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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Actually; there's no more PKMN than melee playable if you cound the PK Trainer as just himself.

Mewtwo original and hard to play as, as he controlled differently to everyone else. And though he was too floaty; that could have been changed. He was no way a waste of space.


I didnt say playable for a reason. The pokemon are well represented with the faves made playable. No need for a character that most would prefer not to play as = waste of space sorry.

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Yup, I've been a nintendo fan for the last 3 seconds.


I've actually been a fan 5 years, and since i'm 14 i 've never played the older games.


Get out.


F-Zero GX and atleast one of the GBA games is bound to have been released in the last five years. Even so, there is F-Zero and F-Zero X on the Wii Virtual Console.


Five years has been more than enough time.

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I didnt say playable for a reason. The pokemon are well represented with the faves made playable. No need for a character that most would prefer not to play as = waste of space sorry.


So, just because he's more difficult to master than the others, you want him out? What about Ice Climbers then? Yoshi and Ness were more difficult, too. The Mario-universe also has a big representation. (Ice Climbers is an unfair comparison, I know, but you get the idea.)

It's a shame that an original character like Mewtwo gets the cut (original = not a clone, btw.), whereas a clone like Falco is still in. I just look forward to seeing a confirmation saying that both Wolf and Falco are unique. (Same goes with Ness and Ganondorf, yeah.)

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So, just because he's more difficult to master than the others, you want him out? What about Ice Climbers then? Yoshi and Ness were more difficult, too. The Mario-universe also has a big representation. (Ice Climbers is an unfair comparison, I know, but you get the idea.)

It's a shame that an original character like Mewtwo gets the cut (original = not a clone, btw.), whereas a clone like Falco is still in. I just look forward to see a confirmation saying that both Wolf and Falco are unique. (Same goes with Ness and Ganondorf, yeah.)


Where im concerned, I found him boring to play as. It wasn't that he was hard to master, it's just that I like characters with a slant in one direction e.g. Speed/Power/Close range or Short Range play. Something I can focus on in a battle. To me mewtwo had nothing apart from cool looks. Also when the CPU played as him he was INCREDIBLY annoying. I don't particuarly want him out, but I don't care that he's gone.


And the pokemon taking his place is initially far more worthy imo. Lucario was one of my fave pokemon.

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Looks like i'll be sticking with Young (now Toon) Link. He was always my favourite.


Is there a move list/Final smash out for him yet?

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Seriously, all of you trying to sound smart with your: "Uuh, I just hate that everyone's so dissapointed about the roster, be grateful for what this game already has, not everyone can get it their way" crap, shut your a**hole! Of course most of us are a dissapointed when clones (which tbh haven't totally been confirmed yet, as Falco's moveset could be different from Fox's and so on), the missing 3'rd party player, the absence of Krystal (and replacement of Wolf, wtf?) and that weird ROB dude, that absolutely doesn't fit in as a player. These facts sucks! :shakehead


Everyone wanted Krystal, and she would have been perfect in this game, no doubt. BIG dissapointment for everyone. Wolf... Well, we'll have to see about him. He could be cool though, if he has a completely new moveset.


WW Link looks nice (although I'm not a fan of having the same character appearing as two different characters in the same game, kinda ruins the magic, but whatever it's cool) Think I saw him with the skull hammer on one pic. Him with an alternative Link moveset would be sweet :heh:


Nice to see Marth, Luigi, Mr.G&W, Jiggly, Ness, Falco and C. Falcon :)


About the Metroid franchise only having Samus. I agree about Metroid always been about isolation. And Ridley as a playable? Hmm... It wouldn't have worked out. He's not a playable character, he's a boss. It suits this game very well that he's a boss in the SSE. About other Metroid hunters being playable? No way, they probably won't even make it out as Assist Trophies... They've never played a major role for Samus... And as for Dark Samus? Yeah, he's cool, but c'mon, that couldn't be anything but an alternative costume for Samus.

Besides, you forget that they really tried to include more characters from Metroid, by adding ZSS. They've could have easily overlooked that. But they didn't.


As for the ROB guy. Wtf...? Doesn't he have wheels ffs?! He looks totally not suitable, but then again. We'll just have to wait and see. He could just be the next Mr.G&W.


No Mewtwo, and instead Lucario? Well, personally I don't much care. I can understand that those who liked to play as Mewtwo must think this sucks. Tbh, I think there's already enough pokémons.


They've should have had more newcomers as unlockables, instead of having all the speculated veterans as unlockables... But perhaps that's just not the way they wanted Brawl to go. Sakurai has stated in an interview that he didn't want the 'unlockable concept' to be too big, because of the Wi Fi mode.


Btw, this was on gametrailers.com: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/168061.html?playlist=featured

Shows some nice cutscenes from SSE. Spoiler alert though!


And are there still no actual pics or videos of Wolf yet? How can he be 100% confirmed then?

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Where im concerned, I found him boring to play as. It wasn't that he was hard to master, it's just that I like characters with a slant in one direction e.g. Speed/Power/Close range or Short Range play. Something I can focus on in a battle. To me mewtwo had nothing apart from cool looks. Also when the CPU played as him he was INCREDIBLY annoying. I don't particuarly want him out, but I don't care that he's gone.


And the pokemon taking his place is initially far more worthy imo. Lucario was one of my fave pokemon.


Now THERE's a good reason. Although I found Mewtwo very balanced, he had a good range and strong too. He lacked some close-range combat skill, though, which meant he was pretty much useless against e.g. Fox.

And yes, the computer could not control him at all.


I also look forward to seeing Lucario in action.


One thing, though; I could easily see Mewtwo reborn in Ness - give Ness Mewtwo's moves and I would go for Ness now. Heh.

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Seriously, all of you trying to sound smart with your: "Uuh, I just hate that everyone's so dissapointed about the roster, be grateful for what this game already has, not everyone can get it their way" crap, shut your a**hole! Of course most of us are a dissapointed when clones (which tbh haven't totally been confirmed yet, as Falco's moveset could be different from Fox's and so on), the missing 3'rd party player, the absence of Krystal (and replacement of Wolf, wtf?) and that weird ROB dude, that absolutely doesn't fit in as a player. These facts sucks! :shakehead


Everyone wanted Krystal, and she would have been perfect in this game, no doubt. BIG dissapointment for everyone. Wolf... Well, we'll have to see about him. He could be cool though, if he has a completely new moveset.


WW Link looks nice (although I'm not a fan of having the same character appearing as two different characters in the same game, kinda ruins the magic, but whatever it's cool) Think I saw him with the skull hammer on one of the pics with him. Him with a an alternative Link moveset would be sweet :heh:


Nice to see Marth, Luigi, Mr.G&W, Jiggly, Ness, Falco and C. Falcon :)


About the Metroid franchise only having Samus. I agree about Metroid always been about isolation. And Ridley as a playable? Hmm... It wouldn't have worked out. He's not a playable character, he's a boss. It suits this game very well that he's a boss in the SSE. About other Metroid hunters being playable? No way, they probably won't even make it out as Assist Trophies...


Btw, this was on gametrailers.com: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/168061.html?playlist=featured

Shows some nice cutscenes from SSE. Spoiler alert though!


And are there still no actual pics or videos of Wolf yet? How can he be 100% confirmed then?


Speak for yourself mate. Krystal not being in the game means nothing to me and the other's who never played the game she is in. I must be the only who is happy to see Falco back as I liked beating seven shades out of that evil bastard when he was cpu controlled. ROB is another Game and Watch for me. A little distraction which will eventually be forgotten about save for when I want to freshen things up.


Strangely, for me it wasn't about the characters but really about everything else like stages, trophies, online play and more. I just wanted a tarted up Melee really and that's what im gonna be getting so im happy. Dunno, guess i am just happy to please.

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Anyone who wants Crystal to be in might as well get a giant sign saying: "I'M A BIG FAT FURRY!"


Really I don't see the appeal. What makes this character appeal more to people than having Wolf in the game. I am hoping it's not just because she is female as that's just sad and pathetic (for the male gamers, female and it's understandable).


EDIT: After using the power of google, I can clearly see it's just for the fur factor :shakehead:

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Really I don't see the appeal. What makes this character appeal more to people than having Wolf in the game. I am hoping it's not just because she is female as that's just sad and pathetic (for the male gamers, female and it's understandable).


EDIT: After using the power of google, I can clearly see it's just for the fur factor :shakehead:


1. She was in the top ten most wanted players to be in. (if not top five, not quite sure)

2. She could have a very original and excellent moveset with her staff.

3. Since new moveset, not just a clone of Fox.

4. Sizewise she fits perfectly, unlike other very wanted characters, such as Ridley or King K. Rool.

5. And she's female. Adding more female fighters to the roster.


All in all she's a very suitable character for a Smash Bros game. Plus alot fear that Wolf easily could just be a clone of Fox. But appearently you do not know Krystal well enough to understand.

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F-zero was on Gamecube too. If you're not happy with characters unless they're from the franchises you yourself like then you don't "get" what Smash Brothers is all about.


I never said i didn't want F-Zero in, I just said all major franchises have more than one character except metroid



And i only get 2pounds a week, so there are a lot of good games i don't have.

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1. She was in the top ten most wanted players to be in. (if not top five, not quite sure)

2. She could have a very original and excellent moveset with her staff.

3. Since new moveset, not just a clone of Fox.

4. Sizewise she fits perfectly, unlike other very wanted characters, such as Ridley or King K. Rool.

5. And she's female. Adding more female fighters to the roster.


All in all she's a very suitable character for a Smash Bros game. Plus alot fear that Wolf easily could just be a clone of Fox. But appearently you do not know Krystal well enough to understand.


Your right, i know nothing about Krystal but those are good points actually. Makes me slightly intrigued, but still not caring.

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has everyone forgotten Geno? he was one of the top wanted characters and in my opinion, a perfect fit for Brawl, same goes fro Krystal, yes she is a hot furry, but she's also an original starfox character, and as others have been saying, she would be good for the female representation. Also, wouldn'r geno kinda fit in that little space below luigi? (i think) besides, if Diddy could get in, there's no excuse for Geno not bein' in.

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