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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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I'm sure I've seen quite a few people wanting Little Mac as a playable character. According to 1Up, he's an Assist Trophy.


:cry: Little Macs an assist! & many people (editorial gamers) are complaining about the controls! :shakehead The Gamecube controller options still in isn't it and customisation ability? If so then no worries with controls...


Also I don't like the sound of Meta Knight being so unbalanced compared to other characters in terms of excessive power...

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I agree about Meta Knight being possibly a bit overpowered. Maybe they'll have to tone him down for the final release.


And don't worry - the GameCube controller option's still in! This morning's update proves that. Personally, I'm more interested in finding out how the Nunchuck controls work..

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Taking Snapshots


While playing the game, you might encounter an interesting situation. At times like this, you must PAUSE!



Stop the action and look at the scene from all different directions.


If that pause in the action makes for an interesting shot that you wish you could keep, then by all means, do so. Take a SNAAAAAAAPSHOT!



If you’re on the pause screen, you can snap a photo anytime!



Like this.



Take funny snapshots...



As often as you like!


You can take snapshots like the images we’ve shown here on Smash Bros. Dojo.


We had a snapshot mode in the past, but you couldn’t take a snapshot anytime in the middle of a match. And they were saved to a GameCube Memory Card—it wasn’t like you could save several dozens of photos.


However! This time there are SD cards! With those, you’ll have room to save plenty of snapshots!



Just give it a name and save it to either location.


But wait! There’s more!





This feature allows you to send your snapshots to people you’ve registered as Friends for Nintendo WFC play. So you can give them funny little screenshots as presents. You can view them in the Album.


Don’t you think you’d be happy to suddenly get a funny photo from a friend? Perhaps online brawling isn’t the only way to compete.


Uh, as for that thing that’s blurred out, that’s still a secret. We’re still in development, so I apologise in advance if it gets dropped, but we are thinking of one more trick for this mode.


And a US update:


New Launch and E for All


Today I have some good news and some bad news. Let's get the bad part out of the way first, shall we?


As many of you may have already heard, we have had to delay the launch of Super Smash Bros. Brawl by just a little bit—it will now be launching on February 10th in the Americas. I know that many of you will be disappointed by this news, but please understand that the extra development time will enable us to make the game the best it can be. It is my earnest hope that you will all be enjoying this game for many years, and we are all working very hard toward that goal.


Phew. Now for some good news to tide you over.


The forthcoming E for All event will be held at the Los Angeles Convention Center beginning October 18.


And it appears that this event will display the first ever public playable version of Super Smash Bros. Brawl! I am planning on having people play the game—but with limited character selection.


The problem is Sonic. What to do... I suppose if we’re going to all this trouble, perhaps we should make him playable.


Oh, yes. And for those of you who come to play, please remember—you tap the Control Stick to do Smash attacks.


Have fun!

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And EU update.


We don't like you, your not getting the game, hence know date on your site. We just want to make you jealous by posting things to make you want the game.


Brawl doesn't belong in the mythical lands.




P.S Be sure to watch the site for the week daily updates!


Oh my...

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Just found this a moment ago but it looks like there won't be much of a gap between release dates


While you’re there, read up on the new stages, sounds and items you’ll find in the greatest fight of all, coming in early 2008.


Well now i'm more positive about the release date.

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Cool update, but not unexpected that this would be possible. I guess the blurred out thing could be sending it to a thing like Everybody votes, where you can watch everyone's picture? Could be too farfetched though.


I think Europe's release will be much closer to the US one, with the delay and all.

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I think it will be aswell. Looked at the dates of the first two Smash Brothers and compared to the US and EU dates, there was a 5 month difference.


It would of been near that assuming the game wasn't delayed. But it's good to see some sort of confirmation that we'll see it in the same timeframe.


Would be so funny in a twist of fate that we did get it first as mentioned before.

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Cool update, but not unexpected that this would be possible. I guess the blurred out thing could be sending it to a thing like Everybody votes, where you can watch everyone's picture? Could be too farfetched though.


I also think of a picture contest mode. If they are not sure of it, it will probably be something like that.

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Yeah; Olimar's THE character I want to see as playable; he deserves it.

^B - Throw Yellow but stay attached so can make it up onto stage.

VB - Pick a random (?) Pikmin (Kinda like Peaches one)

FS - 100 Pikmin beating the crap out of averyone!!


I think Olimar has a very good chance of making it in.

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So little Mac ain't playable? Man... First Jill, now Little Mac...

Who's next? Skapon? Takamaru? Muddy!?

I hope they save the next deconfirmations for next week.


Today's update is very cool! So many times I paused epic shots and I couldn't save them...

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I'm getting multiple orgasms with all these news and videos! It's so awsome! ... And so much more depressing when I realize we'll be waiting even longer for this game. :cry:


BUT! I'm happy they're doing so much work on this game. They could easily release it right now and people would still buy it en masse. But instead they choose to try and make this game as perfect as they can.


The photo mode is a great idea. Whenver you by coincidence caught a funny still image, you couldn't take a picture of it in Melee. But in Brawl you can!


Oh, and don't worry, Gizmo, it's just Mario's green costume with orange overalls. I'm positive Luigi will be in.

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I may be late with but i gotta say with regards to sonic




mcj metroid


Blender( Bets a copy of turok for gamecube)


forever floating on a horse






Goron 3

THE ganondorf










or else you will die





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