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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Whatever those sources say, I highly doubt this is the final roster. It just seems so unlikely. Come on guys, when they're being to original and inventive with Pikmin & Olimar, would they really be so unimaginative with the rest? I don't think so.


One other thing which makes me doubt this is the Animal Crossing franchise. We have got a stage, 2 songs, Resetti, stickers, trophies and an item. Not to mention the icon for the series. Why wouldn't we get a character as well? And there's still the elusive world 19.

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DS Icon is obviously for Prof. Kawashima too...


I see what you mean (icons don't necessarly mean playable character) but an Animal Crosser can easily be a playable character so don't talk about him like if it was the stupidest thing ever being said ...

And the DS icon can represent the whole Touch generation! and other "casual" (god I hate this word) aimed Nintendo games and correspond to a playable Mii.

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Who says Wolf is just a fox clone? He might be a comepletly different character. Not to mention he's an emblematic character from the series And there's no harm in having him in. And I doubt ROB would be the Starfox one, if anything he would be ROB the Robot, which is pure awesome and nostalgia in robot form. But seriously I don't see why it's unimaginative. Would falco be more imaginative? And Lucario is amazing and almost everyone has been asking for him.



And it can't be the NES ROB as he's a standard enemy




Why not? You'll probably fight playable characters in SSE.

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That roster=fake.


The main evidence being ROB.


First of all, a Starfox ROB trophy can be seen in this update.


Second, the NES ROB is an enemy in Subspace. Don't think that deconfirms him? What about this?


If NES ROB was playable, he would get his own trophy the same way playable characters get theirs. Why would he be the exception?



In more reliable news, I just realized I hadn't commented in this awesome new Pokémon yet. Glad to see he's much more interesting than Mew or Celebi (and possibly Jirachi).


Trading bodies? That's a great power I always wanted to use properly in a fighting game.




Captain Ginyu confirmed!

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The fact the very idea of a 35 character roster angers people is hilarious. "Only" like, 10 more than Melee or something. It seems people would've only been happy with 50+ and every character with their own fighting style and next to no clones, which is almost asking the impossible considering how unique and varied most characters are as it is. It's also funny that people are taking such a quantity over quality/balance approach but well a lot of these same people I guess judge their opinion of any game by the number of hours it lasts above anything else too so it's not that surprising.


Where the heck is "uncreative" and stuff coming too? Not every character can be Captain Olimar because it doesn't make freakin sense for everyone to have a crazy off the wall fighting style and if they did battles could feel ridiculously gimmicky.


I'm willing to believe the list of all characters is true. Ridley and K.Rool were never going to be in it, Ridley because of the size and overall design and K.Rool because NoJ rarely ever acknowledges anything coming from Western developers and it's amazing that even Diddy Kong managed to make it in.

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Today's update, the 'Mushroomy' Kingdom, plus music. Love the idea of this side-scrolling level, but the amount of brown makes my cry. :cry: What on earth was wrong with keeping it looking the way it's always looked - lush and green?



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I was initially somewhat disappointed with todays stage. I thought to myself, a much better setting would've been Bowsers Castle with the famous bridge and axe. But I realised solely on its own it would've been too much like the Bridge of Eldin stage. It wouldn't have been of any harm to include it as part of Mushroomy Kingdom perhaps though, unless it is a backdrop in the Subspace Adventure mode, wouldn't be surprised actually, in fact I now reckon its a given...

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21 characters, the starting list in itself is impressive considering 6 of Melees characters were clones making 19 original characters, here we have 21 non clone characters, its already beaten Melee in that regard.


25 characters have been unveiled on the DOJO site, subtract 1 for Sheik as Zelda and Sheik fall in the same selection area, subtract 2 with unlockables Snake & Sonic (as expected due to being the "special" third party characters) and minus one for Zero Suit Samus and you have the initial 21 characters as per the screen. A very good starting roster I reckon as per the above point regarding the cloney influence in Melees roster.


Looking at the above screen it looks like around 10 more or so characters than Melee can fit in that roster (6 on the top from above Samus to diagonally above Diddy Kong and then 4 on each side from Mario down to King DeDeDe and from Diddy Kong down to the random character selection square). This equates to 14 unlockable characters making a total of 35 characters to choose from, exactly 10 more than Melee (hopefully minus any clones).


The rumored final roster looks completely fake to me considering Krystal, and Generic Main Animal Crossing Character (don't know the official name) have virtually been confirmed, the latter via interview, the former by voice overs website as well as the art being odd in certain places...


Going back to the assumption of 35 characters in the game, you start with 21, 14 are unlockable, two of the 14 unlockables are already known in Snake and Sonic leaving 12 additional unlockable characters. The following is what I reckon the remaining 12 unlockable characters are in no particular order (going by past information):


Ness (as per leak, with revised moves to avoid being Lucas clone)

Lucario (as per leak, successor to Mewtwo)

Captain Falcon (given, same moves pretty much)

Zero Suit Samus (I reckon shes not been playable up till now from the selection screen as shes unlockable. Otherwise she wouldn't have been listed in the newcomers section. Thats like listing Giga Bowser as a newcomer even though its just Bowser)

Luigi (given with Poltergust 3000 moves)

Jigglypuff (given, virtually same moves to Melee)

Marth (with revised moves to avoid being Ike clone, Lyn would've been better though...)

Mr. Game & Watch (Unique enough to stay in roster, has a better chance than Marth I reckon but both will probably make it)

Generic Animal Crossing Character (if theres an official name for the main boy/girl character, let me know) <-- As per interview

Ganondorf <-- As per same interview as GACC, will have revised original moveset like others above

Krystal <-- As per voiceover website (will greatly utilise her golden staff)

Geno <-- Too much demand in survey to not be a serious contender, got an incling hes going to be the third and final third party character to feature in Brawl.


I am going to says theres no Megaman as per the creator saying he wasn't contacted by Nintendo, no King K Rool or Ridley (I reckon they'll feature as bosses in the Subspace Adventure Mode), Young Link will get the cut, Pichu will get the cut as will Mewtwo, Falco and Roy due to being cloney and/or unneccesary...




Animal Crossing Villager


Captain Falcon

Diddy Kong

Donkey Kong




Ice Climbers



King DeDeDe









Meta Knight

Mr. Game & Watch




Pikmin & Olimar


Pokemon Trainer







Zero Suit Samus




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Wait... it just hit me. After Snake was first announced, there were massive reports of game developers & studios interested in contributing with their characters and so on. So we got Snake & Sonic, is it just me or was all that just rubbish. Or maybe the offers sucked. Or maybe Sakurai's crazy.


(I'm not complaining, I'd love the game as it is, I'm just asking/saying.)

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Iwata Asks Interview:


Iwata: We were introduced to this company by Miyamoto-san. You can share the name if you like.


Sakurai: Oh, okay. It was Game Arts. It was just after they had finished Grandia III and they told us that they had some staff free. So, we decided to leave the main part of preliminary development to them while we began to hire remaining staff. We did so by looking for people specifically for the Smash Bros. Brawl title.

Source: http://us.wii.com/iwata_asks/ssbb/vol1_page3.jsp


Holy Crap :eek: RPG team @ training!

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