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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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I've been lurking on the SSBB thread for a while so i'd thought i'd join the discussion. This past few days have been pretty awesome with the demo being played by the public and them giving us details about how the characters play and their moves n such. I've been on some other forums and they seem to be moaning how Brawl plays so differently to Melee, they seem to want the exact same game just with more characters and better graphics just cos they've mastered melee and what the same mechanics, i always found Smash Bros to be all about the fun of playing with friends and battling it out with your favourite characters, i'm definately not into the 'metagame' that seemingly a lot of other people are, not saying thats a bad thing; each to their own, but i can't see why they don't appear to be excited by the prospect of mastering brawl the same way they spent months with Melee, wavedashing and the lot, but oh well.


So what character is everyone gonna play as first, i'm thinking the Pokemon Trainer cos i'm really interested to see how switching between Squirtle, Ivysaur and Charizard with work. What about everyone else?

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I've been lurking on the SSBB thread for a while so i'd thought i'd join the discussion. This past few days have been pretty awesome with the demo being played by the public and them giving us details about how the characters play and their moves n such. I've been on some other forums and they seem to be moaning how Brawl plays so differently to Melee, they seem to want the exact same game just with more characters and better graphics just cos they've mastered melee and what the same mechanics, i always found Smash Bros to be all about the fun of playing with friends and battling it out with your favourite characters, i'm definately not into the 'metagame' that seemingly a lot of other people are, not saying thats a bad thing; each to their own, but i can't see why they don't appear to be excited by the prospect of mastering brawl the same way they spent months with Melee, wavedashing and the lot, but oh well.


So what character is everyone gonna play as first, i'm thinking the Pokemon Trainer cos i'm really interested to see how switching between Squirtle, Ivysaur and Charizard with work. What about everyone else?


took the words right out of my mouth. :D


i'm thinkin' of using meta-knight first, I LOVE meta-knight, when i heard him talk in the sudden death vid, i believe i had an orgasm, lol, and then the others, prolly Ike after meta-knight. but i wil DIE if lucario is playable, he should atleast be in the background, he's the chuck norris of pokemon for me :P

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I always go as Mario when playing smash bros to get to grips with the tempo of the game. I always feel Mario gives a good all round view of other characters strengths and weaknesses. Then I used to (In the N64 game) change to Kirby then (in Brawl) go as Marth, religiously.


I really like the idea of playing as Sonic in this version.


I think his speed, move-set and general inclusion warrants some kind of fanboy love/devotion. But then there is Solid Snake! So much choice!

This could make Brawl the first fighter in which I have a number of choices/favourites rather than the tradition of mastering one particular character.




I feel if there is Mii inclusion, I would rather battle as myself than any of the included characters.

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Interesting thing about Icons:


Here are the Japanese names of the newcomer icons in order:


Animal Forest (literal translation from Dobustu no Mori)

Made in Wario

Metal Gear Solid

Myth of Light: The Mirror of Palutena (literal translation from Hikari shinwa: Parutena no Kagami)


Sonic The Hedgehog


If you notice, that's alphabetical. Pikmin or Rock Man would fit nicely in there.

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I'm definitely going to try Pit first, as Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters was my first ever video game. Besides, his bow/swords-combo is awsome and his moves look cool. Some have pointed out that he doesn't seem to have any decent kill moves, but his moves seem pretty strong to me when looking at the videos.


After him I'm probably going to try Ike, as I like swordsmen (Marth was my favourite in Melee) and his moves also look cool. Meta Knight also has some cool-looking swordsplay, so he's probably third. If Marth's in, I have to give him a try, too.


I'll most likely give everyone a try at one time or another, as everyone seems to have changed a bit from the previous games.

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Who I'm going to try first? Probably Ike, since he seems awesome.


Or maybe Pokémon Trainer, since he brings so many firsts (Changing, Flying Fire Dragon, Water Fighter, 4-Legged Fighter,tc.).


Or maybe Snake, just to see the equipment and conversations.


Or maybe Sonic, since his games got me into videogames in general.


You know, I'll just pick Mario or something. I can't decide who I'll pick among the newcomers.

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I'm definitely going to try Pit first, as Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters was my first ever video game. Besides, his bow/swords-combo is awsome and his moves look cool. Some have pointed out that he doesn't seem to have any decent kill moves, but his moves seem pretty strong to me when looking at the videos.


Yeah i was suprised to hear that his moves weren't too strong, he looks pretty awesome on the videos, I was think he has a good oportunity to be my main, he looks cool, his moves look great and he final smash is quite awesome :D Overall a pretty decent character but i guess we'll just have to wait and when we get our hands on the game.

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