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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Animal crossing character would not make sense? I mean the rule should be that the character should at least have sort of attack moves from other games(bar maybe game and watch)


What would animal crossing character do though? Attack with bug net? A trophy assist sounds more realistic I think.. but i think every series should have a bad guy as well. if falcon is in it maybe dark shawdow should be for instance:)

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Animal crossing character would not make sense? I mean the rule should be that the character should at least have sort of attack moves from other games(bar maybe game and watch)


I don't know how it'll be done, I just have a feeling that an Animal Crossing-related character will be playable.

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Animal crossing character would not make sense? I mean the rule should be that the character should at least have sort of attack moves from other games(bar maybe game and watch)


What would animal crossing character do though? Attack with bug net? A trophy assist sounds more realistic I think.. but i think every series should have a bad guy as well. if falcon is in it maybe dark shawdow should be for instance:)


Well if you look at the Smashville Animal Crossing level they use a leaf symbol to identify it. Most levels on Melee assign these symbols to characters and level(s) are made from that character's game. May not be entirely true but I think there will be an AC character.

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I really like today's update. I have always liked the music of the Nintendo universe, I loved the collection and the Sound Test in Melee, and I really love the vast amount of fully-orchestraed Nintendo classics in Brawl. The fact that I can hunt and collect the music like I hunted trophies in Melee, listen to it whenever I want, and even decide the likelihood of different songs appearing on stage just makes it even better. Great work, Nintendo!

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Animal crossing character would not make sense? I mean the rule should be that the character should at least have sort of attack moves from other games(bar maybe game and watch)


What would animal crossing character do though? Attack with bug net? A trophy assist sounds more realistic I think..


He can attack with axe, bugnet and shovel, grapple with fishing rod, float with ballons, throw leafs changing into furniture, protect with an umbrella,... there's so much possibilities.


Someone also said he want the box from Metal Gear as an item but it's safe to assume it will be Snake down+B, acting as a protect move.


Anyway, Gamestop also use this boxart (with a little more than the others):


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I'm going to say 30 or 32. No more than that. Lots of characters people are saying would be amazing would probably be better served as cool super-powerful bosses (ridley, king k-rool) or as assist trophies having one cool move rather than loads of sub-par ones (tingle, mr rosseti). I'd be surprised (and very happy) if sonic made it, but I don't think he will. I hope captain Olimar will, just for his uniqueness.

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I would be happy with 30 individual characters and another 20-30 clones of those characters (Luigi=mario, young link=older link etc etc.).


Its still nice to have a massive choice, even if in essence they are the same characters, I would rather Mario fight Luigi than Mario fight Mario in a different coloured uniform!

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He can attack with axe, bugnet and shovel, grapple with fishing rod, float with ballons, throw leafs changing into furniture, protect with an umbrella,... there's so much possibilities.


Someone also said he want the box from Metal Gear as an item but it's safe to assume it will be Snake down+B, acting as a protect move.


Anyway, Gamestop also use this boxart (with a little more than the others):



dude! didja notice the little wi-fi symbol? I personally think they're thinking ahead like most other sites, but what the hell i just noticed it there

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So theres 26, lets say Dr Mario, Pichu, Roy, and Young Link are left out. Thats 22, hopefully which will all make it.


Then theres Snake, Diddy Kong, Metaknight, Pit, Wario, Red and Ike (also, lets assume that ZSS and Samus are one character, like Zelda and Sheik).


Thats 29 characters already "confirmed". Theres 2 more 3rd party to come, which is 31.


I would say that 40 is a reasonable guess. 9 more Ninty characters would seem about right to me, if some much requested characters get in.


If you're going to include ZSS and Samus as one character, then you should do the same for Zelda and Sheik. Also, didn't he say 2 or 3 3rd party characters?


I would be happy with 30 individual characters and another 20-30 clones of those characters (Luigi=mario, young link=older link etc etc.).


Its still nice to have a massive choice, even if in essence they are the same characters, I would rather Mario fight Luigi than Mario fight Mario in a different coloured uniform!


One thing I don't get is, the 'clones' essentially only shared the animations. They had completely different fighting styles. Learning how to play Mario awesomely didn't mean you could do the same for Dr. Mario.


dude! didja notice the little wi-fi symbol? I personally think they're thinking ahead like most other sites, but what the hell i just noticed it there


:wtf: I don't see it. Also, is it me or is Zelda not on the cover?


He can attack with axe, bugnet and shovel, grapple with fishing rod, float with ballons, throw leafs changing into furniture, protect with an umbrella,... there's so much possibilities.



Yeah, I'm pretty sure any character can be given a move set. I mean, C. Falcon didn't do any fighting in his games.

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Even though the box art is very cool and nicely done, I don't think it's official. I can't put my finger on exactly what, but it just doesn't look official to me. Very nicely done, but not official.


I'm afraid to get my hopes up too much about the number of character we will see. I dare not hope for more than 30, otherwise I might get disappointed.


About the clones, I think it depends very much on how it's done. Compare the Mario/Dr. Mario clone and the C. Falcon/Ganondorf clone: Ganondorf had very different physics (speed, power, weight etc.) than C. Falcon, whereas Mario and Dr. Mario had only minor differences. Fox/Falco is also a very good example of clone characters that play very differently, compared to Link and Young Link who could practically be played the exact same way.


If they make the clones play differently enough, it's fine by me. If the clones are pretty much the same, I'd rather see the inclusion of characters with original move sets.

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well i suppose if there is a level there will be a character...but who? i hope tom nook.


Every series which has a playable character will have an icon corresponding with. This way you can tell Captain Falcon and Ness will still be in because we already have an Earthbound and F-Zero icon. And when the Animal Crossing icon was added, there must be an unannounced Animal Crossing character. I'm guessing it could be K.K. Slider who can be unlocked by collecting all CD's, which would be appropiate for him.


All currently known icons:



world_b_02.gifDonkey Kong

world_b_03.gifStar Fox









world_b_12.gifFire Emblem


13 and 14 are still unknown


world_b_15.gifAnimal Crossing



17 is unknown. But I'm guessing this could be Snake's.


world_b_18.gifKid Icarus


So we now know that there's 18 franchises. But there could be a 19th yet to be added.

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure any character can be given a move set. I mean, C. Falcon didn't do any fighting in his games.


He hid a lot in the Anime. Including the Falcon Punch.


13 and 14 are still unknown






Animal Crossing


Kid Icarus

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I remember hearing a while back that melee was going to have some item that duplicated your character...but it was removed since this could mean (technically) there'd be 16 fighters on the screen at once (ice climbers). Not sure how true that was though!


They had a Ditto come out of a Pokeball, who copied your character and fought with you. But as you said the GameCube couldn't handle 16 Ice Climbers at once, so it was removed.


Ditto was still in the game though, when you went to do a tournament. :p

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