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BBC: Nintendo Won E3


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Meh, the type of people at the E3 conference does not represent the public in any way.

They're all freaks, geeks and go go fish techy bolex guys.


If I was reading this as a non-gamer, I'd consider a Nintendo- but it wouldn't be a big deal for me, because E3 isn't open to the public, it doesn't concern me.


The only thing that concerns the average non-gamer is the price, and the games.

Nintendo has the lowest price by far, and they have some of the most fun games. I don't think it needs this kind of publicity.


As soon as Radio 1 (a station that many non-gamers listen to) announced on the news that the PS3 was £350 many of them expressed anger and disinterest.

The fact that it is actually £410 for the HD/wireless/hard drive kit will only amplify this feeling towards Sony.


Nintendo has it in the bag, they will need to get games out- that's all to carry on momentum like the DS.

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The types of people you say go to E3 nintendork is incorrect. You've forgotten completely about the guys from the media looking for more hype other than the conferences. It DOES represent the public. Are you saying freaks and geeks are not in the public? Thats utter bollocks.

The media helps build hype and sometimes breaks down the hype if they are being paid to do so, its all dodgy shit. But Nintendo pretty much has it in the bag, they'l easilly keep public interest with the media saying how great the wii is (havent seen one bad comment in the UK papers yet).


Nintendo's won the hype war which is basicly E3. But now we will have to see what the marketing is going to be like, because we all know the most succesful ad in the UK for nintendo was nintendogs, mario kart also had a bit of success (dont know about animal crossing). Maybe this gives us an insight into the future of NOE advertising after seeing a rise in attention.

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wow so nintendork will the "core" ps3 package really not come with HDMI output , or wireless? I think it will have a 20gig hd and the "full" package will come with a 60gig one.. that's still ridiculous.. what on earth could you need all that horsepower for if you weren't outputting in HD resolutions?

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Thing is, most people won't even hear about this who aren't interested in games (and consequently didn't already know) so although its a great thing it makes no odds. If Wii takes off and gaming spreads to Non-Gamers and becomes a genuine past-time for everyone then y'never know but E3 could actually become as publicised as crap like the Oscars.

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wow so nintendork will the "core" ps3 package really not come with HDMI output , or wireless? I think it will have a 20gig hd and the "full" package will come with a 60gig one.. that's still ridiculous.. what on earth could you need all that horsepower for if you weren't outputting in HD resolutions?



it is true, with the 20gig model, HDMI / Wi-Fi Disabled and no Card Reader will be there,


its sonys marketing plan, to say hey we have a reall cheap version, but no1 will want to buy it because it has nothing in it, so all will look at the cheaper price and buy the better PS3

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it is true, with the 20gig model, HDMI / Wi-Fi Disabled and no Card Reader will be there,


its sonys marketing plan, to say hey we have a reall cheap version, but no1 will want to buy it because it has nothing in it, so all will look at the cheaper price and buy the better PS3


I think what will happen is that people wont realise there is a "core" and "premium" system and when they see the cheaper model they'll think "Oh that's the cheapest I've seen it priced, I'll get this one here" and lo and behold they find out that it cant do half the shit sony said the PS3 can do.


They will be pissed!:(

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yeah but $499 isn't cheap either.. if they priced the core system at the same as the full 360 then maybe they could harm sales of microsoft's console.. for the reason conzer specified.. some people will just think it's the cheapest and get it, convinced they're getting a huge bargain considering... But seriously if this is their strategy then alienating their fanbase must be one of their main priorities.. haha.

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If I was reading this as a non-gamer, I'd consider a Nintendo- but it wouldn't be a big deal for me, because E3 isn't open to the public, it doesn't concern me.


The only thing that concerns the average non-gamer is the price, and the games.

Nintendo has the lowest price by far, and they have some of the most fun games. I don't think it needs this kind of publicity.


Yeah; the problem Nintendo have is their image, and for some weird 'must-be-some-sony-fanboy-shit'; their consoles are slagged off in the weirdest ways, like, as if people are in denial.

An example of this is people saying that the graphical power of the PS2 is far beond the Gamecube, or that the DS can only do 2d graphics (I have actually heard that kind of shit and was like WTF)


Does anyone know of the framerate off Cube SSX3 being naffer than the PS2 ver. btw!?

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Nintendo's won the hype war which is basicly E3. But now we will have to see what the marketing is going to be like.


The hype war is the most important though. If they can win over the 'freaks', press and media types they've won half the battle. Every gaming media magazine and site is stating that Nintendo was the most popular at the biggest gaming conference of the year and that the Wii actually works. This will filter down to the consumer. You can't buy that kind of coverage.

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This is great for Nintendo. A nice early start to advertising. So far, Wii is doing fantastic and that's even before the console is released and the true adverts start (on tv, cinema,for example). Word of mouth, radio and newspapers seem to be churning out praise at the moment.

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The Sun was at E3! The Sun wrote a very positive article on the Wii. You cant get more mainstream coverage than that in the UK. Hope the hype continues up to launch with some killer apps to sway the public.


Oh wait, positive news on there too :awesome:

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