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Super Mario Galaxy


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Same at the metro mikey. Bit of a mad rush and the magician was pretty good. Loads of kids and loads of free pizza. Goody bag was pretty sweet too. Nice galaxy torch. This game is indeed pretty good. Needs more time. only at 6 stars now. Waiting for it to blow me away :o..WAIT ...It just did. Again.


Now wii feels like it's really started.

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Excellent so far. After the initial learning of how everything works, and an initial concern about running around upside down I'm loving it. Played for just over an hour so far. Really excellent. Better than Sunshine, which I loved as well.


Also the graphics are stunning, and I'm absolutely loving the music. Seriously, it's amazing. Such a high quality game. I'm really tired and I've had to force myself to stop playing and go to bed. Damn work. :shakehead


Also, Sweet Sweet Galaxy = Awesome.

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It sucks to see the new sleeve when you start up Galaxy, it's just fugly.


Played for just over 3 hours and got 14 stars. Now this is the type of game that makes you appreciate the Wii.


God I love the music. Had a familiar Mario Bros 3 song there. So nostalgic, takes me back.

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I've played 2 hours and got 6 stars. I haven't died yet either.


I sure do like exploring but still.:woops:

Yeah I was quite surprised by how many stars I'd managed to get already! Not rushing it at all either, but I've been replaying earlier areas and collecting extra stars that way.


Won't play anymore till tomorrow now though!
Same here, but it's so damn difficult to stop! :shakehead
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OMG it's soooooooo good!!!! Just got my 2nd star but thought I'd stop to have a break lol. I can't express exactly HOW MUCH FUN this game is, but it's totally amazing!!!! You have to play it yourself. Videos etc. don't show how good it is. Walking upside down is very VERY weird at first but you get used to it. Gonna go play some more.... :D



Edited by the_mars_volta
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I went to the special 24 hour early launch at GAME at Oxford Street, got to meet Charles Martinet I decided to ask him a rather random question, however seeing as I have such a low post count I can't post the link, if you search for my username on youtube, you should be able to find it.

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I can tell you this. Astounding. My mouth as been open in awe for a good hour or so just admiring everything. And the orchestrad music just made me feel all fuzzy inside. I can't believe I have this. 4 stars in and it's simply beautifull.




I knew I would feel this way when I sold my Wii a month ago for a cool profit. I'm now thinking of sacrificing a few Christmas pressies for others to get the Wii back. Yes, I will do that. O_O

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It sucks to see the new sleeve when you start up Galaxy, it's just fugly.


What are you talking about?




Yeah I was quite surprised by how many stars I'd managed to get already! Not rushing it at all either


I remember the first time I played Super Mario 64. It was at a toy store that no longer exists here in my town, me and a couple friends went there on launch day and we knew the lady so we mounted the N64 ourselves and played in turns for like 3 or 4 hours. We managed to get to the first Bowser level, which you'll remember requires at least 8 Stars. I remember one particular star to be quite difficult for us to get at the time. It was the first star in Jolly Roger Bay, the one in the sunken ship. We found it so hard to do that platforming bit after you drain the water... Now remember, this was the baby years of 3D gaming, so we were not used at all at playing in a 3D environment. Nowadays, whenever I play Mario 64 and I get to that star, I laugh and I remember how hard it was to climb those platforms 10 years ago and how easy I do it now! It's amazing having those memories.


And it's in part because of memories like that that Zelda Ocarina of Time is considered better than Twilight Princess. 3D gaming is now standard. Hell, photo-realistic graphics are now standard. Not so in 1997. :)



EDIT: I went a bit on a tangent there.... My point was we got about 8 or 10 stars in 3 or 4 hours of play. :heh:

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What are you talking about?



He means the new idiot guide you get when you boot up Super Mario Galaxy, before the title screen it tells you to put on the wrist strap, hold the Wii remote tightly and don't let go and now it also tells you to use the Wii remote jacket.


Firmware update which allows you to turn off such warnings would be nice to say the least.

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I've been playing this game since around 5:30pm on and off.


My god, this game... is amazing. I can't stop playing it. Its easily the best game on the entire system, its easily the best platformer i've ever played (taking the throne from PoP: Sands of Time), I haven't even touched Assassin's Creed.


4 or 5 hours played, got 32 stars. I can see it taking me... 30 hours to finish it completely. There has been some extremely challenging galaxies so far and i'm getting all the three main stars in each galaxy then whatever other ones i come across.


I love this game, i truely do.

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