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maybe if i compliment someone I'll get a compliment lol is that how it works these days? Well...


I compliment Jordan for sharing his "Jar" story which always makes me laugh, and for inviting me to play xbl even though my sucky connection made it unpossible to play...


I compliment Fierce_LiNk for being the ultra-coolest Admin/Mod cause he always helps me and has intersting stories and such.


I compliment Rokhed00 because for some reason whenever he posts I want to read it lol.


I compliment Hero-Of-Time because he helps me get Gamerpoints on XBL.


I compliment The3rdChildren who for some reason made me a new avatar.


I compliment Everyone who is in Wii60 as well.


And lastly but not least my socks for taking all that Wanking...


sry if i forgot anyone

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  sarkas_girly said:
What about me and Sarka? :weep:


Don't be silly, we all know Shetland is an independant country.


I like both of you two, infact I actually think i have seen you in the flesh (Sarka that is, on teh street of Union.)


complimenting people on these forums is hard but I'll just go and say Hellfire in first place because I consider him as a personal friend, then there's nice chaps on the forums, without any particular order mostly every admin, there's Stocka, Diemetrix, Fierce Link, Nick, platty and Ashley and normal regular users like Hero of Time, shadowv7 (I consider them my RPG buddies) Retro_Link, echo desiato, rokhed oh... and sprout :D (make some more comics, please) DCK and SpineN are also cool.


Then there's the other portuguese active users like shino and djamb3 they are quite nice people too.


This list is a little too crowded but hey, I love these forums :love:

  The Bard said:
Wait a sec. I think I know you...It's Indra isn't it?? Either that or you used to go to Manchester Grammar...too many coincidences...

You're mistaken. I'm a comprehensive boy through and through.


Great idea for a thread! ^^


Tbh, everyone here is great! Revo-Europe is the best forums on the web imo. C-E was brill too!


Though I would like to espeacily thank anyone who supported me after I told you lot about the chav incident. It's good to know that people care. You all rock!! ^^

  CoolFunkMan said:
Great idea for a thread! ^^


Tbh, everyone here is great! Revo-Europe is the best forums on the web imo. C-E was brill too!


Though I would like to espeacily thank anyone who supported me after I told you lot about the chav incident. It's good to know that people care. You all rock!! ^^

:shock: WOWOWOW i just recieved a compliment :bouncy:

CoolFunkMan rules you all.


hei mcj_metroid I believe I found some of your suspects... :p


Well I really like everyone around here.never thought this was so great when I found Cube-europe for the first time.


And a special cumpliment to all you portuguese guys (hellfire, pedrocas, Blue_Ninja0, shino...) who are really nice and make me feel I'm never alone around here :D



Let's keep this forum as good as ever!!


coolfunkman has the best name.

owen is normally the most inoffensive poster on the forum and doesn't really get offended.


take them as compliment that is the way they are meant. although i am not the good at the whole compliment thing.


How foolish of me to forget Takeo miyazaki, he's a great guy. Arg to many cool people here. And mad props to the rest of my fellow portuguese forumers. Rock on!


  Demuwan said:

Hellfire- For making me realise that no matter how dumb you are theres always someone stupider than you!:heh: (joking)


Right back at ya friend! :heart: :P

Cheers to the missing Stocka too.

  marshmellow_7 said:
I compliment Jordan for sharing his "Jar" story which always makes me laugh.


I complement Jordan for the same reason, and pretty much just for being Jordan. Wish I'd known you guys played Halo when I had xbl so maybe I could have joined in... or at least stalked you:laughing:

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