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Final Fantasy 7 remake. Yes or No?


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But to be honest it isn't my favourite one which is probably IX cause its "old" style without too much technology in it.


The scene where Vivi loses it is amazing. I have yet to finish it but im at the point of no return in the game so im not far off.


FF8 is still my best as I liked the story and Squall is an amazing character, that and his Lionheart Limit Break OWNZ.

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Yeah a remake would be great because there is alot of room for improvement. Things to fix:


-one disc please!

-ugly non-cinema graphics

-horrible load times

-Materia system needs to be changed so that only certain characters can learn certain skills


my main gripe about the game at the time was that, after developing characters with Materia, they all felt generic by the end of the game.

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To be honest, i would say No to a remake. Although i have not played this game, i believe that many consider it to be up there in the category of greatest games ever made, along with ocarina of time.

The beauty about games like these is that they were relevant to gamers at their time of release. Yes, the FMVs were great at the time, but they look bad now. So what? We still remember the memory of them looking good. We all remember the introduction to Ocarina of Time exactly the way it was. A remake would just tarnish the image that some people have of the original.

These games still stand the test of time, as many gamers around the world often still play these games, or still hold them in high regard. Therefore, i say leave them be.

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Ah, Final Fantasy VII, one of the best RPGs ever made. It should be remade as even today it rules over all other RPGs, except in the graphical department. It would allow all those who missed out on the game to enjoy and appreciate it's beauty.

For me, part of the beauty was all the delicate smaller scenes, one of my favourite parts of any videogame is the process of getting dressing up as a woman, and all the rigmarole yo had to go through to be the woman who get's chosen.

However, part of me has takena dislike to the way Square have begun to milk FFVII's popularity for all it's worth by producing numerous spinoffs, some off which are proof of a blantant cash-in due to their stodgey gameplay, I'm looking at you dirge of cerberus.


Buy anywho, I digress, my main point was at the E3 Sony conference, the guy on stage demonstarted how amazing it was that he was playing Ridge Racer from the PS1 on the PSP, which leads me to think could the PsOne Final Fantasy era games be released onto the PSP. This would almost definetly give me a hard shove in the direction of buying one, the feeling of being in bed and doing such things as navigating the train graveyard in FFVII, or challenging the Triple Triad elite club in FVIII, or sneaking into the theater with Vivi and that ratboy, would be truely amazing.


But Is it on the cards, because it certainly is possible.

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To be honest, i would say No to a remake. Although i have not played this game, i believe that many consider it to be up there in the category of greatest games ever made, along with ocarina of time.

The beauty about games like these is that they were relevant to gamers at their time of release. Yes, the FMVs were great at the time, but they look bad now. So what? We still remember the memory of them looking good. We all remember the introduction to Ocarina of Time exactly the way it was. A remake would just tarnish the image that some people have of the original.

These games still stand the test of time, as many gamers around the world often still play these games, or still hold them in high regard. Therefore, i say leave them be.




Lets remember a couple of other things. They would make Cloud look like Tidus again; they would lose all of the Chibi character animation which was a major feature in the game (there are some key scenes which would not be able to be recreated with "better" graphics); music would not be the same.


One of the best things about FF7 is its darkness. From the bits I've seen of advent children, they weren't able to capture that again so the game would lose all of it's feel and gain far too much of the realistic style from FF8 and FFX. One of the reasons I really hate S-E at the mo is because they can't see that their stylised design work is amasing. The visual design for FF:CC was incredible.

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I say leave it in the past as a classic rather then milk it further. If people want to play the original they can easily find a copy on E-Bay or in a second hand shop and play it on the PS3. If they moan about the fact they can't see each individual hair on Cloud's head and can't appreciate the gameplay and story on its own terms without perfect graphics then it's their loss. They'll just miss out on one of the greatest playstation games created.

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Lets remember a couple of other things. They would make Cloud look like Tidus again.


The fact that cloud has already be redisigned in Kingdom Hearts and Advent Children into an awesome looking character means your point is false.

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The scene where Vivi loses it is amazing. I have yet to finish it but im at the point of no return in the game so im not far off.


FF8 is still my best as I liked the story and Squall is an amazing character, that and his Lionheart Limit Break OWNZ.


Totally agree with you mate. I have to say that I love 9 more than 8, because I felt that the story was better (more emotional if you ask me).


"Lionheart owns all." Omega weapon found out the hard way :D.

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A remake would do no harm, it would be more of an evolution of the game, if FF3 is ramde i dont see why this cant be remade, there are a few flaws with ff7 that can be easily fixed with a remake, i dont think it stands the test of time, i tried playing it on pc, and i didnt enjoy it (i know the pc version is a terrible port). but i say yes to a remake, and i see it happening, square know how to milk things, and im sure they will remake ff7


Also, many people may of thought mgs shouldnt of been remade, but it allowed some people to truly appriciate what a great game it is for the cube owners, and it linked up with 2 and 3 based on the graphical art.

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Also, many people may of thought mgs shouldnt of been remade, but it allowed some people to truly appriciate what a great game it is for the cube owners, and it linked up with 2 and 3 based on the graphical art.


Very true but the MGS purists hated it. I remember the massive forum battles on gamefaqs over it. I personally loved the MGS remake even though I had played the original, hell I even liked the OTT matrix style cutscenes.


Here is Squalls limit break in all its glory.



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Very true but the MGS purists hated it. I remember the massive forum battles on gamefaqs over it. I personally loved the MGS remake even though I had played the original, hell I even liked the OTT matrix style cutscenes.


Here is Squalls limit break in all its glory.




With mgs twin snakes, i dont hold it in high regard as the original or any of the metal gears made by hideo kojima, because it wasnt made by him in the first place. but it certainly is the best non kojima metal gear game made. The thing is remaking resident evil 1 did the series no harm and it allowed non ps1 users to play it (im not a fan of resident evil games before 4) But judging from people, they seem to love the game. the whole reason why people dont want a oot remake is due to the fact they want original zelda storylines and stuff, but i do recall hearing people wanting updated graphics for the virtual console and such.

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Thats right, this thread is FULL of noobs!


Final fantasy VII one of the best RPGs of all time?

Final Fantasy VII first game of its kind?

Final Fantasy VII first game to contain emotional music/memorable scenes??!!



WAKE UP PS-NOOBS, THE FINAL FANTASY SERIES DID NOT BEGIN WITH PART 7. you need to look at the older final fantasy games, such as FF4, FF5 and FF6. FF6 IS the greatest RPG of all time possibly, but certainly is the greatest FF game of all time. Those were the days before the FF games became nothing more than interactive movies.


Infact (having played and finished ALL final fntasys)_ id go so far to say that FF7 was the EASIEST FF of the series - the games have been simplified for the Playstation generation. Now its all fmv. Even random battles have been disposed of now!

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Thats right, this thread is FULL of noobs!


Final fantasy VII one of the best RPGs of all time?

Final Fantasy VII first game of its kind?

Final Fantasy VII first game to contain emotional music/memorable scenes??!!



WAKE UP PS-NOOBS, THE FINAL FANTASY SERIES DID NOT BEGIN WITH PART 7. you need to look at the older final fantasy games, such as FF4, FF5 and FF6. FF6 IS the greatest RPG of all time possibly, but certainly is the greatest FF game of all time. Those were the days before the FF games became nothing more than interactive movies.


Infact (having played and finished ALL final fntasys)_ id go so far to say that FF7 was the EASIEST FF of the series - the games have been simplified for the Playstation generation. Now its all fmv. Even random battles have been disposed of now!



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all of what I stated was FACT.

But seeing how you list FF VII as one of your top all time games (in your sig), I can presume that you have never experienced or finished any pre VII final fantasys.


No the fact that you used the word 'noob' to insult the people that think differently to you.


So don't introduce yourself to these forums as a complete idiot.


And what you stated isn't 'FACT'.


You said that Final Fantasy VI is the best RPG of all time, that is your opinion.


Although a lot of the people that have posted in this thread believe Final Fantasy VII to be the best RPG of all time.


The reader's and the voters of the Japanese magazine Famistu voted Final Fantasy VII the best game ever after Final Fantasy 10.


And Final Fantasy VII sold nearly Ten million copies so it is also the most purchased RPG of all time if you exclude the Pokemon series.

Link: http://everythingandnothing.org.uk/vg/worldtotals.php


And actually you're right i haven't experienced any of the previous Final Fantasies but that doesn't mean i'm not entitled to my opinion.

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Thats right, this thread is FULL of noobs!


Final fantasy VII one of the best RPGs of all time?

Final Fantasy VII first game of its kind?

Final Fantasy VII first game to contain emotional music/memorable scenes??!!



WAKE UP PS-NOOBS, THE FINAL FANTASY SERIES DID NOT BEGIN WITH PART 7. you need to look at the older final fantasy games, such as FF4, FF5 and FF6. FF6 IS the greatest RPG of all time possibly, but certainly is the greatest FF game of all time. Those were the days before the FF games became nothing more than interactive movies.


Infact (having played and finished ALL final fntasys)_ id go so far to say that FF7 was the EASIEST FF of the series - the games have been simplified for the Playstation generation. Now its all fmv. Even random battles have been disposed of now!


This isnt Gamefaqs.

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Thats right, this thread is FULL of noobs!


Final fantasy VII one of the best RPGs of all time?

Final Fantasy VII first game of its kind?

Final Fantasy VII first game to contain emotional music/memorable scenes??!!



WAKE UP PS-NOOBS, THE FINAL FANTASY SERIES DID NOT BEGIN WITH PART 7. you need to look at the older final fantasy games, such as FF4, FF5 and FF6. FF6 IS the greatest RPG of all time possibly, but certainly is the greatest FF game of all time. Those were the days before the FF games became nothing more than interactive movies.


Infact (having played and finished ALL final fntasys)_ id go so far to say that FF7 was the EASIEST FF of the series - the games have been simplified for the Playstation generation. Now its all fmv. Even random battles have been disposed of now!


Wow, great way to intergrate yourself into a forum, by belittling others opinion.


See, you are infact the "Noob" as your as so shoved up your elitest arse you cannot recognise that everything said in here is an opinion, and there is no difinitive "best final fantasy game ever".


There is no set "best game ever", as is there no set "best food ever". You see the key thing here is, and take notes as it looks like you need a lot of learning in the subject, is that concerning videogame's and their credentials, everything is an opinion, not a fact.


However, while I acknowledge your opinion, that Final Fantasy game's are interactive movies, but I beg to differ. See this is how you do it. You have to respect other's opinion's, and then make your own, as nobody's is the right one OR wrong.


And remember, boasting about how goodyou are at videogames online where there is no proof nor evidence is viewed as a wee bit pathetic.

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