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People getting excited for the Revo?


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Can't believe PS3's up there!! It's going to be interesting the next gen. On a personal level I am VERY excited by the Revolution, I have no interest in the other two consoles, though my hand may be FORCED if some key 3rd party titles don't come over to the Rev. And by Key Titles I really mean Pro Evolution Soccer.


Whether it puts Nintendo back to top or it doesnt really affect the economy of the industry I think the Revolution will go down inhistory as the most imortant console since the NES, and I do think Sony and MS will use the idea for teir next consoles OR in the middle of next gen.

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PS3 will always top a poll on something like Gamefaqs. Mainly because it's a RPG fest. People who love RPGs will vote for PS3 because they belive that like the PS2 and PSX, it will get insane amounts of RPGs. I voted for all myself. It's a hard choice. I love the Rev for it's freshness, but I still want to have some "normal" games to play as well. It's a really hard choice.

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I'm a little meh at the moment. Let's get the Xbox 360 launch out the window and I'll start hyping myself for Revolution. I need games, Nintendo, games! Years of television and gaming have dulled my imagination to the point where I cannot envision fantastic adventures to be had on your remote-controlled wonderbox. I need pretty pictures and movies.

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I can't believe the PS3 has over twice as many votes either. It's not gonna be that much diff from the 360 other that SLIGHTLY better graphics and MUCH HUGER!!


I agree.

I think sony are making a mistake with PS3.

I will be happy with 360 and Revo.

And then buy Ps3 when it's at resonable price (for those few good games, Tekken, FF, MGS)

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I'm not surprised the PS3 is number one, but I am surprised that the Xbox360 has so little votes!


I knew the Rev would gather interest but wasn't sure it would gather this much!


Lets hope sales will reflect this yet even better!!!

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There's nothing much new with the PS3+X360, only better graphics..

I am really looking forward to how Ninty do their stuff, and how they will use this revelutionary device and make it work.

A critical field that Nintendo must participate more in is advertising in Europe. They must tell the world about The Revo and inform the public who is still hanging with PS3 or XBOX360 beacause their 'mates' do,

shame, shame, shame... :heh:

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i am not sure if i am exicted or not

i want to get a Revo, cuz you can play GC games, and i only got a GC

but i though wat is da point, there isn't that much good games on GC


I was also thinking, i will buy Revo cuz of Metroid prime 3 ( metroid series)

but Resident Evil 5 isn't coming on the Revo

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Xino you must be retarded or seomthing. I'd put my life you have ADHD!!!



i'm quite excited about revolution, but i'm scared it'll turn out a bit too much like ds in the respect that people are already getting miffed about its' one-trick-pony status. i'll buy a ps3 regardless, but i'll have to wait and see if revolution ends up innovative or if it just ends up a novelty toy.

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Resident Evil 5 isn't coming out on Revolution

what is the point of bring up a game, when you don't fully know its tech spec?!;)

Revolution Resi 5 not ruled out

Nintendo US hopeful of capturing Capcom's Resident Evil 5


[26/07/2005 14:32]


Nintendo US has stated that Resident Evil 5 may yet be announced for Revolution, internet sources are claiming.


Reports say that Capcom will be looking into releasing the game on other formats - including Revolution and PC - in the future.


source: http://www.gamesradar.com/?pagetypeid=2&articleid=36752&subsectionid=2504

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i already read that article before

you still don't understand my post


and if you think hard and use your brain hard

you will know what i mean

Resident Evil 5 isn't coming out on Revolution

what is the point of bring up a game, when you don't fully know its tech spec?!

NOW LET ME EXPLAIN IT FOR YOU, if its too hard for you to figure it out


what is the point of bring up a game when you don't know its tec spec

*the revolution, people don't fully know its tec spec, so how can RE5 be on it

*Revolution will be release 2006, and that is the year RE5 will be released, so it will be too late to bring it up

*Capcom will have to work all over again, for the control (remote control)

*Capcom have to retest the game for Revolution graphics

there you have it


if you know all about gaming, you would have figured that out,

it was a trick answer, all bullet point packed in one answer

Resident Evil 5 isn't coming out on Revolution

"what is the point of bring up a game, when you don't fully know its tech spec?!"

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xino doesn't know much, he shows it very well, i wasn't in before so i couldn't respond to one of his replies and now the thread is locked!


I would have loved to have been able to reply because i could pick apart his statement bit by bit and prove him totally and completely incorrect!!!


he even went on to contradict himself in his own post which made me laugh, poor guy, its people like him i really feel for!


so all in all, i'd probably say its best to ignore him, occasionally he makes slight sense, but not all too often!

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