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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Is it still destined to be yet another Classic Controller game? Surely, Smash is crying out for Wiimote controls.


If it is Classic Controller/GameCube Controller only, I may not bother with the game. I want to use the Remote and Nunchuck - Even if it's just the buttons that are used.

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I should most certainly hope that they don't feel pressured to use the Wiimote unless they genuinely feel that it will bring something to the game. Since it's a game that will appeal primarily to an existing fan base regardless of it's control scheme, I'm sure they will only go for what only works perfect and not even bother trying to shoehorn what doesn't.

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I want outside area of the Hyrule Castle courtyard as a stage.



I've not played Twighlight princess yet (I know...sacrilege) but that looks amazing. I think it'd make a great SSBB stage. Just imaging having mid air sword fights with link and Marth with that in the background while dramitic orchestal Zelda music blares out.


Also:I know its not very original but how about a stage set in the original donkey kong arcade level with a 2D Donkey kong at the top throwing barrels, hammers set around the stage and that little Oil barrel spuring fire.


And a stage set in the final boss stage ( gang plank galleon ) from Donkey kong country


Predictions for this time tomorrow: I think they'll probably be a Luigis mansion stage with the different ghosts from that game flying about and Luigi will have the vacum cleaner ghost thing from that game too.


I'd also like Wart from Mario bros 2 as a character and King K rule (with each Alternative costume being the different look he had in each DKC game)

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i whas googling yesterday on smashbros and i found this , got it from ign boards






image from ign boards , and if you look close to the left beneath characters you see some initials ;) so i think the initials stand for this : oli=olimar from pikmin - Kry= Krystal from starfox - Kal= Kalas from batan kaitos - only iss :S i dont have a clue first i thought it could be issaac maybe?




this is wat he said


I decided to try typing in various html's in order to get to the actual website that was behind the countdown, and this one that I've stumbled upon got me somewhere:

http://www.smashbros.com/engmain/index2.htm , and it has shown me success.

That would be nice, wouldn't it?

Although upon further exploration, I was sent back to the main countdown page of the website. But the obviously unfinished front page got me to learn something about the game.


In thought that the website might not work again if the URL was typed in, I went ahead and print screened it. It's in my photobucket now. Upon a second try; it didn't work.

I'd love to see the reaction. New users especially.

Apparently, some Japanese proffesionals have been testing out the game. They've been a help in progressing in the game, which holds promise.

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I'm not dissing Smash N64 of Melee, they're stunning games. HOwever with the Remote, i can see Brawl working just as well.
So far, it seems the Wiimote is not really that suited for games that need a great variety of gestures really quickly, not because the Wiimote can't register them but because it's too difficult to do for the player. The DBZ game shows that - for the quick attacks you need to use the buttons, and gestures are used for special attacks. I don't think that the Wiimote will be the main controller for Brawl (the Cube and VC pads will be used for that) - my guess is they'll use the Nunchuck setup and just use the buttons so people don't have to buy a special controller. Maybe they'll use gestures for easy smash attacks like the C-stick in Melee, but I think anything beyond that would get in the way of gameplay.


It's a shame really, but Nintendo's self invented genre is quite unlikely to work with the Wiimote at the moment. The game should be brilliant enough in its own right, however.


Also, I really don't think Sakurai needs to have a countdown to show us he's remade the website with Paint and Arial :heh:

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Some peeps on gamefaqs say the site updates at 4pm for us, others say 4am. Anyone know which one it is?


4pm is midnight in Japan. Noone knows for sure when it will be updated, but the timer has been ticking down at 4pm every day. (but then, thats probably because they're just using the date, and not time, in the script)

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It should tick down to "0" (or error: image "smashbros.com/timer/0.jpg" not found) at 4pm tomorrow.




I'm pretty sure that when the countdown reaches zero, the redesigned site will look something like this:




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Super Smash Bros

Just watched that and was surprised to see Fox lifted out the box at the start as that wasn't how I remebered it; so I looked around on Youtube and found one I did recognise with Yoshi at the start,




Was it a random character each time (I remember Yoshi, was there ever Mario?),

or was it Yoshi in Europe and Fox in the US?

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Guest Stefkov

Loving the use of the Papyrus font on the left for the options in that website...very original..


Anyway all aboard the hype train!

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Guest Jordan

Man, watching that trailer makes you realise we haven't seen a Smash Bros game in around 6 years!


Has it really been that long? O_o

As for the whole 4pm thing, should be cool. Although the offical site is sure gunna crash.

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Guest Jordan
Im hoping that it turns out to be 4am instead, at least then I wont be at work and I be here when it all kicks off.


Well my Vista clock says its 20:43 in Japan at the moment, so 4pm would make it midnight. Work ftl HoT :D

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Well my Vista clock says its 20:43 in Japan at the moment, so 4pm would make it midnight. Work ftl HoT :D


Yeah it sucks, suppose it could be worse though. I could have the Gary Glitz, Barry Whites, Brad Pitts like you lol.


EDIT: Well off to work I go, I may pop in around half 7 when im on my break to see what was said, if not then I will be back at 10.

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