Hero-of-Time Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 After reading a few posts on gamefaqs about how the Cube didnt sell very well I was wondering how everyone here feels about the success of the Gamecube. For me the Cube has been a smash hit. I got a new Zelda out of it, with another on the way and a Zelda Collection disc. I then got to play one of my favourite RPGs in the form of Skies of Arcadia, while getting to taste a Tales and Baten kaitos game for the first time. Next on the list is Smash Bros., PSO, Monkey Ball and Soul Calibur 2. These are just a few of the games that gave me an awesome multi-player experince. Sure I have Xbox Live but theres nothing quite like beating your mates face to face on a game like Smash Bros. Lastly we got new and original titles such as Killer 7, Chibi Robo, Jungle Beat, Pikmin and Viewtiful Joe and although part of a series already R Evil 4 brought the series into perfection. The Cube has given me many memories and no doubt a few more to come, I have 70+ Gamecube games most of which I have played through to completion and have enjoyed everyone. In my eyes the Cube is anything but a failure. Your thoughts people?
Nintendinosaur Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 I really enjoyed my Cube, its like supporting the underdog in a way. There are some top quality games for it. Its not quite dead yet though, theres a few top quality games due out before the Wii! My favourite Cube moment was getting it at 12 midnight on May 3rd 2001 (or was it 2002?) and playing Rogue Squadron into the early hours of the morning, then not going to school the next day and completing Luigi's Mansion.
fatnickc Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 To me, it was not a failure. I played the most games I ever had on a single console (soon to be surpassed by DS, then Wii), and enjoyed nearly every minute of it. In global sales, it was a failure, but that is only a shame because so many people didn't get the chance to play some of the finest games this generation.
Pit-Jr Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 Im disappointed with Nintendo's VERY weak focus on the GC after Metroid Prime 2 came out though. Thank god Capcom kept it alive with RE and K7. I think Wii will get much much more attention from its makers than the GC did though
darkjak Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 The cube was quite a failure... I mean, sure, in the beginning, everything looked extremely positive, with every single developer on the face of the planet supporting it, but then something happened. After a year or two, there were only so many games in development, you could keep track of all of them. Developers started abandoning it right when all the games that would've done well on the cube were about to get released. For example, Burnout 3 was canned for the Cube, allthough it probbably would've done very well. Rockstar, who previously had released Smuglers run: Warzones (a crappy game to test the potential of a console with), ignored the Cube when they had the permission to release GTA for multiple formats. Driver 3 got canned for the cube without any announcment whatsoever (I read in a mag printed less then a month prior to the games release that it was for the GC too). The Cube had a huge lack of format-exclusive third party games. Also I think that Nintendo didn't take this generation very seriously. I mean, they released Doshin the Giant, they canned that gorgeous Zelda game shown at Spaceworld 2000, and replaced it with the horrendous Zelda: WW, and aren't going to correct their error until the Wii gets released, they ported Animal Crossing from the N64, without any improvements AT ALL. Nintendo should've done like with the N64, and ask some developer to make a modern FPS, maybe based on a movie, like they did with Goldeneye. Instead they asked a noob developer to create Geist!
Tellyn Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 They didn't take it seriously at all. Barely any advertising except for Donky Konga and some little freakish girl saying she's Link's sister. They hardly released any good games except for Zelda and Collector's Edition, Mario Sunshine and Super Smash Bros.
McMad Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 In my opinion it wasn't. The Gamecube was a console that was built single-handedly to retrieve the market share that Sony had taken from them but Nintendo went the wrong way about it. 1. Nintendo arrived too late to the market in all territories giving the PS2 more than a years head-start in Europe, Japan and America (i think). 2. No one cares about the size of a console, in fact people would have been more impressed if it was big because people tend to think like this: "The bigger the better." 3. Purple is the worst colour ever, just thank god Nintendo didn't release the orange Gamecube here. 4. Why was there only a special edition Gamcube that played DVDs? Why not have that console the console that people are going to buy. 5. People love Zelda, it's true, but displaying the Wind Waker before the console was released was a bad move. 6. Why the hell did they let Silicon Knights go? 7. Nintendo could have at least tried to buy the rights to Banjo Kazooie off Rare. Why the Gamecube was a success: 1. Metroid made the greatest videogame comeback ever. 2. It made a profit. 3. Nintendo made many new relationships with other developers e.g. Namco, Capcom, Kuju, Retro Studios, Konami (although it didn't really show). 4. Nintendo patched things up with Square who is now also merged with Enix so that means Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. 5. Nintendo learned how to make a console fail. I don't think they will do it again. 6. Oh yeah and Resident Evil 4 fucking rocked.
The3rdChildren Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 It was a failure, most of the best games on the system didn't even come from Nintendo themselves. They shafted online support whilst competitors recognised it as the way to go forward. Blah, blah, blah.
Zell Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 I loved gamecube, but even though it still sold well (although not as well as xbox/ps2) it was mot likely perceived as a failure, as they failed to gain back their market share lost in the n64 era. This was mainly down to the lack of 3rd party support and their poor 1st 6 months. But with games like Smash bros, resident evil 4, the metroids, timesplitters 2, zelda and mario, the cube sure didnt fail me.
mcj metroid Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 darkjak said: The cube was quite a failure...I mean, sure, in the beginning, everything looked extremely positive, with every single developer on the face of the planet supporting it, but then something happened. After a year or two, there were only so many games in development, you could keep track of all of them. Developers started abandoning it right when all the games that would've done well on the cube were about to get released. For example, Burnout 3 was canned for the Cube, allthough it probbably would've done very well. Rockstar, who previously had released Smuglers run: Warzones (a crappy game to test the potential of a console with), ignored the Cube when they had the permission to release GTA for multiple formats. Driver 3 got canned for the cube without any announcment whatsoever (I read in a mag printed less then a month prior to the games release that it was for the GC too). The Cube had a huge lack of format-exclusive third party games. Also I think that Nintendo didn't take this generation very seriously. I mean, they released Doshin the Giant, they canned that gorgeous Zelda game shown at Spaceworld 2000, and replaced it with the horrendous Zelda: WW, and aren't going to correct their error until the Wii gets released, they ported Animal Crossing from the N64, without any improvements AT ALL. Nintendo should've done like with the N64, and ask some developer to make a modern FPS, maybe based on a movie, like they did with Goldeneye. Instead they asked a noob developer to create Geist! I agree with all of this and would also like to add the crap advertising the fact that u cant rent any nintendo games over here(at least in ireland u cant)and this doesnt seem to be improving.U can rent psp games for christs sake and not ds in xtravision but ds games are sold. Complete lack of demoes.Same with ds.Demoes really help.No gaming kiosks.These 2 things are things the wii needs more than any other console nintendo has released to show of its potential. During the n64s dying years many of those games couls have been gamecube games.Imagine paper mario or banjo tootie as launch games instead of monkey star wars and luigis mansion(these are good but not strong enough for a launch)
Fierce_LiNk Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 It depends on how you interpret the word failure and what it means to you. Nintendo made a nice profit off it, so it sure wasn't a failure financially. The PS2 and Xbox did sell more, but they also both suffered loses. As a gamer, i got more games for the GC than i ever did with the N64. And there's still more that i want to get. So, it didn't fail my expectations as a gamer. Nintendo also managed to get better third party support for the GC than they did for the N64. Third party relations are getting better, so thats a positive. The bad side would be that it could have done a lot better. With (better) online support, the GC could have sold a hell of a lot more and we might have got some more interesting games. It could be said that it's neither a failure nor a success.
Raven Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 i had fun. therefore, not failure. wow, that sounds really egocentric... but i never regret buying it, or any of the games. well, maybe 'mystic heroes'. but even that i bought for VERY cheap.
Stocka Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 Well we can all agree its been a failure in terms of sales success, but in terms of me personally, I've absolutely loved it. I think its the RPGs that have really done it for me. SSBM and Wind Waker are both fantastic imo, and i've really enjoyed the likes of SMS, F Zero GX, Soul Calibur II, viewtiful Joe 1+2. I'd only really played Golden Sun and Pokemon on the RPG front before Cube, so its what made it special for me. I fell in love with Skies of Arcadia, and then Tales of Symphonia and Baten Kaitos came to my delight. The 'non-rpg RPG' (as I like to call it) Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door was amazing. There's been some fantastic games on GC, Metroid Prime and Resident Evil 4 are looked upon as the best of the generation by many. There's also Super Paper Mario and Baten Kaitos Origins to look forward to, and there's many games out I intend to get that I haven't. So to sum up, yes it was a failure in success*, but no, not a failure for what's important, games. *And even saying that, Nintendo still made a profit from the GC
That Guy Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 I agree with what a lot of people have said here, that the Gamecube failed from a sales point of view, but for me personally I've had a lot of fun with GC, the likes of Monkey Ball, Mario Sunshine, Zelda, Pikmin, Viewtiful Joe. I've still got Resident Evil 4 to play. I've owned over 50 games on GC which is even more than I had on PS1 when I used to get games from wherever possible... At the end of the day if I didn't like GC then I wouldn't get another Nintendo console because Nintendo's are the best games on thier own consoles a lot of the time. GC converted me from a Sega fanboy to Nintendo one.
Kurtle Squad Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 We've already had this thread!!!!!!! http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=547
Fierce_LiNk Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 Kurt R said: We've already had this thread!!!!!!! http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=547 It's months old though. And, this thread is doing pretty fine. Conversation and discussion is healthy.
dabookerman Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 The cube is easily the console which had the weakest impact out of the 4. There was nothing drastically different about it. unlike the nes, snes, n64 or the wii. it wasnt a failure however. the virtual boy probably falls under that category.
Zell Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 Stocka said: Well we can all agree its been a failure in terms of sales success, but in terms of me personally, I've absolutely loved it. I think its the RPGs that have really done it for me. SSBM and Wind Waker are both fantastic imo, and i've really enjoyed the likes of SMS, F Zero GX, Soul Calibur II, viewtiful Joe 1+2. I'd only really played Golden Sun and Pokemon on the RPG front before Cube, so its what made it special for me. I fell in love with Skies of Arcadia, and then Tales of Symphonia and Baten Kaitos came to my delight. The 'non-rpg RPG' (as I like to call it) Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door was amazing. For me, i found that one of the problems was the gamecube lacked decent RPGs. Skies of arcadia, ToS and fire emblem were the only decent ones, but none of them being outstanding, considering that the ps2 got the likes of Final Fantasy X, kingdom hearts and Dragon Quest. But i guess youve never played the likes of those before so i guess you got the most out of those games.
blender Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 It was a failure as nintendo gave up. The wii controller should have been an add on for the cube.
Pit-Jr Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 I got my GC on launch day and have had zero mechanical problems with it, same with N64 and SNES before it. Sony and MS should take notes here
JammyJu Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 Ugh some of these comments are completly disgraceful. Iv never played such a console full of so many unique games. No failure was it. It had so many gems, from zelda to tales of syphonia to pikmin. Most of you havent played all of the decent games for the cube anyways people miss out on stuff like Battalion wars and the like. The cube has had the best X-mas for games for the past 3 years. The cube was my first nintendo home console and what a mindblowing experience i have to say its given me. (best xmas as to offering the best games) Also who wants stale crap like FF X erm no thanks unless the new FF the series died on the PS a while back. ToS was way better than any FF on the PS. I have to agree to a point, nintendo did basically just "give up". The DS must've been their top priority, i hope they learn from these mistakes. Advertise god dammit!
froztyman Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 Since most top games are released to multiple platforms I summarise this generation as such. The only games I want to play on XBOX and PS2 is Jade Empire, Metal Gear Solid 3 and Final Fantasy X. And Jade Empire is being ported for PC so I will get that too. PS2 and XBOX owners miss two Zelda games, ToS, Twin Snakes (much better than MGS2 which I have tried), Metroid Prime (which I got just this week due to normally getting nausea from FPS but this time I feel fine...) to name a few. Then theres the multiplay-games, Mario Kart, Mario Smash Football Mario Party... a lot of Mario there... Then theres Donkey Konga and Zelda:FS for multiplaying but theres also the Cubes fiasko, not many people are ready to get all that extra stuff for an occasional gaming session, I know I did not but I should play Zelda:FS hoping it will come to the DS where it belongs.
JammyJu Posted June 11, 2006 Posted June 11, 2006 Sorry i meant FF on the PS2 is stale. i loved 7 and 9. I wish i could play 4 swords but the hardware requirements and such mean i cant do so
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