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Revolution hardware - the real revolution


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Please don't call everyone kids. Nintendo have not realeased any of the specs yet. Everything is speculation. I am talking about the specs, stop trying to weavel out of what you can't explain.


"Btw what's that?" - It means "by the way"

GR what's that? - Please send all answers with a link to this magical website.

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"Confirmed hardware and technology

Nintendo has announced that IBM has been working with the development of the CPU, codenamed "Broadway." IBM was previously involved with the development of the processor in Nintendo's current system, GameCube"


Known specifications

Due to the relatively early stages of development, specifications may change before the console's final release.



IBM PowerPC CPU "Broadway":

No further details.

ATI GPU "Hollywood":

The graphics card is believed to be being developed by the same team formerly known as the Californian firm ArtX which developed the graphics chip of both the Gamecube and its predecessor, the Nintendo 64, before being purchased by ATI.


1T-SRAM by MoSys

No further details.

512 MiB built-in flash memory

Replaces the function of an internal hard drive.

Will be used to store:

Revolution game save data

Downloaded games

Game demos

Patches or upgrades

Ports and peripherals:

Two USB 2.0 ports.

No proprietary serial ports announced.

All Nintendo consoles to date have a serial port.

Wireless controllers.

A single proprietary output for video and audio.

A dongle enabling DVD playback.

4 Nintendo GameCube controller ports and 2 Nintendo GameCube memory card ports (for compatibility).

Optional USB PC-compatible 802.11b wireless router.


Slot loading optical disc drive compatible with both 12 cm and 8 cm proprietary optical discs (again, for GameCube compatibility) as well as standard DVD discs.

2 front loading SD memory card slots.


Wi-Fi by the Broadcom Corporation:

Built-in 802.11b & 802.11g support.

No Ethernet port.

Final version could be smaller than the presented E³ prototype, "about the size of three stacked standard DVD cases" (as quoted from the conference).


you all just don't like it, becuase i am better than you

and i got a life:p

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That basically says no specifications. It only blithers about what the chips are being based on.


Wikipedia is not a good source for citing information. Due to the nature by which that information is collaborated it is much better to source an actual games news establishment who recieve actual press releases.


Maybe your mystical GR is one of these? Care to expand?

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what is that?


anway maybe you kids are getting confused with the name and tech spec

i am talking about the tec spec you kids must mean the name


Let me quote you:

IBM PowerPC CPU "Broadway":

No further details.

ATI GPU "Hollywood":

The graphics card is believed to be being developed by the same team formerly known as the Californian firm ArtX which developed the graphics chip of both the Gamecube and its predecessor, the Nintendo 64, before being purchased by ATI.


1T-SRAM by MoSys

No further details.


If you put in reasonable data like numbers with strange words like GHz and MB behind them where it currently says "No further details" I call it tech specs - and many many other people too.


And out of curousity since you call everybody here kid and young and stupid I suppose you look (concerning the age) something like this

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it is so useless aruging with kids

really is



just like some other forum i was at

When Sonic The Hedgehog on 360 was leak, i posted the game, the dumb admin that thinks he knows all closed it saying the game is fake, and that video is a fan made

look at him now, prove his @ss wrong

that is what i am doing to you kids now

i will keep calling you that, BECUASE YOU ARE ALL ACTING LIKE ONE!


always listen to someone that knows somthing NEW, and at the end he will be right or wrong, but no! you kids think you know all!


what ever.. like i always say, and i will say it again

"its usless posting with kids!"

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it is so useless aruging with kids

really is



just like some other forum i was at

When Sonic The Hedgehog on 360 was leak, i posted the game, the dumb admin that thinks he knows all closed it saying the game is fake, and that video is a fan made

look at him now, prove his @ss wrong

that is what i am doing to you kids now

i will keep calling you that, BECUASE YOU ARE ALL ACTING LIKE ONE!

Name calling us continuously isn't going to help you xino.


By the way, I see you threatened me at the CUBE Forums thread.

SPROUT you are really asking for it

becuase you are the one coming up with it

i will warn you now,,, if you don'r back off, i will own/boyd you every single post you do, this is a warning.

I'm not going to post there, because you'd come back there. So I'll remind you here that threatening is prohibited on the forums:

Slanderous, defamatory, false, obscene, indecent, lewd, pornographic, abusive, insulting, threatening, harassing or obnoxious comments are not appropriate in the R-E Forum community and the inclusion of them in posts or signatures and avatars will result in punishment.

I highly recommend you stop this behavior at once!

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This boy is really pissing the sh@t out of me

first of all, you warn me about my langauge

second you troll around looking for my topic ready to aruge

now you are warning me about my behaviour

if only there is something to block some peoples post

i will be happy>:D


You posted you are not the admin/mod and you don't own this forum, so... why are you warning acting has if you are some big man


and me threathing you ROFL, do you even know what a threat is?

i swear you are the one that came up with me doing sexiest? TO MANY MOVIES KID!


and did you all watch and read how i set your @ss straight,?

you like or no like:D

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This boy is really pissing the sh@t out of me

first of all, you warn me about my langauge

second you troll around looking for my topic ready to aruge

now you are warning me about my behaviour

if only there is something to block some peoples post

i will be happy>:D


You posted you are not the admin/mod and you don't own this forum, so... why are you warning acting has if you are some big man


and me threathing you ROFL, do you even know what a threat is?

i swear you are the one that came up with me doing sexiest? TO MANY MOVIES KID!


and did you all watch and read how i set your @ss straight,?

you like or no like:D

Its sexist! not sexiest! Sexist!

Sexiest, i must have made a mistake when posting that message, or i didn't put that much details. Firstly, how many girls games have you ever seen that are made for a console? NONE, only on pc, so.. i am saying what kind of a boy want to play Sweenties 2, becuase if that game is for girls, how come its the only giirls games, i am afriad you are the only idiot that find that offensive, if you use your brain well, you will notice all games on console where made for kids and big boys

You are being sexist here, saying the only people who play games are kids and big boys. I think you may find plenty of old females that play games on these boards, perhaps you should tell them this fact.


A threat is a warning that something unpleasant is imminent.

SPROUT you are really asking for it

becuase you are the one coming up with it

i will warn you now,,, if you don'r back off, i will own/boyd you every single post you do, this is a warning.

Guess what this is. It's a threat!


Just try to 'own' me xino. For you have not suceeded once thus far.

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You posted you are not the admin/mod and you don't own this forum, so... why are you warning acting has if you are some big man


and me threathing you ROFL, do you even know what a threat is?

i swear you are the one that came up with me doing sexiest? TO MANY MOVIES KID!


and did you all watch and read how i set your @ss straight,?

you like or no like:D


He may not be an admin or a mod but he Is a respectable and genuine person and a credit to this forum! (also a good friend!) So he has a right to put you in your place.

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Hey Xino, here's something a random person once said that I think applies to you:


you are just making a fool out of your self

trying to argue

it won't work




stick to the topic kiddo


lol. but seriously, this kinda "humour" has been done to death, the whole parody/irony slant.


and to all his sidekicks, just ignore him, do you seriously think he's being serious? :lmao:

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you are just making a fool out of your self

trying to argue

it won't work




stick to the topic kiddo

Kiddo? Oh now i see why your on these forums, cant win arguments with people your own age so you decide to go after the kids? Pathetic.

As you can see, plenty of people know what they are talking about. Infact, I have reason to believe your a kid yourself. You hardly make sense, did you not go to school?


Your the one trolling, your the one spamming and your the one not sticking to the topic, Thus making me do so now for arguing against you.

Do me a favour, step down. If your so adult, you wouldnt argue in the first place.

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Seems easy enough for you to start them though. Every single topic I've seen you post in has turned into this. Do us all a favour and just go away.
I agree, I'm seeying flamming everywhere made by xino, not against me anyway... but always using the "you're a fanboy" or random accusations arguments is stupid. if you can't discuss these matter like the other people and get pissed over it and use those arguments, you'll loose years of your life due to stress, just my two cents


If you dont want to piss people... dont insult them, and dont use caps lock when doing it, and dont call us kids, because here the kid is you, I dont know how old you are, or how old you're faking you are, but there's pretty old people here at cube europe, we are not your next door stupid neibours for you to bash us and think we won't answer back.


you just seem to live in a world were everybody is wrong and you're right, I hate that kind of people, it results in your superior behaviour where you *think* you know so much more than us, and every single thing we do is because of you...


If I had to give you a prize it would be the attention whore of this forum, and this is not a compliment, dont post if you have nothing to say besides insults.



No one cares about what you think about us, about nintendo console and games and about controllers, but I do care if you turn all the threads into a battlefield and thus get them locked...


Do me a favor and dont respond to this post flamming me, if you're so superior and right, you don't even have to mind with "inferior" people like me, so dont bother, because you're not the only one who can look down at others, if you continue behaving that way, people will just ignore you, maybe they already do in other forums and real life...




now ontopic... Revolution might be quite powerfull overall, it's not dificult to outperform Xenon CPU developers are complaining a lot about it, if nintendo manages to keep the CPU performance, then it will be already more powerful than XBox 360 most 1st generation games dont even run at a stable 60 fps, about PS3 we'll have to wait and see, because sony is all vaporware right now, cell's true power is unknown no matter what they say, it's a modern CPU made by today's technology, so it's now better than... say PowerPC 970 (G5) or AMD 64... just diferent, AMD 64 for example is still beaten by a old voddoo 3 in texturing, because AMD is not a graphics card... cell was not made to run high level code nor it has enough cache for those execussion (each SPE's virtual cache is not coherent, so it has to be veryfied by software), so AI and physics will be limited, the PC's will be ahead of it since the day it launchs, in fact they already have much more power than that, what PS3 might have is efficiency, because of the various SPE's even if limited in power, they can achieve a good amount of power but as we know not every developer will take advantage of it, and that is... most of the multiplataform developers.


both Xenon and Cell use a long pipeline with more than 30 stages like netburst (P4 architecture) so as we know they'll be front side bus hungry and like pentium 4, not that efficient; why you ask? because the longer the pipeline the less efficient, it takes more time and wastes more energy, not to mention the information lost in the process, if it happens you have to clean the pipeline and thus loose cpu cycles before using it again, pentium 4 has a feature to reduce it, but while Pentium 4 is still a better cpu in the paper raw numbers it's ineffciency gets AMD the advantage...


Xenon has a confirmed 5% cache miss, so if it happens you have to wait as long as 40 CPU cycles, that's a pretty big handycap i'd say, and Cell also has a simplyfied PowerPC core...


All the development focus was Graphics not really next gen Physics, AI or balance in the overall system, nor ease to develop for them, sure some games will come close because of smart design and AI is not even necessary in online multiplayer, who will play a big role in next generation.


Still they're flawed designs who dont really give anything new dispite it's graphics, i'm really rooting for a PPU in revolution, because that's really the future, ATi and Nvidia will probably introduce a PPU in their GPU's in a few years from now, it's much more powerful than any cpu calculating physics out there, and all that without hit on the graphics or other processes. of course this is not confirmed yet... but if it is true... revolution will be pretty powerful.


For a PS3 and Xbox 360 features i'd prefer a AMD 64 X2 (dual core) 7800 GTX SLI anyday or even a inferior system, of course "games" is another compleetly diferent matter.

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thank you so much pedrocasilva for putting us back on topic :) i came on here after a few days away to carry on this conversation hopefully with demonmike (hope you read my sreponse 'mike, i'm still reeling at my use of the word "suicide" ;) i'd be interested to carry on where we left off) and the rest of you...

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