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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Why isn't there simple Friend code importing yet?!?...so if the friend's already on your Wii you can add them to a game with ease.


Because you can have more than one friend code list per game. If strikers is anything to go by, you can have more than one Mii registered to play online. And each Mii has it's own friend code, and set of friends.


Now why each Mii's friend code doesn't transfer from game to game is another matter. I don't mind the FC's that much to be honest, but I'd much prefer it if I only had to add the same people to my list once. And not once per game.


I only own Mario Strikers, and I havn't seen anyone write up anything on other online games saying that this doesnt happen, but I havn't seen a write up saying that it does either.


I think the only games out in europe that use FC's are Strikers and Endless Ocean. Does EO use friend codes per Mii or is it per console? If it uses a Mii code is it the same as your Strikers code?

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Because you can have more than one friend code list per game. If strikers is anything to go by, you can have more than one Mii registered to play online. And each Mii has it's own friend code, and set of friends.


Now why each Mii's friend code doesn't transfer from game to game is another matter. I don't mind the FC's that much to be honest, but I'd much prefer it if I only had to add the same people to my list once. And not once per game.


I only own Mario Strikers, and I havn't seen anyone write up anything on other online games saying that this doesnt happen, but I havn't seen a write up saying that it does either.


I think the only games out in europe that use FC's are Strikers and Endless Ocean. Does EO use friend codes per Mii or is it per console? If it uses a Mii code is it the same as your Strikers code?


It doesn't use the Wii code or Mii code, but an unique code for the game.

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What was this about some megaton? I missed something.


Today or tomorrow (whichever) was the original Japanese release date and people think that is a logical enough reason for the site to be updated with something epic.

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Because you can have more than one friend code list per game. If strikers is anything to go by, you can have more than one Mii registered to play online. And each Mii has it's own friend code, and set of friends.

Read it again:

Why isn't there simple Friend code importing yet?!?...so if the friend's already on your Wii you can add them to a game with ease.
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Today or tomorrow (whichever) was the original Japanese release date and people think that is a logical enough reason for the site to be updated with something epic.


Looks like I'm late to the massive disappointment. Too bad.:smile:


... since when did Rokhed get to play this game?



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Returning Pokémon


If you haven’t played the last game or the one before that, you may be left wondering something like, "Why isn’t this Pokémon or that Pokémon in the game?" All I’ve been introducing are the ones new to this game.


So now I’d like to introduce several of the Pokémon that appeared in past instalments that will be appearing again in Brawl.










































The likelihood of mysterious Pokémon appearing is quite low. Mew and Celebi are especially rare, but they may leave you some kind of present.




Mew dropped a CD. Accept it with gratitude!



Good that you can get something from the rarer Pokemons.


Happy Birthday Deathborn. :yay:

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Read it again:


I see where your going with that, sorry when someone says "import" to me a think of one operation that transfers a list of data from one place to the other. Which wouldn't really be viable if more than one person used the Wii in question.


But still what you are saying wont work, that well. Say you have a friend on your Wii list that has two smash bros online Mii's. You choose to add him to smash bros from your wii list, you then have to be shown both accounts of his from smash brothers so you can choose which one you want to add.


This could potentially be a hole in the pretty water-tight protection that the FC's have been implimented for.

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I see what you mean.


Anyway; the point is that it would've been easier if Nintendo had thought about decent online instead of creating a confusing web of linked accounts.


Lol yeah. I think the idea of a Mii having a FC, And having one list of friends which carries over to all WFC games would of worked best allowing the best of both worlds.

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Lol yeah. I think the idea of a Mii having a FC, And having one list of friends which carries over to all WFC games would of worked best allowing the best of both worlds.

With an "allow into Village" option for "Friends" on Animal Crossing. The only game which even 1/2 makes sence for separate friend codes on the DS.

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He did appear but was stupidly rare.


I only ever saw Mew once and never Celebi in like 120 hours of gameplay.


It take me few matches only with pokeballs on very high to see him and gain his trophy. You first need to unlock every characters, stage, modes,... (not trophies) to be able to see him.

Since I'm a collectible addict in videogames, I couldn't miss that. I just miss two melee trophies: Olimar (need a pikmin save) and Crazy Hand (need to finish Adventure mode on hard or very hard without losing a continue).


And thank for wishing me happy birthday. :bouncy:

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