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It's not over yet, IGN article on why the PS3 controller is no match for the Wii


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Read it before but think of this from marketing. Sony will say they have unparalelled motion sensing and people will believe them.

People won't believe them when they see the difference with their own eyes. IGN noticed the exact same as I did. I said all the same stuff about how it was inferior.

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I agree with IGN, there is no way in hell the PS3 version of "moving in a 3D space" can compete with what Nintendo are offering. Sony are only offering basic function and that is all the can do unless the copy everything Nintendo has done with the Wii (seprating the controller in two ect.)


Also we dont even know the full extent of the Wii yet. Wait till the confrence tomorrow!


The Wiimote looks like the better controller overall to me right now as it is the perfect combonation of form and function

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It's unlikely that this will be the focus of Sony's marketing though (It'll have to choose to promote traditional gaming or tilt gaming and it can't promote both)


Wii however will be marketing the hell out of the motion sensetivity and more people will pick up on that. The PS3 controller looks complicated and uninviting to non gamers (And the crappy half assed tilt detection won't do anything to help that) whereas the Wii looks like a simple TV remote, easy and simple to use.


Once people get to try out the Wii controller (And believe me that will be the Wii's main form of marketing, word of mouth from a friend who's tried it out) they'll see ther PS3 for what it is, a poor imitation of the Wii controller at a much more expensive price (This will be greatly enforced by getting the Wii out before the PS3)


Nintendo absolutly must get the Wii out before the PS3. If they don't, then the Wii will be seen to be the one who's ripping off the PS3 controller.

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Nintendo absolutly must get the Wii out before the PS3. If they don't, then the Wii will be seen to be the one who's ripping off the PS3 controller.

My exact thoughts short after the conf. ended. But, this will happen anyway and if Nintendo does release it first, dumbasses will still claim that sony was there first and bla bla bla.


And so what?

the Wii controller is far better than that cheap-assed rip-off.. my look at that thing is this cheap thing you buy at toy stores £10. I mean when you look at that idiot strugling with it, you know they can't pull it off. Who the hell wants to sit like that?

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Will Nintendo fight back though? They've always done things in there own slow time.


COME ON Nintendo it's time for a change! FIGHT today and win this bloody battle! Release the Wii in September for christ sakes! and never give in! NEVER!


They can't hear me....:nono:

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There's still another Nintendo secret though to be fair. Hopefully with that coupled in it'll just make the PS3's attempt to match the revo just seem futile. And if it's big enough there's no way Sony can add it in time for November, so if they do reveal it and there's a delay suddenly for the PS launch we all know why. I agree with most people's comment on the tilt sensor though, it seems more of a gimmick on the ps pad like they added it for the sake of it, and not like it's the sole selling factor of it.

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Will Nintendo fight back though? They've always done things in there own slow time.


COME ON Nintendo it's time for a change! FIGHT today and win this bloody battle! Release the Wii in September for christ sakes! and never give in! NEVER!


They can't hear me....:nono:




I can really seeing Nintendo launching in September-early October time now.

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Think of it this way, Nintendo will have motion sensor control games playable TOMORROW. Lots of them. Sony's version will never be able to recreate the level of accurate control and they will probably only have a couple of games using it by launch whereas all of the games launching on Wii will use the control and the power of the controller will be highly noticeable.


It's a war of words alone. Nintendo have convince with the goods, and I have no doubt they will. Nintendo have come to E3 prepared. My opinion is that Nintendo WILL deliver the goods before or at the same time as Sony - look at DS and PSP. Look at the winner.

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You guys do realise that this means that it will once again come down to advertisment? You know how badly nintendo fails at advertising (especially in australia). They might still do good in japan and OK in america, but outside those two, ugh, this is so stupid.


They still have a chance, I guess...

... At least the Wii version is far superior, and hopefully more appealing in comparison to the PS3 version. Not much you can do I guess, it's how business works =/

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I'm more worried than most, probably because i know most gamers dont know much about games/gamesystems until they see them in the shops. So they wont know or care Sony ripped off Nintendo this e3. Also with Sony's deluded marketing like saying in the conference that the PSP is unrivaled, calling nintendo a gimmick at the start of the conference then going on to show the psp as a wing mirror in F1 game and stealing nintendo's idea. Also, Playstation have that stupid "It's cool to own a playstation" image, particularly in England.


Unfortunately you need to be quite informed to see how the PS3 tilt sensors are far inferior and would never work in a FPS title. Luckily, their ridiculous price will put off most people for some time.


Anyway, here's to Nintendo's conference tonight. Certainly won't get so dull they have to ask people to clap.

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Well a Wii launch list has be unveiled and is a little sparse at the mo! and it states Winter 2006 as the earliest date.


That means the Wii may be released after Sony's. Which is a terrible idea.


Mums/Dads know the word 'Playstation'. I'm pretty sure most people will go for the console with superb graphics, motion sensor controller and because it's Sony (a sadly, loved name).


Even though i have alot of faith in the Wii. I feel a little worried now myself.


Hopefully this will past at 5:30pm today. Although i'm positive we aren't going to be told a release date, so hope i'm wrong, we have waited long enough.

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they will tell you that wii will launched in 4 weeks!!!!!! remember that when your watching tonight....


I like to think September is the date, but it won't be. It will be end of November beginning of December.


Which will make Nintendo's console last out of thr blocks again!


COME ON NINTY! show us what your made of! :grin:

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