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ATI: Wii Graphics at E3 "Tip of the Iceberg"


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In all seriousness I've been saying this since, well forever, when all you people were screaming arround like little girls saying "OMG IT'S SO WEAK!!!!"
Don't they (the girls) usually scream "OMG IT'S SO SMALL!!!!" instead?


Hey, It happened before...




It happens all the time, girls screaming over my Gamecube for being so small... roughly half size of the Xbox :D

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Why not? SSB:Brawl is an early Wii game so I'd say that this is the best case for comparison. I wouldn't say that Jungle beat is a good example of great graphics, more like TP when Link is running through the woods with his lantern, with all lose lovely lighting effects. But anyway, what's the point in measuring two consoles at different stages of their lifetime? What can you tell from it?


The whole point of comparisons like this is to show the "step up" between generations, hence it's best to use the best of an old system vs the games of a new system. SSBM could've probably got a lot more out of the Gamecube than it did.

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The whole point of comparisons like this is to show the "step up" between generations, hence it's best to use the best of an old system vs the games of a new system. SSBM could've probably got a lot more out of the Gamecube than it did.



using steps, the top of the first step is normally around the same height as the bottom of the second step.


looking at the bottom of both steps and knowing the top of the first step allows a good guesstimate of the top of the second step.


what you are saying is like say "This January is cold, much colder than last year in July" (about 6 months)

which makes less sense than "This January is cold, but warmer than last year in January" (about 12 months)



short term compare January to June, but long term compare January to last January

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The whole point of comparisons like this is to show the "step up" between generations, hence it's best to use the best of an old system vs the games of a new system. SSBM could've probably got a lot more out of the Gamecube than it did.

That's true, but the same can be said over SSBB. It has only been in development for eight to ten months, has had to work with Cube hardware for quite a while and is a first generation title, and still manages to make such a big improvement over its predecessor. SSBB and Mario Galaxy have only been in an indication of what we're going to see later on.

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Yes I know that the human eye can only sense about 24fps. I don't know why, but I can easily tell the difference of a game running at 30 fps or 60fps. Even from 50fps increase to 60fps is noticeable(you actually don't see it much different, it just feels jerkier at 50). The 60fps seems a lot smoother. And the pc I'm getting is going to go well beyond 60fps for most of the time. But the power comes in handy when the fps would otherwise drop to 10-20.



But back on the topic: So the interview basically says that the artx team is also making the cube chip? That's good as I don't really trust the 'old' ATI R&D departmernt.


You're somewhat right, the human eye need 24fps to see a fluid motion, it can sense more fps than 24. But too make a fluid impression, you need 24fps or more. Hope to have cleard up something here ;)

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the human eye need 24fps to see a fluid motion


That is also a false myth, the human eye sees stuff more and more fuid the higher the fps. And the reason we feel 24 fps is fluid is becouse of motion blurring, without it, a movie in 30 fps would feel rather shuttering and jerky.

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Ooo really, but we knew the graphics were gonna improve, so why is this 'tip of the iceberg' phrase got every one so excited?

Maybe because 9/10 of an iceberg is below water? That's how it was able to sink the large and expensive Titanic... Make of that what you want.


I don't really care if the graphics improve, as long as the (lack of good) graphics don't discourage third parties from making games for the Wii.

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That is also a false myth, the human eye sees stuff more and more fuid the higher the fps. And the reason we feel 24 fps is fluid is becouse of motion blurring, without it, a movie in 30 fps would feel rather shuttering and jerky.


Actually movies run at 30fps. The eye captures 30fps but the reason games look choppy at 30fps is that they lack motion blur (wave your hand in front of your face to see it rather well). Movies and real life have blur so it works. Games need 60fps to look smooth to us.

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But not our own =P


Unless you are Fry from Futurama. Watch the episode "Roswell That Ends Well".

Back on topic, Im more than happy with Mario Galaxy graphics. If they improve, great, but Im not gonna moan and bitch if they dont.

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Unless you are Fry from Futurama. Watch the episode "Roswell That Ends Well".

Back on topic, Im more than happy with Mario Galaxy graphics. If they improve, great, but Im not gonna moan and bitch if they dont.

not quite true. fry got with his hot grandmother.... but i get your point, time travel COULD make you swim in your own semen..... ewww!!


anyway. agreed on the 9/10 of iceburg thing.

happy with graphics. no complaints here.


oh wait. except for the fact that x360 and ps3 are getting an uber sonic game and wii (double entrendre...) get stuck with sonic wild fire.

well balls to that i say,

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not quite true. fry got with his hot grandmother.... but i get your point, time travel COULD make you swim in your own semen..... ewww!!


anyway. agreed on the 9/10 of iceburg thing.

happy with graphics. no complaints here.


oh wait. except for the fact that x360 and ps3 are getting an uber sonic game and wii (double entrendre...) get stuck with sonic wild fire.

well balls to that i say,


Actually, most people who played both the Sonic games say that Wildfire is the better one. They say that 'Sonic the hedgehog' on ps3 and 360 is almost unplayable, and that 'Sonic Wildfire' is the real deal. Don't judge a games on their polygoncount.

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I think the "tip of the iceberg" statement has been taken to an extreme. I think the meaning of it is that once people get used to the system the graphics will get better in the same way Resident Evil 4 looks so much better than Gamecube's 1st gen games.

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oh wait. except for the fact that x360 and ps3 are getting an uber sonic game and wii (double entrendre...) get stuck with sonic wild fire.

well balls to that i say,


From what I've heard Sonic Wild Fire is the better one, or as IGN(I think it was them) said; Sonic Wild Fire is Sonic 3D done right!

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just to point out.


best case scenario the Wii is 10 times more powerful than the PS3 and 360 combined, but costs less.


worst case scenario, The Wii is as powerful as we imagined from E3 videos, improvement will be a fairly standard affair (look at how the GC improved.

an additional feature of the chip is that it has a power save mode (for connect 24). although I don't see why a console in standby mode needs to be using its gpu at all

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