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I believe we are still yet to see the final secret


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Yes there are more secrets, but don't get your hopes up guys. I'm not ruling out the possibility of something groundbraking, but i'm going to presume it's something small like a microphone, just because it's more likely.


There's also the online and virtual console capabilities we've heard nothing about. I'm thinking along those lines maybe.

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Erm....we still haven't see what's in that bit... Or do we know what it is now?


No we havent but it makes more sense than some of what we have heard recently, i mean if the Wii doesnt have a hard drive then your memory cards or what not gotta go somewhere dont they?

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reason why i said this which would seem offtopic is because many people think this will be something big.

I was one of the true blood believers that there was something more than SD under that hood.


Can we please all call it the hood instead of the flap to avoid confusion with regard to the upper GameCube peripheral ports flap?


With 512mb on board, and the intended inclusion of generic USB drivers for flash and hard drive based mass storage devices it leads me to the conclusion more so than ever that there is something more than SD under the hood.


If you think from a chipset point of view, it would be much easier to engineer it so all cards and peripherals go into the top flap of the console.. why not have the GameCube memory cards, and the SD cards next to each other? SD slots are hardly massive.. it makes much more sense to do it this way.


Anyway.. I'm sure you'll all argue how it has been stated by X Y and Z 5 billion times that the SD cards go under the hood.

I'll just go play Mario.

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Ah come on. Hype created a 'third secret' which never really came out and now you're expecting to find out another secret after E3? It's all just marketing exaggeration to keep you hyped, there's nothing to look forward to.


Don't get yourself hyped up like that, you'll only dissappoint yourself. Just because you want it so badly doesn't mean they're actually hiding something.

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8D .. ???




could be anything , i mean damn they put a frickin speaker on the remote for god sakes ......


nintendo, ...we all know drugs can be fun ..........

..but damn, lay off - No , ...cut back atleast ... yeah cut back allittle bit here and there , guy....................

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And to those that say 'but we've already seen it on TV screens so it can't be' well Nintendo always said the console would play on a TV/Monitor but a special form of 3D would be optional.


Nope you basically just made that up. One question, where's the real evidence?

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Nope you basically just made that up. One question, where's the real evidence?

I'm not stating its a fact, I'm saying to the people that dismiss it because its been played on TVs that it could happen because it would be optional.

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How about we all pretend wii've never heard of this 'big secret'.

What do you think of Nintendo Wii now? Is it still amazing to you?

You'll know when everything is revealed. I try to keep the big secret out of my head so it doesn't get my hopes to high

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Theres more hardware secrets, without a doubt! Nothing to major but cool!


Oh and it's so obviously being released in October at $199. Her face tells it all, she trys to change the subject but shes pretty surprised his spot-on with both things.


Oh and i like her! Shes funny and down to earth! :grin:

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Theres more hardware secrets, without a doubt! Nothing to major but cool!


Oh and it's so obviously being released in October at $199. Her face tells it all, she trys to change the subject but shes pretty surprised his spot-on with both things.


Oh and i like her! Shes funny and down to earth! :grin:

She's great isn't she :D

Its funny how hard Matt was trying to squeeze info out of her, he nearly caught her on the October date.

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8D .. ???




could be anything , i mean damn they put a frickin speaker on the remote for god sakes ......


nintendo, ...we all know drugs can be fun ..........

..but damn, lay off - No , ...cut back atleast ... yeah cut back allittle bit here and there , guy....................


Please Guarana, don't act like an idiot.


I think the speaker in the Wii remote was quite a nice thing. The thought of hearing things fly from you to you target sounds great (like the bow on Zelda). It adds to the whole "feeling" theme.


Well, I'm quite pleased with what's been revealed so far for Wii (even the name) so if the next revelation is like the speaker, I shall be content.

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ok imagine you were nintendo, you were about to announce this big 3rd secret every1 has been speculating about, and from that quote saying if were hoping nunchuk will have motion sensative to be the only secret, were in for a big surprise. around 9 hours be4, u see sony, revealing thier new "innotive" controller and indeed just adding it recently. would you tell this 3rd secret at E3?



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Can we please all call it the hood instead of the flap to avoid confusion with regard to the upper GameCube peripheral ports flap?

I would of thought flap would be more appropriate than hood, since the gamecube ports are on top and that should be the hood.

It seems to just be you that gets confused now..

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ok imagine you were nintendo, you were about to announce this big 3rd secret every1 has been speculating about, and from that quote saying if were hoping nunchuk will have motion sensative to be the only secret, were in for a big surprise. around 9 hours be4, u see sony, revealing thier new "innotive" controller and indeed just adding it recently. would you tell this 3rd secret at E3?



That's an extremely good point. I'm sure Nintendo are getting used to Sony taking their ideas by now though, hence why Nintendo commented "copying is the greatest form of flattery" and all that jazz.

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She's great isn't she :D

Its funny how hard Matt was trying to squeeze info out of her, he nearly caught her on the October date.


I know! She nearly said 'yes'. lol :grin:


I liked her little puns and about the sauce...what was she going on about?....:grin:

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i hope its a time machine, that would blow sony right out of the water.


The PS£ is a time machine!

At least, it is according to Sony. They claim the console is 4D, and the 4th dimension is time.


£5 says that whatever the final secret is, Sony will copy it at some point.

If anyone is willing to take me up on that, I might as well take your money now...

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Tbh I actually have a feeling that the hardware secret(s) is *drum solo* an optional visor :D And I have a reason to think this, if you look at Red Steel and Metroid Prime: Corruption, you would see that you'll have to "drag" the screen around, when aiming with wii-mote you only control the "crosshair" not the whole point of view, like in most PC FPS. Now they release a visor with the tilt function as well, so when u turn ur head it would move the "point of view" :D and the visor would have a mic too... it wouldnt have to be a big clumsy thing, just a kind of "glasses", depending on how much space the whole tilt-thingy would require... now that would indeed attend to hardcore gamers :D:D:D


... or the reason to that the wii-mote doesnt move the whole view could be that it would make the person feel dizzy, as it would be hard to hold to wii-mote just as steady as an mouse on a table, i dunno XD

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Tbh I actually have a feeling that the hardware secret(s) is *drum solo* an optional visor :D And I have a reason to think this, if you look at Red Steel and Metroid Prime: Corruption, you would see that you'll have to "drag" the screen around, when aiming with wii-mote you only control the "crosshair" not the whole point of view, like in most PC FPS. Now they release a visor with the tilt function as well, so when u turn ur head it would move the "point of view" :D and the visor would have a mic too... it wouldnt have to be a big clumsy thing, just a kind of "glasses", depending on how much space the whole tilt-thingy would require... now that would indeed attend to hardcore gamers :D:D:D

You control where you look with the nunchuck...

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