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I'm off to teh Brighton. A lil bit nervous about going. The thing that's worrying me the most is how to use a washing machine. :red:

Course: English and Education UPLS (upper primary lower secondary). Yeah! you heard. I'm moving up in the world. I've finished laying the smackdown on you all, and now going to own schools across the U.K.

I'm leaving on the 24th, same day as my good man Harper here. :heh:

Living in halls. Hopefully, should have some excellent people living near me.

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Well, although im not going to university yet, ive had a pretty big set back, i.e. my personal statement is shite compared to other kids, and i have hardly any experience or work in a voluntary placement. So i will probably be rejected. Which is gay.


So any advice to you wippersnappers reading this thread is to plan out early, and try get some decent career advice.

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University of Birmingham; 2nd Year; Ancient History; Living at home(a lot cheaper-only pay £175 a month to my mom)


Blackfox; I had no volunteer experience/non-curricular achievments and I still got in, maybe it's something else, were you grades up to scratch?


But im applying for medicine. Which you need experience. There's like 10 applicants for one place.

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ah, my friend got onto that, but shes really clever. if your not a A/B student, id forget about it. i know trhat sounds defeatist but its just being realistic.


I got AABB at AS level, so im on target, its just the extra curricular stuff i haven't done. (they are very big on voluntary placements and hospital experience). Kinda' becuase i procrastinate, kinda' because i decided for definate later on and kinda' becuase all the career advice i was given was awful/incomplete.


I was planning on taking a gap year anyways, so i guess that will give me time on strengthening my application..

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and jack, look out for my friend lee, he's doing journalism at sunderland. hes got bleached blond hair and rectangular glasses. hes a cool guy, good fun to be around.

Get in touch with him and tell him to join the Film Society - I'm the Vice President.

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I'm glad to see that so many of you here are extending your education. As for me, I'm a mere 15 years old, but I am and have been working my ass off to keep perfect grades.


BlackFox, now that you bring up community service and hospital experience, you reinforce my habit of going to the hospital once or twice a week and volunteering in the Critical Care Unit. :)

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BlackFox, now that you bring up community service and hospital experience, you reinforce my habit of going to the hospital once or twice a week and volunteering in the Critical Care Unit. :)


Good on 'ya. Are you applying to do medicine aswell, or do you just do it? Its looks great on your application if you are.

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Re: Working in medicine, one of my buddies is training to be a heart technician. (I'm pretty sure that's the job title).


He got pretty good A-Level results, dropped out of uni after two years of studying advanced Physics or something like that and is now one year into his new job which involves four days working in the hospital and one day a week in college/uni.


He likes his job a lot, saw his first autopsy after only a month or so there (almost got hit by a flying splinter of rib) and just last week had a very friendly old lady grab his crotch.


So don't give up Foxy! All that and more could be yours.

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I'm heading to Queens University in Belfast, to do English with modules in Film Studies and Politics.


Heading down during the week (well, if I can get a substitute PC sorted by then - don't wanna leave RE in the lurch!), and lectures start next Monday. Looking forward to it - although I've only met like two people who are staying in my halls. They were dead on, though, so hopefully I'll be alright.


If anyone's heading to Elms Village at Queens give me a shout! :)

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dude what ya doing? we might have to have a meet a roony, get some brewskies and play some gameskis


I'm doing Business Computing\Multimedia btw..


Aye, would be good. Don't know anyone one there really, only people i've been chatting casually to. Still - it feels more natural than college for some reason (??). That felt like hell for me, a little out-of-place, and a proper loner to start with :P .




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Ah dear i should have been at bournemouth this year but i chose to, rather foolishly, pursue foundation art at central saint martins....i should have gone and done 3D animation at Bournemouth damnit. Alas a year of art, if i choose not to drop out....god damn it better be worth it....least its free though.

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