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BBC: Argh, this doesn't sound right...


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I find it so annoying that BBC have to show only half the good points and all of the bad points about the Wii... They really don't like Nintendo :indeed: .


I don't know if it's just me, but it seems to be a little bias towards the PS3. It's good in the beginning but towards the end it gets a little different...

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They say 'unlike sony, Nintendo haven't announced the price or release date' as if it's going to cost more and come out later.


It's also said in the video that Sony also have a motion sensitive controller as if it's on the same level as the Wii. It's not even motion sensitive, it's tilt sensitive and that's very different.


Also noticed they said Matt Casamassina is a Games Developer :S

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I just filed an official complaint on the website. They take these very seriously. In it I detailed all of the factual errors they made; the fact that they in no way covered anything about the Wii apart from some of the features of the controller; their leading comments concerning the similarities between the PS3 controller and the Wii one and suggestions that Nintendo don't have a release window. Generally slammed them for poor journalism and terrible research.

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Unfortunately, the BBC doesn't take video gaming seriously - its no real reason to hate the BBC mind you! Few channels do - and fewer still take the time to research the subject.


If you think about it; most News Channels have War Correspondents, Politics Correspondents, Royal Correspondents - people who have a trusted knowledge of the subject. When covering gaming like E3 they don't have a gaming correspondent and wheel out a complete turkey. The BBC may feel that it has a public service commitment to cover the high profile event of E3, but frankly it shouldn't - not in the half hearted way it has. Its akin to asking Rolf Harris to cover the Iraq War.


There are some great video games journalists in the UK - that chap off Channel 5's The Gadget Show seems to have strong knowledge, Dom Diamond needs some work on mainstream TV too. I'm sure they could do some freelancing work for the Beeb.

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Erm, they do this every day to you people.

About everything. You just don't notice it..


The 'minute' media that is up to date is often shit.


Read a broadsheet and you'll find balanced news with research. BBC News are made to hit deadlines, it's topical.. and they don't have expertise.


While it may be seen as bias towards Sony- what is their vested interest? They don't benefit from saying Sony rock Nintendo suck.. they just provide news. No point getting pissy about it.


It's just a n00by mistake.

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Oh the irony you find in comparing this thread to 'BBC: Nintendo wins E3' thread.


Come on people, the neutral mainstream point of view is very different to ours.


It's not about a point of view. It's about fact and they published a lot of fiction.

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Guys, the fact is that ps2 dominates the market right now. That is why the BBC likes it so much, because it is the best (the best being the most popular).


BBC is the best news source we have. Even non-English speakers use it because it is reasonably objective.


They are much better than any other news source imo.

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The BBC reported something that wasnt true? :shock:


In the long run does it realy matter? Cause according to the BBC we'll al be dead from SARS and the bird flu in a matter of weeks/months anyway :p

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The BBC must be idiots if they thought Matt Cassamasina was a developer, lol!


The only time I've ever seen the BBC do Nintendo justice, and actually do any research on the subject was when they did that program on BBC3 all about the companies history. The program was part of a series all about powerful international companies and thir money. It was really interesting actually.

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