys and stuff, a bit pricey but worth a look even if you don't buy.


I'm heading up to the smoke later this month with my girlfriend for my birthday, I think I'll take a leaf from your book and see some of the cool stuff. I usually just go to the arcade and Oxford street, the only shop in Oxford street worth visiting is the iPod store.

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Nice one Blackfox! I saw that religous guy when I was in London as well at the same spot. I love it it makes me think wow so many different sorts of people in London. Anyway glad you had a good time. Next time give the rest of us some heads up we should have an RE meet would be classic.

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greenwich is about 20 minutes away from me and platty, there is a nice milkshake shop in greenwich who make milkshakes from all kinds of chocolate bars and other stuff, they are holding the stella screen cinema in greenwich park, with kill bill showing and other bits going on!

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Sounds like you had a good day Blackfox.. How can you not have seen Buckingham Palace? if you started wallking up the mall its like right there infront of you :/


Anyway you travelled around a lot which was good and yeah as oli said Greenwich is just down the road from us and has the most excellent milkshake shop ever, it's called "shake it".


Im glad you went covent garden and saw some street performers, i love it there & im also glad you got to experience a film premiere in leicester square! mental isnt it, although i was there for star wars ep III screaming like a little girl. hehe.


Anyway im glad you had a good time :)

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Huge account there Blackfox, you did well to cover so much, most wouldn't have managed anywhere near half of that. For when you go next time London Dungeon is right next to London Bridge tube station. But it's not too great unless you're 14 and under.


The building I work in is on the bank of the Thames so often spend my lunchtimes walking along the river. There's so much to look at it never gets boring and they've made a lot of effort in the last few years to open up the riverbank so you can walk along the waterside.


Also general point: anyone wanting to find a good pub should use beerintheevening.com. You can select a tube station and it lists the pubs and their user ratings and distance from the station.

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