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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Lucas looks too much like Ness at this stage. The snake move is basically just a substitute for Ness's yo-yo

That there is no ordinary snake. I believe it's a Rope Snake, used to cross pits. It's more likely to be Lucas' grab, or a special move that utilises tether recovery. If anything, I'd say this proves that Lucas is different to Ness, and that Ness is likely to return.


Oh, and whoo to this week's updates.

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what's with Lucas' hexagons? and that snake? has anyone played Mother 3? if so give us some ideas to his attacks.


I don't know for Mother 3 but, in Mother 2, snake is an item which can be used once by anybody to attack and poisoned the foes. Ness can use it and I've heard Lucas can also use yo-yos. Considering this and how Lucas move in trailer, he seems more and more to not be a Ness clone.:yay:

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Lucas looks too much like Ness at this stage. The snake move is basically just a substitute for Ness's yo-yo, where hes looking up, variation of PK Flash... I don't like Ness's chance of being retained in Brawl, I really think hes gonna get the cut... Maybe like Dark Link, Ness will be an alternative skin to Lucas, seeing that they're so similar in appearance and moveset...


From what I´ve seen seen and heard, Lucas seems to have some very different moves than Ness. I think Ness is still in, but he will probably be unlockable like in the original Smash.

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any ideas on snakes final smash? i have no clue tbh could be anything,


i still think warios will be a bigger verison of his down and B


I'm expecting a Metal Gear to show up, and blast everyone with missiles. He could also use a CQC combo on one person, but I think that's incorporated in his normal attacks already.

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Earthbound Stage - New Pork City


The scale of this stage is one of the grandest in the Smash Bros series. The scale is, say, about the same as that Temple stage - you know the one I’m talking about?


It’s New Pork City.


It is a city of chaos.



It’s too detailed to fully understand...



The buildings are like...billboards?


At any rate, it’s big, so if all someone does is run away, there will be no end to it. But with so much freedom, it becomes a giant playground.



There’s quite a lot of freedom.


Also, a monster known as the "Ultimate Chimera" appears on this stage.



The-there it is!


If this guy sinks his teeth into you, it will launch you off in one blow. It’s pretty much certain that if you get hit, you’ll lose a life. But there’s nothing you can do. I mean, it IS the Ultimate Chimera.



I’m no match for hiiiiiiiiiiiim...


Looks interesting

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Cool stage definately. And look at all those platforms. I hope most of them aren't there just for background...


And why does that Ultimate Chimera have a Rubber Ducky on its head? :wtf:

Is he/she/it supposed to be the Atma Weapon of the MOTHER world, or something?

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Is this stage not extemely decieving?!!


All the background building don't seem to be interactive, meaning the stage is just the platforms spaced out in the foreground.

The spaced out platforms and swinging platform make this much more like Rainbow Cruise than Hyrule Temple.


Personally I don't like the look of this level, it's too broken up and I can't see some of the sections being used, like the step platforms on the far right.

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Is this stage not extemely decieving?!!


All the background building don't seem to be interactive, meaning the stage is just the platforms spaced out in the foreground.

The spaced out platforms and swinging platform make this much more like Rainbow Cruise than Hyrule Temple.


Personally I don't like the look of this level, it's too broken up and I can't see some of the sections being used, like the step platforms on the far right.


Lots of horizontal platforms, plus vertical platforms and a swinging one, not to mention the chimaera seems pretty good to me.

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At this point it's pretty hard to tell what updates we'll have.


At the last show we had tons of Assist Trophies (Little Mac, Jill, Advance Wars,etc.), many pokémon (Kyogre, Torchic, Gardevoir,etc.), some items (That spiky thing. I want to know what the hell it is), unknown Final Smashes (Peach, Meta-Knight, Ike, Sonic), new moves (from the newcomers), updates on Final Smash mechanics and a new stage (Norfair).


Yet the last two updates were the screenshots and New Pork City.



I have absolutely no idea of what's to come.

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