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  emasher said:
watching the preview again this game actually looks okay


though its english name better not be something like "tingle teaches math" :laughing:


That would be pretty scary, but it has happened before... Why don't they just stick The Legend of Zelda onto it and have a subtitle of Tingle's Rupee Land or something. They really need to compensate for the lack of a proper Zelda considering the DS has been out for almost two years now. And it's being delayed further into October, so that puts as at almost 3 years until we get Zelda.

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That would tarnish the legend of zelda name, especially for a console where most of the players are new to gaming (well, not most, but a few).

  • 5 months later...
  Tellyn! said:
Freshly Picked - Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland (Nintendo) 14th September 2007








I'm getting it, it just looks so fresh and original!


I demand every European gets it! Lets not make it get dreadful sales otherwise NOE won't ever release these niche games here.


Can't believe it's coming out in EU! It's one of my most wanted DS games. I nearly imported the Japanese version. I'm going to try and buy this on launch.

  • 4 weeks later...

Heh, the age rating: "?"


It's as if they're not sure if this stuff is suitable for kids. Tingle seems friendly and happy, but he has this peadophile atmosphere around him.


EDIT: Nevermind, I only saw the "?" on the left. Not the age rating on the right.

  • 2 weeks later...
  skarmachild said:
French 7+ while UK 12+


Haha... I'll probly pick this up.

The French are used to campness.....>_<


...Which is why the German age rating system was so confused, why were like: "Holy shit...this is surely wosre than Manhunt 2!!!"

  • 3 weeks later...

Nice, was wondering when we'll get some English media considering it's out in 2 weeks.


If I pre-order from Gameplay with 1st class postage, what day am i likely to get it on? I've never pre-ordered a game from Gameplay before. My local shop will probably have it on the Thursday so I was wondering if it was worth pre-ordering online or not.

  Ike said:
If I pre-order from Gameplay with 1st class postage, what day am i likely to get it on? I've never pre-ordered a game from Gameplay before. My local shop will probably have it on the Thursday so I was wondering if it was worth pre-ordering online or not.
I usually get stuff on the Thursday with 1st class, that seems to be the norm for most people from here too. Although it can slip a day (either way) but that's pretty rare. Mind you, I did get Pokémon Diamond on a Wednesday. :hehe:
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm looking forward to hearing some of your impressions on this. NOE don't seem to be that great at giving out review copies, so there haven't been any reviews of the PAL version, have there? Unfortunately, I don't have the time or the money to get it now. :(


Zentendo apparently has a review copy, but they haven't put the review up yet.


Edit: My local shop has it, but won't sell it until tomorrow. I've got a copy pre-ordered so I'll pick it up in the morning.

  Mike said:
I'm looking forward to hearing some of your impressions on this. NOE don't seem to be that great at giving out review copies, so there haven't been any reviews of the PAL version, have there? Unfortunately, I don't have the time or the money to get it now. :(
My copy should arrive tomorrow hopefully.


That's weird about the lack of reviews. :hmm:


Got mine as well, beat the first dungeon, went to the first continent then i ended up with 1 Rupee left :( Need to make some money.


Loving it! :yay:


Had a feeling I was going to love this game and it wasn't wrong. Only played it for an hour or so, but I can already tell this is going to be one of my favourite DS games. The story and dialogue are hilarious. The music (although a bit sparse) is awesome as are the gibberish voices and various sound effects. It looks absolutely stunning, lovely 2D artwork (and the occasional 3D element) plus the animation is top notch. It plays fantastically well too.


Some pretty interesting gameplay mechanics actually, your life is rupees, and seeing as the game revolves around buying / selling stuff it makes things pretty tricky in order to keep the right balance between health and money.


The combat system is unusual as well because Tingle is crap at fighting :heh: so you can hire bodyguards to help you out in battle. You fight enemies by just walking in to them (some of them will run towards you) which starts a cartoon style smoke ball that you need to repeatedly tap on with the stylus, you can move the ball around though and the idea is to move it towards other enemies to fight more than 1 at a time, earning you more items / rupees.


The things you collect from battle can then be used to make items by mixing the ingredients together in a pot, you can follow recipes for guaranteed success, or "cook freely" which I tried out once but didn't end up with an item, it's cool though as it allows plenty of room to experiment. You need an empty bottle to store whatever you make, nice little Zelda element there. :wink:


But it was in the first dungeon was were the Zelda vibe really hit, the way Tingle moves on the curved staircases, the treasure chests and pots, and of course the classic puzzle chime, which by the way is delivered in a very funny way, but I won't spoil that.


So yeah, really enjoying it. Much more than SPM at the moment too.


I hope people won't be put off this game by the wacky content, because it really is a gem. If you're a fan of RPG's and unusual humour it's a must, and if you're a Zelda fan then it's simply a no-brainer, you need it.

Spread the word people, this game rules!!


Cool box too:


The golden parts are shiny, although you can't really tell from that pic.

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