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Wii Hardware Discussion


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Yes but that was £40 for a complete controller. A Wiimote AND nunchuck will set you back £45! Hardly for casual gamers....
Depends... A big chunk of "casual" gamers Nintendo wants to target has monthly income at the end of each month.


I think pretty much every (male) teenager out there is a gamer nowadays, be it a PC gamer, Playstation gamer... be it a casual gamer or not, it ends up wasting money on it... Nintendo wants to lure casual gamers who don't play games in.


Sony's market is teenagers, not older public like they often say, therefore that market is kinda oversaturated, pretty much every kid today plays games. and no I wouldn't call them casual gamers, more like mainstream gamers. It's possible to expand that market with wii, if it turns mainstream (meaning these mainstream gamers buy one), you can expand wii a little bit in that, and with luck, even dominate in there (a lot of luck), but in the end, maybe, the console has a new target public


You can also expand a lot to teenager girls, since most of them stop playing at like... about 15 after playing like, 2 years of Sims, but thats clearly not Nintendo concern in expanding the market.


They are really trying to expand into other demographic public, I mean, we have the oldest demographic already, there are really old (sorry) nintendo gamers out there, prooving that... Nintendo isn't kiddy, it's just a matter of age, I've got 13 year old kids looking at super mario and saying "wow that kiddy, I won't play it", me? I'm 19, and I don't care a bit, it's fun.


Nintendo understood that there are all these old gamers out there that bougth NES for them and simply aren't there anymore, they aren't buying PS2's either, their kids are. they got lost along the way when the controls started having 25 buttons and simply lack the time for it. that's a unexplored market, then you can expand it to all that demografic target public even above what the NES public was.


The virtual console is there also to lure those gamers if you think about it. with this we're already entering in 4 separate potential markets, girl gaming, older people gaming (male and female), old (returning) gamers... and of course, the same market as Sony, wether they admit it or not... regular teenagers.


We have to see what's a casual gamer nowadays, even if you were a gamer at some point, you get a job, you get a wife, you get a kid, and suddently you lack time for gaming, it's not like you dislike it, or don't have money for it.


Also considering the situations provided above games easy to pick and play like Wii Sports are indeed great for casual gamers, the price is not a concern, arguably even PS3 pricetag is only justified for casual gamers, since they want to sell consoles on the fact that the thing brings a Blu-Ray player, to play films.

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Anyone know if USB to Ethernet adaptors already exist, and where I can get on from?


mine looks a bit different to that. mines longer and white.

but thats what i have, in a sense, and from that store aswell.

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Yeah, but £45 is a lot of money just for another person to be able to play a game with you. And yes I realise not all games will use the nunchuck but the fact that Nintendo are including it in the Wii box makes it very likely that developers will choose to use if need be. I work in Gamestation and people balk at £19.99 for a PS2 control pad, and the 360 pads start at £24.99 (all 1st party ofc) - Nintendo have priced themselves well out of the casual market controller-wise. I think you'll see a lot of people getting an extra controller set down the line as a birthday/xmas present. I'd also be a lot happier if there was a wiimote+nunchuck pack with a bit of a saving. That Wii Play with its extra controller may well be very popular.

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Yeah, but £45 is a lot of money just for another person to be able to play a game with you. And yes I realise not all games will use the nunchuck but the fact that Nintendo are including it in the Wii box makes it very likely that developers will choose to use if need be. I work in Gamestation and people balk at £19.99 for a PS2 control pad, and the 360 pads start at £24.99 (all 1st party ofc) - Nintendo have priced themselves well out of the casual market controller-wise. I think you'll see a lot of people getting an extra controller set down the line as a birthday/xmas present. I'd also be a lot happier if there was a wiimote+nunchuck pack with a bit of a saving. That Wii Play with its extra controller may well be very popular.
I'm not arguing about that mate... I wish the prices for the controllers were lower, they are surelly expensive for my wallet; but seems like it's not like Nintendo wanted it this way.


Also it's not £45, for some games a regular wiimote will suffice; that's £29.


Also on PS2 controller pad... it's the cheapest but it's also a horrible controller when it comes to cutting corners, quality wise... it's just bad.


I really don't think they're "that" expensive, considering what I'm getting, it's not a rip off. I'd wish the wiimote prices would drop after a while though, when the mass production makes the production price lower.


Anyway... I really think most consumers buying a Wii can afford them, and I meant what I said about the markets they are tackling, most of those indeed have the money for the controller, even if they think it's expensive while next to a crappy PS2 joystick.


And, sorry for the "LOADS OF TEXT" it's just how I express myself.

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I'm so uncool I even like the Dual Shock controllers.


And the reason I put "LOADS OF TEXT" was just to save taking up lots of space with quoting your post while still showing it was in response to what you said. Big posts are awesome :D

I don't dislike dualshock as a pad, I dislike the quality of the pad itself, the joysticks are pretty bad with 8 levels of sensibility, for example. that should be the main reason why RE4 on PS2 controls so badly when aiming, the sensibility was droped.


And I know the "loads of text" wasn't a insult, I just thought it was funny (to quote) :) I know I tend to write too much. (it's best not to quote 2 page posts :p)

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"Vous confirmez donc que Link sera bien présent pour le lancement ? Et qu'en est-il de la version GameCube ?


Oui, vous pourrez manier Link avec la télécommande de la Wii dès le 8 décembre. D'ailleurs, la maniabilité a totalement changé pour offrir une immersion totale au joueur. L'équipe de Monsieur Eiji Aonuma travaille dur pour nous proposer une expérience de jeu adaptée aux capacités de la Wii. Concernant la version GameCube, elle n'arrivera pas en même temps. Il faudra patienter puisqu'elle est maintenant prévue vers la mi-décembre. La raison de ce report est simple, les usines de productions sont actuellement déjà saturées avec la Wii."



-"What about the Gamecube version of Twilight Princess ?"

-"A Gamecube version is planned for Europe, but not at the same time with Wii, because our factories are satured of Wii's games. So, Zelda for Gamecube will ship in Europe around Middle December".

- Miyamoto's big secret was Wii's Channel.

- No more Hardware's secret.

- Wario Ware Wii will ship aroud the 15th December.


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-"A Gamecube version is planned for Europe, but not at the same time with Wii, because our factories are satured of Wii's games. So, Zelda for Gamecube will ship in Europe around Middle December".


So...a week after the Wii version?

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-"What about the Gamecube version of Twilight Princess ?"

-"A Gamecube version is planned for Europe, but not at the same time with Wii, because our factories are satured of Wii's games. So, Zelda for Gamecube will ship in Europe around Middle December".

- Miyamoto's big secret was Wii's Channel.

- No more Hardware's secret.

- Wario Ware Wii will ship aroud the 15th December.




No camera then? Not too much of a problem, but i liked the idea of putting your face in the game! Although Wii-Mii does that for you now!


Oh and i can't see Wario Ware being released this year, i hope it is 15th December but i really doubt it.

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I think its more important that Nintendo needs to release both Wario Ware: SM and also ExciteTruck over hereto show off both how good the controller can map to different games and also because loads of family comes over then and a minigame game is a good way to demonstrae the togetherness of the Wii

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"The Wii Message Board, which can be easily accessed from the top menu of Wii, is one of the access points for WiiConnect24. Not only can it be used as a household message board, but it also allows users to send SMS messages to family members that are out and about, and even exchange pictures and messages with other Wii users. In addition to these communication features, it also works with the calendar to deliver game-related information. For example, one day you might receive messages from your games (such as event information for Animal Crossing), new items, or additional maps."


- Official Website


Text messages aye

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A question related with routers and wifi. Would I need a seperate adapter for a wireless router to work with a Wii, or would it work like the DS, not needing one?

The Wii will work with wireless modem/routers out of the box just like the DS. :)


If your modem is compatible with the DS, then there shouldn't be any problems.

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Peer Schneider, IGN Big Cheese: Although Nintendo downplays that it’s over promised on a few accounts, let’s not forget that we’ve been told that Wii would not be last to launch this generation (but it is), it’ll play DVDs (it won’t), we’d be playing Smash Bros. online at launch (we won’t — or any other game online until next year), and the psychological price gap between the Wii and the Xbox 360 isn’t really any larger than the difference between the GameCube and the original Xbox depending on what accessories you want to buy with it at launch. Oh, and there’s no Metroid Prime 3 until 2007 and the system will launch without a Mario game after all. That’s a lot of broken promises.


I couldnt care about DVD playback, but this guy has a point.

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Peer Schneider, IGN Big Cheese: Although Nintendo downplays that it’s over promised on a few accounts, let’s not forget that we’ve been told that Wii would not be last to launch this generation (but it is), it’ll play DVDs (it won’t), we’d be playing Smash Bros. online at launch (we won’t — or any other game online until next year), and the psychological price gap between the Wii and the Xbox 360 isn’t really any larger than the difference between the GameCube and the original Xbox depending on what accessories you want to buy with it at launch. Oh, and there’s no Metroid Prime 3 until 2007 and the system will launch without a Mario game after all. That’s a lot of broken promises.


I couldnt care about DVD playback, but this guy has a point.


Nintendo said it would launch worldwide and it wouldn't be last, well technically speaking they haven't been last at launching worldwide.


THey said they were hoping it would a bit of a difference, and Nintendos never said that no games would be online at launch they haven't revealed there plans for any online content apart from basic VC information. Never said they would launch with Mario or MP3.


You see people expected, Nintendo never really liked to comment.

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