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Wii Hardware Discussion


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I go in there! Yeah i think the Wii is becoming very popular in my area. mmmm


Which is good for Nintendo but slightly worrying for me when i have to run to get a preorder in early.


Clacton run out of preorders for 360, and not being rude alot of people are unemployed in Clacton and it's not exactly a well-off area. So if the Wii is only £150 i may have to get a move on when your able to preorder it because it will sell-out in preorders alone in my area.


just pre orderd the 1st chance you get, you will be fine.

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It's EA's fault.

Why, you ask? Simple:

Criterion wouldn't do it because theywould see the potential for steering, and the hole in the market of a fairly realistic racing game (it was better before EA fucked it it after 2).

Ea would do it because they are knobs.

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THey didn't come out in GC either since Burnout 2. Saying Wii can't handle the graphics seems a lame excuse.


their excuse with the GC was the lack of online. what's their bloody problem with nintendo?! sounds like childish favourtism, EA should be ensuring more cross-platform support. aw well, it'll be criterion's loss in the end when ubisoft and nintendo sell a stack of racing games that'll play so much better. you'll probs see criterion coming to Wii next year when it's a proven success.

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Guest Stefkov

Who needs burnout when you've got F-ZERO! i mean come on, theree nothing more satsfying than going 2000mph and smashing someone into a wall, rather than going a measly 170 mph and ramming someone.

I am actually really excited by Pangya golf. cant wait for it.

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EGM rumours

- EA developing a next-gen survival-horror title.

- Wii Sports will include over 30 different games.

- Several big-time third party publishers are giving up on the PSP.

- Sony may have talked Capcom into making Resident Evil 5 a PS3 exclusive... along with Dead Rising 2.

- Rez sequel coming to either the PS3 or Wii.

- Street Fighter IV coming out next year (2007)

- Square Enix is going to announce a "huge" DS game this fall: a strategy RPG based on Final Fantasy XIII.

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Those are some juicy rumours.


If there were to be a Rez sequel I think it is clear what system it would be on...


Oh yeah and if there is a Street Fighter 4 I think it might be one of those annoying PS3 and Xbox 360 only titles.


And if there are over 30 games in Wii Sports then the game has just become a must buy for me.

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EGM rumours

- EA developing a next-gen survival-horror title.

- Wii Sports will include over 30 different games.

- Several big-time third party publishers are giving up on the PSP.

- Sony may have talked Capcom into making Resident Evil 5 a PS3 exclusive... along with Dead Rising 2.

- Rez sequel coming to either the PS3 or Wii.

- Street Fighter IV coming out next year (2007)

- Square Enix is going to announce a "huge" DS game this fall: a strategy RPG based on Final Fantasy XIII.



None of these seem unrealistic. They all could happen.


Honestly i think Sony will come back fighting, they have the ability!


Some gamers are going to be dissapointed when Sony fight-back by making EXTREMELY popular games exclusive to the PS3.


Certainly don't write-off the PS3 yet, thats for sure.

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