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The Official Big Brother 2006 Thread


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Im really starting to like Nikki, Finding her to be quite innocent and cute and absolutely hilarious with the whole dawn smells thing.


More like petty and annoying.


M I Rite?


Seriously though, she's quite nice looking but she's like a kid, so pathetic and useless. The whole BO incident is quite sad, its only freaking body oder, grow the fuck up. Be mature inform the person, move on. The whole tears for Pete, what crap. He lives with his disability, he seems like the chap who deals with it fine. She was wailing on about how she wishes theres something she could do, its not like he's dying. If his leg is cut off and he's bleeding to death maybe she could cry her little heart out over something she could do.


She is so pathetic.

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Not particularly a big fan of Nikki as well but I don't really mind her. Sometimes she can be so annoying and other times, se can be quite a joker.


NOOOOO, SHABAZ LEFT!!!!! WHY????? He made the house so much more interesting.


Not liking sezar (sp?) and Imogen together. They don't make a nice couple.. I wanted to see the Vernon Kay guy to be with her instead cos I think he liked her in the first place....now he'll go to that other blond woman, Grace is it?

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"I'm a gay paki."


"Don't call me a gay paki, that's racist you homophobe."


I don't watch it but my friend said that was his main gripe with the asian dude.. I have to put up with the obligatory conversation every day around the water cooler so I'll toss in my 2 cents.


They're all fucking wankers.


Shahbaz is a huge fan of Kylie Minogue and knitting. He has a great sense of humour but can't stand hypocrisy and double standards.
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Now that Shabaz has gone,the show is gonna be quite boring IMO. Its all gonna revolve around who's gonna shag who, who ate all the pies and other stupid issues.....But that doesn't stop me from watching it. :heh:

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Just watched nominations live and up for the chop are:








DRAMA!!! Dawn wants to go now, says she is not waiting and wants to leave now !! E4 is the nuts...


Damn im sad.

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I watched about half an hour today and I just wanted to go in there and unleash pain. I genuinely sickened me the way that these adults were behaving like idiotic, spoiled children. I really wanted to hold a mirror up to them. Yes, Shebaz was behaving like a tosser but that's absolutely no reason for the rest of them to behave like pack of hyenas. Fucking discusting. I can't believe that, despite the fact that the guy obviously had some shit going on that he felt he had to hide by being all theatrical, that they decided the best thing to do was use him as an emotional punchbag. "I won't let you bully the weak" cries the despicable, bullying voice of Leah. Fucking bunch of self-obsessed, childish wankers with no sense of nobility among them. Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

(but yeah, I've only seen about half an hour of it!)

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What a shocker, Dawn's been kicked out!, for communicating with the outside world! Clever little scheme she had going, if she was recieving bad press she'd told her family to contact Big Brother and state that "Her sister was ill". As this is an important family issue Big Brother obliged to tell her.

However, the idiot that she is boasted about it to other house mates. Fool.


Full story here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/5016618.stm

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Yeah has to be Bonaaa !


I heard they are gonna put 2 new housemates in straight away whilst they await the golden ticket winner entry.... so far only 5 tickets have been found out of the 100 apparently...

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OK, let me start with saying i'm not a Shazbaz fan! but my god the other nights show was appalling so appalling infact thats it's turned me off watching the whole thing altogether completely now.


How old are these people anyway? I mean the way they were all acting was like they were at school, even worse actually. It was sickening to watch.


After that show i can honestly hand on heart say i hate them all except Pete, who at least showed some emotion, still a tad dissapointed in him following everyone out the room like a **** but he obviously wants to win so he has to do what the rest of the childish twats did also.


I'll be surprised if any of them are cheered really!


I'm looking forward to seeing who new goes in as the others are 100% up themselves and posers!


Can we just have a straight-forward, normal ,nice, down to earth person in there? If someone like that is put in! I think they should win!


Other then that, none of em (except Pete) really deserve to win in my opinion.

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