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Nintendo royally screw up Wii WiFi Connection

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well there you go someone who actually does things. not like the rest of us who just moan and do nothing about it. i congratulate you skarmachild

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It better not be like the DS WIFI - that's crap. Friend codes are crap.


I can kinda see why they did it.

Imagine an annoying person randomly guessed your code. Then they annoy you. any game you have and they have, they can annoy you.




That's what "Block user" would be for.

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It better not be like the DS WIFI - that's crap. Friend codes are crap.




That's what "Block user" would be for.


fair enough. Nintendo may have a reason for the system they have though.

often there are logical reasons you'd overlook...


perhaps its avoiding a Microsoft patent minefield?

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some1 tell me that Metroid online is bad, i only have 1 problem with it and that is when u swap between finding a game and seeing your friends, you have to DC from NWC and reconnect

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I think the Nintendo WIFI service is good on DS it works. On Wii though it isn't enough. I want to use the games to chat to and meet people online to play against. Just like we're chatting now. You don't have that level of social interaction on Nintendo WIFI Connection. It feels limiting. Friendcodes are limiting.


I'll take my own advice though and not write it off before we know that much about it. Nintendo WIFI Connection on DS is seeing more and more features with each game, by the time Wii is out it could be an altogether different experience.

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I'm pretty sure it'll be a slightly updated version of the DS style.. which means universal codes, small friends list and so on. They just don't want to be commited to everything else that Xbox360 and PS3 do

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I think ppl are gettinh way to much juice out of such a dry orange.

Yeah, I agree. I just don't trust IGN as an informed news source. Could we possibly wait until we have something a tad more concrete, or at least a bit more then what sounds unnervingly like a badly translated throwaway comment?

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Meh, I would rather have it like the Live service, but it's jsut acceptable as it is is.

I just hope they do it so you put in what number of people you want to play against, and it finds a game with that many people.

I really, really hope games are more than 4 player...

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Yea me to,not everygame just the game that would fit over 4 player in like MK.It is good for a hand held,not for a home console.And like many others I'm gonna wait to hear more news on it.

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I'll still be playing it. I didn't expect them to pull another Xbox Live out of their asses. My only problem with the dongle is that I have to reinstall it and sort everything out EVERY time I want to go online. It's so annoying, I guess I'll be buying a wireless card.

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Nintendo need to sort out their wireless security mode too. I have a DS, and in order to get it to connect to my wireless network I need to use an old (and easily hackable) setting :mad:


Come on Ninintendo, get this sorted. Even Sony have "upgraded" my PSP so that it will work properly, but it's all in vain unless everything I want to connect with can support the highest security setting.

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I'll still be playing it. I didn't expect them to pull another Xbox Live out of their asses. My only problem with the dongle is that I have to reinstall it and sort everything out EVERY time I want to go online. It's so annoying, I guess I'll be buying a wireless card.


Is it possible to go online with just a wireless card? I thought we needed either the dongle or a router.

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my dongle works fine fo me, i jsut plug it in and go online, which is what nintendo probblt wanted. im not really bothered about the friend codes, sure its bit of a chore to ener them in and such, but once youve got them , whats wrong, you can easily go online and play against them. i cant wait to play smash bros online with other people, even hough i may be 4. or whatever, i havnt really played against anone else except my bro cos noone else really likes nintendo around me.

one question i have is that, if its got this connect24, then it must be connected to the internet via something all the time. does this mean we'll have to use our dongles to go online, the dongle only lets you go onlin if th pc is on. so that means the pc will hve to be on o play the wii online, and the pc will have to be on for connect24.

unless we find out the wii has an ethernet port or something and you can plug it into a router, which ive done for my 360 and works great.

i wonder how the connect24 actuly works? how does it connect.

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I still get a kick out of seeing people complain about something given to them for free.


It's like me giving out free chocolate bars and then people getting their panties in a bunch because I haven't given them a drink as well.

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Is it possible to go online with just a wireless card? I thought we needed either the dongle or a router.


Yeah, some wireless cards work, some don't. Apple ones work definitely, the 2 I've had in my PC didn't work, so I bought a router after that.

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If I remember correctly nintendo said that they don't like to charge people for online gaming. They would leave that decision to the developers if they want to charge you for playing their game or not. Basically this kind of "open" service is great for mmorpgs. A developer of guildwars (Jeff Strain) recently stated that the XBL system has to change dramatically if it wants to support mmorpgs.


This way the developer of the game can decide what kind of features it wants to include in the game. But this has the problem that you'd probably have to pay for every game that you want to play online.


I would actually like to see developers to publish a dedicated server software for PC that would enable the pc to act as a server for Wii games. That way the developer wouldn't have to pay for the servers as anyone could basically host one. But that's probably not going to happen.


And someone said something about patent minefield... Well didn't Nintendo acquire a patent that included most of the features that xbox live has a few months ago?

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I still get a kick out of seeing people complain about something given to them for free.


It's like me giving out free chocolate bars and then people getting their panties in a bunch because I haven't given them a drink as well.




It would be nice if it was like Xbox's Live but we are getting this free so I got nothing to complain about :yay:

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We are not getting anything free, we are paying a fortune for games, controllers, and the console itself. Besides, just because its free its not an excuse to be rubbish. Online play isnt a bonus like a deleted scene on a dvd, for me its the most important part of a game.

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It's like me giving out free chocolate bars and then people getting their panties in a bunch because I haven't given them a drink as well.


It's like buying a car and finding they have given you "free" square weels, there free but you would rather pay and get round ones.



But anyway I'll wait before I moan about it any more, hopefully it will have a "if just basic" overall hub.

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Nintendo need to sort out their wireless security mode too. I have a DS, and in order to get it to connect to my wireless network I need to use an old (and easily hackable) setting :mad:


i'm really hoping the wii will act as a router for the ds with the wii having high security networking options.

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