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Super Mario Galaxy


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If they released at launch you would all whine because it isn't as good as it could been, this way once it's released we'll all be happy.

Damm right. I mean who after seeing it now wishes Twilight Princess hadn't been delayed? It seems it has been improved dramatically.

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Awesome as this game looks, I don't really think it benefits the game hugely (at least from what we've seen) those statements that said Wii was built arround Mario were BS.

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I knew that the next-gen Mario would rock but I think this whole galaxy theme is flippin genious. The game looks REALLY fun to play. Although, on game sites it says that the "Super Mario Galaxy" is a tentative title even though the logo of the game already is confirmed.. I hope they go by that name, its perfect.


Wii is looking more and more interesting with all these great games showing up.

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I'd MURDER for the HD Insider footage!


I have a subscription with Gamespot, and they have HD downloads on there.


But it's pretty much impossible to download it because the files are between 130 - 200 Mega Bytes, plus the fact that everyone else is trying to download it makes matters even worse.

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As i've already mentioned, i'm liking what i've seen of this game so far, definitely one of the standouts of Nintendos offerings and if developed correctly, it will be a "magical" gaming experience. Although I hope Nintendo chuck in some "massive" planets/landscaes outer space, and not just tiny little planets, i'd be somewhat disappointed if this were the case. Mario on the moon or mars is a must. Imagine the possibilities, multiple craters with space creatures coming out to attack Mario and a multitude of UFOS land on the planet in a line and Mario has to use gravity jumps to avoid a multitude of lasers firing at Mario in all directions, good timing would be essential. I also like how Mario is able to walk around planets upside down, all sides, can make great puzzles and gameplay elements out of this. Also what do you think the collection of notes is for, reminds me of Banjo Kazooie with the collection of music notes.

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*Wishes they'd kept 'Shine Get' for Mario Sunshine*

Who says they haven't? They Jap version of Mario Sunshine probably has Shine Get! (becouse it's rather widely used in Japan for such things). The US/Europe version of Sunshine never had Shine Get.

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