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Final Fantasy CC: The Crystal Bearers!


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The teaser seems to confirm real time battles, which is a very good thing as turn-based is getting quite archaic. Ignoring Pokemon of course.


I hated the system since Pokemon Red/Blue. (First RPG I played).

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Erm... it looks much better.
That's why they don't look on-par :P they're better.


FFXII has a awesome artistic direction though, the modeling is low poly but they use textures to cover for it (simulating shading/shadows and such), it looks very good in the end... reminds me of what vagrant story looked on Psone, some techniques used are actually reminiscent of it.

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Watched the trailer again, it actually does look better :heh:. For some reason I got it into my head that it looks like a dreamcast game...maybe cause of all the comparisons to Skies of Arcadia.


I hope it has a brilliant, full fledged story like the main series FF's.

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Watched the trailer again, it actually does look better :heh:. For some reason I got it into my head that it looks like a dreamcast game...maybe cause of all the comparisons to Skies of Arcadia.


I hope it has a brilliant, full fledged story like the main series FF's.


It does look rather sweet, hopefully a kick up the arse for all those developers producing shite.

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Has there been any confirmation of WC24 integration? I get the feeling that Mognet messaging and item trading are practically givens if so.


Rather than Skies of Arcadia this game reminded me of a game I would never have expected: Space Harrier. By the looks of things it will feature some flying shoot-'em-up sections — perhaps aiming with the Wiimote and moving by tilting the Nunchuk? — which is certainly a departure for the series.


Stylistically it looks very nice, like a slightly 'chibified' Final Fantasy XII. In fact if you look on the left as the character is running through that town, there is what looks like an armoured Seeq patrolling, although I couldn't spot their trademark ears so perhaps it is just a similar race.

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I never finished FFCC, but I heard the story got pretty good in the end. What happened there?


If you talk to NPCs throughout the game, you'll notice that a lot of people forget stuff easily, and the dark knight that's assaulting people seems to have no memories at all. Then, you discover that the miasma was created by a fallen asteroid, that's actually a monster or something. When the monster created the Miasma a being named Raem was created which was the opposite of Mio, a Goddess or Deity that consumed some of the older memories of everyone, so that they would live on without dwelling on the past and have "space on their brain" to learn more. So, she's basically old age. Raem, however, loved sad, angry and dark memories and started devouring a lot of memories, leaving people amnesiac. So, when you defeat the parasite in the asteroid, Mio transports you to their realm, because through all your years of journeys, you've made lots of friends and memories (that are kept in a journal), so you are strong against Raem. She helps you fight your way to him, by making sure you remember correctly what happened through the game. Then in an incredibly beautiful boss fight you defeat Raem restoring peace to the world and eliminating miasma. There are also more details, about Black Knights, Hurdy, Gurdy and wars between tribes and races. Also, when you enter a stage, a girl narrates her memories, she's probably a caravaner from the town of Tida, that was destroyed because the caravaners didn't return.


So, if you bother to read my post, or actually playing the game thoroughly, you'll know that the game actually had some story and was pretty nice and original.

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I almost cried when the
Black Knight

died in the original. I always almost cry at those kinds of areas, but I never actually cry. Why can't I cry?!:cry:


Cause you're a cyborg.


Where's Zelda Freak when you need him lol


He lives on... through Immy's arm!

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More Info:


The decision to split a focused sub-series of the Final Fantasy brand is a novel one. We asked the team why they felt the need to develop two different experiences under the Crystal Chronicles banner. "The original concept for the first Crystal Chronicles game was to create an action orientated take on the Final Fantasy world.," explained Kawazu. "Ring of Fates is really the direct successor to that title while Crystal Bearers, the Wii game, is taking a new direction.


"While it's still action orientated, with the Wii game we've chosen to focus on the experience of the solo player in immaculate detail. This game will be the more story driven of the two and will really play like an interactive adventure storybook. It will also use the Wii's unique hardware to its advantage. The protagonist has a fire type weapon that will be shot with the controller's trigger and, likewise, an airship will be controlled by tilting the Wii controller. We have lots of clever ideas for how to integrate the Wii's functions into the game mechanics."

Source: http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=76848&page=2
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The game still looks pretty average to me you know


Well this game is superior graphics wise to FFXI on XBOX 360. So if that makes it average then yeh its average alright.


Everything is average nowadays*hums the tune*

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If they don't have multiplayer on the Wii version I'll bomb the shit out of them.
There's only one version! and why should it have to have multiplayer? It's not expected from the main FF series.


I'd prefer them to focus on a single player FF for Wii to rival that of the main series.


Like they said, the multiplayer focus is going into FF:CC Rings of Fates on DS.

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Well this game is superior graphics wise to FFXI on XBOX 360. So if that makes it average then yeh its average alright.


Everything is average nowadays*hums the tune*


I wouldn't say that it looks better. FF11 has better character models, and generally seems more detailed, but CC looks nicer in that it's bright and colourful.

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I wouldn't say that it looks better. FF11 has better character models, and generally seems more detailed, but CC looks nicer in that it's bright and colourful.


I completely disagree, but each to their own.: peace:

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