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Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn


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Bolting? Is that magic?


It's long-distance magic. Only 5 uses, but worth it.


Anyway, mages need strength to wield the heavier tomes better.

A strong mage will double-hit often.

A weak mage will be slower, and be double-hit by enemies often.

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The final battle isn't any fun. I could only bring 11 of 23 characters I wanted to use >_> I wasted several hours on save/reset/load of everyone of the 23 characters when I wasn't satisfied with the stat gain.


My final team with levels before Part IV Endgame 2.



Ike - 20/20/13

(the rest of them will never be used unless it's neccessary for the optionals to survive)

Micaiah - 20/20/1

Sothe - 20/14/1(forced class up before he hit lv 20)

Sanaki - 20/20/4

Kurtnaga - 20

Ena - 22

Reyson - 17


Rest of my team. Astrid, Nephenee and Ilyana have capped every stat.

Ilyana - 20/20/19

Aran - 20/20/9

Shinon - 20/20/10

Gatrie - 20/20/12

Boyd - 20/20/12

Mia - 20/20/11

Elincia - 20/20/20 (customized, infinitive Brave Sword FTW!)

Astrid - 20/20/20

Haar - 20/20/20 (misses one point in luck and resistance, otherwise perfect stats)

Nephenee - 20/20/20





Completed the game after 40 hours with two characters dead.

Was surprised at the list of kills each character have had. Aran was nr 5 with about 75, followed by Ike, Nephenee, Haar and for some reason Ilyana in first place. I know I used her a lot, but the most kills, I had no idea.


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Mine'll be Haar when i finish. I know it already, he IS nails. Soley made from them. Steel ones :p


I tend to just send him in to the fray loaded up with throwing axes and watch every enemy attack him and die lol

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  • 2 months later...

I finally decided to buy this game. I've been waiting to play for it since last year. Bought it together with Smash. Im knew it would be great and yup, I was instantly hooked again. Brought over the stats from GC's Path of Radiance. So far, only done the first few chapters.


As far as i know, this game consists of four main sections, each divided in around 10 chapters. So.. it should last you for a while ;)

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Guest Captain Falcon
Just bought this. played through first two chapters. i like it. hope its a long game as i just bought zack and wiki and that didn't last me too long. traded for this!


Well I'm not exactly a speedy gamer, my first run through clocked at 75 hrs - if you dont read the text and have the animations off then you can easily cut that down, but still, it is quite long.

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Well I'm not exactly a speedy gamer, my first run through clocked at 75 hrs - if you dont read the text and have the animations off then you can easily cut that down, but still, it is quite long.


thats unfeasably long. mine was around 50, with animation and cutscenes watched, i even left it mid battle for the pub more then once.

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Finally, at long last I got this game today along with Battalion Wars! Noticed last week that GameStation had a sale before I went to work. £19.98, since I wouldn't see it cheaper than that for a while, picked it up!


Now I need to do the alst 2 chapters in Path of Radiance and i'll start it. Probably late tomorrow night or Monday.

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Managed to move along a few chapters today. Found one annoying thing though.


How do you manually restart a chapter in the middle of a game? There used to be a Suspend option that saves your progress temporarily and gives you the option to exit the game. In Normal mode, it's replaced with Battle Save, which is basically the same, but the save is permanent. However, Im not given the option to return to the title screen.


So I either reset the game or let the main characters die. Any tips?

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The actions are not pre detirmed so you can keep resetting and hope the enemy will miss eventually. It saved me many times.


Oh, that's not what i meant. My point is, in previous games, it was possible to instantly go back to the title screen. Usually that was when you suspended the game.

In Radiant Dawn, there doesn't seem to be such an option. The only way to go back to the title screen is to wait for the Game Over screen or resetting the Wii.


There gotta be an easier way right?

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Oh, that's not what i meant. My point is, in previous games, it was possible to instantly go back to the title screen. Usually that was when you suspended the game.

In Radiant Dawn, there doesn't seem to be such an option. The only way to go back to the title screen is to wait for the Game Over screen or resetting the Wii.


There gotta be an easier way right?


Play Hard mode.


Radiant Dawn's easy and normal modes have a save feature. Hard, however, uses the Suspend feature that is used in the previous games and will take you back to the title screen when you use it.


Resettings not that hard, just press Home on your wii remote and press reset. On Gamecube you had to reach for the reset button on the console.

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Play Hard mode.


Radiant Dawn's easy and normal modes have a save feature. Hard, however, uses the Suspend feature that is used in the previous games and will take you back to the title screen when you use it.


Resettings not that hard, just press Home on your wii remote and press reset. On Gamecube you had to reach for the reset button on the console.


Hm, so my assumptions were right then. Seems like I'll have to unlock Hard Mode first. Seems like even such a hardcore game like Fire Emblem has a 'casualized' mode then. I welcome it, but it's just kinda annoying when you want to restart your chapter, you need to be Game Over or resetting your Wii.


Alright enough bitching then :) On with the game!

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You didn't read his reply well enough.. Do as he said: just press "home" then "reset". It will take you to the title-screen without leaving your game and whenever you want to. Not as quick on the Cube, but not much longer to be annoying.. In fact, I prefer it this way.

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You didn't read his reply well enough.. Do as he said: just press "home" then "reset". It will take you to the title-screen without leaving your game and whenever you want to. Not as quick on the Cube, but not much longer to be annoying.. In fact, I prefer it this way.


Ah, yeah i get that. Should be a good alternative then. Still, it's not the in-game 'Suspend and return to title screen' other games had, even in Normal mode.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, i got into this game again after i got my new (with all saves lost) wii. Managed to finish normal mode relatively easy, and I'm back to hard mode, where i was at 1-endgame before my wii broke.


Does anyone have any experience in hard mode? I mostly used the regular good units in normal mode, so i want to mix it up a bit and use some of the (initially) crappier units like Meg and Aran. Would i get away with it? Any other tips?

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Well, i got into this game again after i got my new (with all saves lost) wii. Managed to finish normal mode relatively easy, and I'm back to hard mode, where i was at 1-endgame before my wii broke.


Does anyone have any experience in hard mode? I mostly used the regular good units in normal mode, so i want to mix it up a bit and use some of the (initially) crappier units like Meg and Aran. Would i get away with it? Any other tips?

From what I read you can use almost any character on easy and still manage to complete the game. On hard however, horrible units are apparently even worse.


In any case, Aran was a very valuable unit for me on easy. Meg was difficult to train and her stats was awful.

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I started this yesterday. Seems great so far. Completed PoR yesterday aswell, great game. All the cutscenes from PoR added together, timewise is shorter than the cut scene intro for this :heh:


Haha yea, I loved how they dared to count the 3 second medal-glows-in-mist's-hands as a genuine cutscene.


@ Tales, I read that Aran is supposed to be a good unit, but i tried to raise him on my first playthrough and it's just damn hard to get his speed up to par. With the increased lvls, I'm expecting him to get doubled through all of part 1.


I was thinking of using Zihark instead of Edward, Edward already can't double in 1-1 and the lack of a weapon triangle really hurts against all the axe-wielders in the first chapters. I'm not too sure about Ilyana though. She's great, but i feel that i might end up having Micaiah promote before reaching lvl 20 if i raise Ilyana. I just hope i can get lucky again with her speed, maxed out at every promotion =)



Unrelated: Just started a new playthrough of Zelda as well, played for 2 hours and my wii crashes in the damn forest temple =( I didn't save, of course...

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